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TM New M4, or ICS M4


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old December 27th, 2005, 16:10   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Kunada
TM New M4, or ICS M4

Well hey there. I'm a collector, and I don't plan to skirmish with an AEG, but merely bring it to my basement (Target shooting), or the acridge (Out of site and all) and shoot it lots. So what I'm asking is, should I get the New Tokyo Marui M4 or the ICS M4? (Remember, I'll be shooting it lots on my buddy's acrdige alot. But I'm mainly a collector, so I like my guns to be 'pretty')
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Old December 27th, 2005, 17:00   #2
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If you are a collector, the TM M4 is for you because it have the Colt's trademark, it isn't too expensive but the ICS M4 is full metal.

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

Armalites and unicorns are a good blend... fcuk I want to be age verified!
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Old December 27th, 2005, 17:19   #3
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Location: Kunada has the ICS M4 and the Tokyo Marui M4 for the same price. I'm leaning towards the ICS for the full metal body, but the Trades are almost a must.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 17:35   #4
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Originally Posted by Assassassain has the ICS M4 and the Tokyo Marui M4 for the same price. I'm leaning towards the ICS for the full metal body, but the Trades are almost a must.
Like he said if you want trades you'll want the TM.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 17:47   #5
archer 6
i heard the new batch of ics will all have trades now....
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Old December 27th, 2005, 18:09   #6
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Originally Posted by Assassassain
Well hey there. I'm a collector, and I don't plan to skirmish with an AEG, but merely bring it to my basement (Target shooting), or the acridge (Out of site and all) and shoot it lots. So what I'm asking is, should I get the New Tokyo Marui M4 or the ICS M4? (Remember, I'll be shooting it lots on my buddy's acrdige alot. But I'm mainly a collector, so I like my guns to be 'pretty')
Please dont ever shoot an airsoft elsewhere than a known game area?

Look at it this way; if you cant shoot a real full auto (illegal) machine gun there, dont shoot an airsoft there. The cops will not see the difference.

I believe you were told those facts before.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 18:16   #7
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Greylocks, I know what I'm doing. I know not to play in public, I know not to let other people see it. I'm not an idiot, if I do target practise in my basement, who is going to see me? Please enlighten me. I don't believe anyone will. At an Acridge, 45 minutes out of town, who's going to drive into the field? Because where this acridge is, (Just telling you how far away from publicity it is) is after you follow the main highway for 45 minutes, you turn left, then drive down a road for about 20 seconds, turn right, there's the front yard, then you enter the house and go to the back where the 250 acres is. Go out somewhere down there and I'm sure some cops are going to come and see my gun? It's not like the other people at the acridges down there know me. Help would be alot more helpful.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 18:18   #8
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"Gorge, whats that out in the distance?"
"Well Frank it looks like a 'real full auto(illegal) machine gun' What do you think?"
"Darrrr, ya thats what I thought... But sounds like a toy..?"
"Yarr, well I can't tell the difference because I only train all day everyday with a pistol"
"Lets go pop a cap in his ass"
So Greylock, moral of the story is they can't tell the difference? Yes I agree with you on he shouldn't shoot it anywhere but a known feild but cops can tell the difference if hes shooting it.
Edit* That wasn't a stab at you Assassassian, I'm sure you know what youre doing even though I don't agree with it. I was more or less telling Greylocks to shut up
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Old December 27th, 2005, 18:21   #9
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Okay, the people know me down there but thats okay. Anyone got an opinion on which gun to get?
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Old December 27th, 2005, 19:03   #10
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I have an ICS M4 and it has trades on it.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 19:27   #11
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Well if the ICS has full metal body, and trades than I might as well just get that. But for shooting wise, would it be okay? I've heard some ICS guns need to be fixed right out of the box?
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Old December 27th, 2005, 19:38   #12
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Mine worked good out of the box. It's not working now cause I was screwing around with it but it works great new.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 19:46   #13
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ics has olympic arms trades, marui has colt trades.
experienced toronto gun doctor, hundreds of guns serviced
manchovie gun doc thread!

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Old December 27th, 2005, 19:54   #14
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Originally Posted by Assassassain
Well if the ICS has full metal body, and trades than I might as well just get that. But for shooting wise, would it be okay? I've heard some ICS guns need to be fixed right out of the box?
That depends on how you like it. It can be used stock just like any other gun, but upgrades can make it a LOT more reliable, accurate and powerful... depending on what you upgrade that is.

I have an ISC m4 that was slightly upgraded, and i can honestly say its the most reliable gun i have ever fired next to a stock TM - and its perfectly upgraded and tuned for outdoor play. The metal body on this M4 is pretty good too, and as mentioned above it does have the Olympic Arms trades on one side along with the logo, with a nice "6mm AEG trainer" on the other side in small print... but im not a big trades person myself, so its no big deal.

In the end its all about what you are going for, and how much you want to spend. If you are going for metal... You can get the ICS M4 and get metal out of the box, with a touch of upgrades you can have an excellent gun... Or you can get the TM M4, upgrade to metal body, get some upgrades and have another excellent gun. Choices... choices... I can say im happy with mine.

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Old December 27th, 2005, 20:39   #15
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Totally go with the ICS, you won't be disappointed.
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