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Old November 11th, 2005, 11:11   #16
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In Black Hawk Down the medic is packing a M4 and do his part of killing and take part in the operation.

But he have to take ** Care ** of thoses that get shot : put them in the trunk.... or Clamp a leg that is bleeding to the guy's death !
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Old November 11th, 2005, 11:44   #17
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I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but here it is.....

Any of you guys watch "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"? There was an episode a few weeks ago where they were renovating a house for a USMC Combat Medic that had just returned from Iraq.

To make it more interesting for people like me, they brought the cameras to the USMC Combat Medic School. They were only there for about 10-15 mins of the show but it was pretty good.

If you get a chance to see this episode it would give you a good understanding of the weapons used, etc...

It doesn't differ much from U.S. to Canada (except the weapons). The main thing is that they are trained as soldiers first and medics second....such as was already stated in previous posts.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 15:27   #18
The marines do NOT have medical personal.

The medics who are with the USMC are Navy Corpsman.

Anyways, medics do carry weapons, for their own self defense and to protect the wounded.

Phil_Black, the Ranger medic in BHD had a M733, not a M4.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 19:14   #19
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A few weeks ago about 80 reservists from London came down to Chatham for Exercise Maple Gale, an urban combat exersice. Well anyways I was fortunate to see a few of the patrols around town and in one of the patrols there was a medic and he had a regular C7A1 and a big bag filled with medical supplies.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 19:24   #20
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Originally Posted by -MikeL-
The marines do NOT have medical personal.

The medics who are with the USMC are Navy Corpsman.

Anyways, medics do carry weapons, for their own self defense and to protect the wounded.

Phil_Black, the Ranger medic in BHD had a M733, not a M4.
damn u beat me to it. yeah they did and so did some of the radio men.
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Old November 12th, 2005, 21:34   #21
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Something small and light, so:

M733s/933s, M4s, if your going for the US/canada look, or if your not emulating anyone in specific, MP5s, P90s AK Spetz?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old November 12th, 2005, 22:40   #22
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in real life meds are only given ether a c-7 or a browning for personal defence.
but most of the time it sits in the truck!
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Old November 12th, 2005, 23:50   #23
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Medics these days for the most part are really just riflemen with medical training and supplies, and as such simply are issued the same kit as other soldiers. (Or at least thats how I remember it)
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Old November 13th, 2005, 00:01   #24
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I wouldn't let a med join my section/gun det if my life depended on it, the americans do things different than we do. the only reason our meds carry rifles or Browning as I have stated before is to defend themselves.

no they aren't mixed in with a forward platoon on the advance but are behind the company commander half way down the line.
the yanks see it as "your a rifleman first medic second" we see it as "if your ass gets lit up who will look after the rest of us?"

also something about the Geneva (spelling)convention where you arent supposed to target medics....unless they are armed dropping there classification as a medic
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Old November 13th, 2005, 00:13   #25
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medics carry guns, I'm pretty sure that they do use an M4.
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Old November 17th, 2005, 12:25   #26
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Opinion only and from experience. Airsoft medics should be lightly equiped and carry an AEG that is small. Personaly i dont think my M4 is small and have found that the P90 i borrowed was excelent. In most of our games medics require 2 hand touching to "heal" so he isnt going to lay down gobs of fire while working anyhow. When it comes to any load out, if you ask 10 different people your likely to get 10 different answers. So get what ever you feel the most comfortable using.
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Old November 17th, 2005, 12:34   #27
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I used to play medic all the time...the only AEG I owned during that time was my mp5 pdw, which worked out nicely, because you could use the stock to shoulder/balance it while crouched, and while on the move, fold the stock down and tuck the whole sucker right under your arm and run like hell.
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Old November 17th, 2005, 12:39   #28
Originally Posted by Field_Gunner
I wouldn't let a med join my section/gun det if my life depended on it, the americans do things different than we do. the only reason our meds carry rifles or Browning as I have stated before is to defend themselves.

no they aren't mixed in with a forward platoon on the advance but are behind the company commander half way down the line.
the yanks see it as "your a rifleman first medic second" we see it as "if your ass gets lit up who will look after the rest of us?"

So your saying canadian medic's aren't real soldiers, an don't go out on patrols, etc. Tell that to the medics who humped all over the mountains in Afghanistan with 3VP during Op Apollo.
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Old November 17th, 2005, 15:11   #29
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back when I was in college, they where Army medic doing they medic trainning there. It's the paramedic (technique ambulancière) course they took. 3 years. They had the same uniform and ranks as soldiers. (cadpat).

So they are soldier with a medic trainning. They get issued the same weapons. Like the radioman. He don't carry a smaller gun because he carry a big radio.

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Old November 22nd, 2005, 09:58   #30
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Fox were you did your college? First the (techniques ambulancieres) course lasts 9 months in Quebec and you can only become medical technician after that.Those Medical technicians or ''medics'' are on the field with the soldiers but they usually stay in a secure position, near field ambulances. Yes In specials situations, they go on patrol, like in Op Apollo because, except for the base, there are no ''secure places'' in Afganistan, and if you want to do your medic job right, you have to stay with the guys that will need your help. Heres the medic role in the canadians forces:
A Medical Technician has the following primary duties:
-Provide initial care for ill / injured patients;
-In trauma cases, provide basic life support treatments;
-Prescribe some medications in accordance with their scope of practice
-Provide medical support during environmental operations
-Recover casualties from the point of injury and transport them to a medical facility by ambulance, or by air
-Participate in rescues from crashed vehicles, tanks, ships, aircraft and damaged buildings
-Give basic advice on disease prevention, hygiene and sanitation, perform specific environmental health and preventive medicine duties
-Collect specimens and perform basic laboratory procedures
-Operate and maintain medical and life-support equipment-Perform electrocardiograms (ECGs) and audiograms (hearing tests)

In airsoft, the medic is just a normal soldier who will take care of the ''wounded'' by putting a red tape on the wounded,so any AEG that you are confortable with will do the job, but I prefer compacts ones like the sig 552, the m4 family or the mp5 family, for a better agility. Now I use a G3 A4 (the one with the sliding stock) and its makes the job...
Dr M is on the scene!
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