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Old December 4th, 2005, 23:13   #16
Pvt_Cold's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Sask,SK
Originally Posted by pokey
Hey, Just thought I'd point out, I'm living in Saskatoon.
omfg. me toos!
Originally Posted by steve_187
Greece, Im gonna go run a marathon, play a game of road hockey, ride a wild horse, and then have sex with your mother. Once Im done, I'll give you a call and you can come by and lick my sweaty smelly nut sac...
Originally Posted by mujahadeen
Here's a better riddle

" I tried to look smart in the off topic forum
Then I tried to back it up with a lame book comment
Now I'm exposed for the fraud that I am"

Who am I?
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Old December 4th, 2005, 23:23   #17
Polo609's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Montreal/Saskatoon
[QUOTE=wiseowl]As per Aqua's post, for the MilSim's held you will need to attend a Newbie/Boot Camp day in order to be allowed to play in the MilSim.


That seems pretty cool to have a boot camp lol, what happens during that?
N Sask R Infantry Reservist

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Old December 5th, 2005, 00:20   #18
Arnisador's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
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nutshell version:

its a training day for players who've never been involved in a tacsim/milsim game.

slightly longer version:

a few other groups do this, not just us. It became a requirement for new players, if they wanted to participate in PDW events (PDW being my team out of Regina). There's a different mindset to skirmish play vs milsim. And too often, we get players with the wrong mindset, playing the game. At our bootcamp, we try to give people some exposure to tactical play, and what is expected of them on the field during such an event.

Its not to say that milsim is better than skirmish, or vice versa. Its that when me or any other game planner, spends a few months trying to plan an event with specific gameplay in mind, it really pisses us off when some person figures they can just waltz in and "rambo" their way through the day. It also screws the experience for the other players who want to play milsim that particular day.
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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