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Concerning the utility of bipods


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Old November 7th, 2005, 00:50   #1
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Concerning the utility of bipods

For the usual disclaimer, I am not 18, and have no intention of truly immersing myself into Airsoft until I can make a claim to that age. All speculations held in this thread are just that, and are nothing more than market research, done well in advance.

Anyways, I've been lusting after a FA-MAS for the better part of a year now, but I've never really come to a concrete decision concerning which variant to pursue. Originally I was thinking the SV, simply because I can't imagine myself using the bipod very often, and after all, gloves on a cold day are rather pleasant. But more recently it occurred to me that free is free, and having the option might be nice, even if I used it but rarely. One of the things that originally attracted me to the FA-MAS was its versatilty - the bullpup configuration allows it to satisfy a great many roles. And while I wouldn't want to treat an assault rifle as an LMG, I could quantify it being useful in a defensive position. My question for you, then, is simply how often you would see a bipod as useful in a playing situation, as opposed to doing away with it for a slightly more streamlined rifle. Also, any peculiarties pertaining to bipods in particular: the loosening of bolts, wearing away at the surrounding frame, and so forth, would be much appreciated.

My thanks.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 01:04   #2
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Personally, I think that bipods only have a place in airsoft on Bolt-action rifles. That being said, they can help you steady a shoot with an AEG for sure. It comes down to personal playing style. If you like to camp, then a bipod can be a god-send while defending a position for extended periods of time.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 01:04   #3
The Saint
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I've got a CA36E and there has been enough moments in game in which I wished I had a bipod for me to do some research on it. I'm spending my skill points and gils towards a becoming a support gunner though, so for me a bipod would be something that fits both style and substance. If you don't think you're going to be lying down suppressing fire that often, you can probably make do without the bipod and go for the SV instead. On the other hand, do remember that you can always unscrew the trigger guard on the F1 during winter games.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 01:31   #4
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At just about every game I've gone to, I can think of a time where I thought a bipod would be nice. It's never been necessary, more or less the laziness in me doesn't want to hold the rifle up while prone, but it would be nice.

However, you also have to think about the weight that a bipod would add to the gun. I'd much prefer a lighter gun without a bipod, than a heavy gun with the bipod. That's the main thing stopping me, my M4 is (front) heavy enough as it is.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 06:32   #5
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I have used and fired a wide variety of real guns, and only one ever had or needed a bipod; that was a Bren Gun (the real thing). For the rest, there's not much of a need except maybe for the M60/M249, or to hold the gun up on a table for display.
For airsoft, I find them in the way more than anything else.
I had an SG1, wich comes with a bipod. That was removed after the first game and put aside.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 08:47   #6
I use a bi-pod on my SR16 for everything except night games.

Its all real products, no cheap airsoft remakes.
It doesnt add much weight, and is solid as hell.
From time to time, it can get in the way in the bush, but more often then not, anything on your gun/gear will.

And for ambush situations, it sure as hell beats resting the gun on a mag or holding it with your hand(gets tiring).

Comes in handy for base defence and such, keeps the gun more stable during heavy firing due to less movment when free-firing.

not that its used for accuracy on an AEG, but it can be helpful. For all the games I use it, im happy its there when i need it.

Edit: forgot to mention, it looks sexy.
for the famas, get one with the bipod, if you dont like it, remove it, no big deal.
Rember, our guns are not being used the majority of the time, so the rest of the time its not in use, it might as well look good.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 18:42   #7
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Yeah, I suppose the functional range of AEG's pretty well prohibits the bipod from having all that much effect, and it might hinder as much as help. Wouldn't want to have to move suddenly, only to find my deployed bipod hitting a tree and knocking my gun off-balance. Methinks a sling would satisfy any weight-alleviation I might need, so I'll stick with that. Thanks for the input.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 18:55   #8
AEG/rifles don't weigh much, if you can't carry one around for a short-medium period of time, work on your upper body strength.

A sling will not help make the AEG/rifle feel any lighter, unless you intend to let the sling carry the weapon an not your self. During a game when you are out patrolling, etc the AEG should be in your hands.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 19:24   #9
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I have a FAMAS SV, get the F1. The sling really stresses the plastic on the gun, and you will find yourself hitting the ground often, especially if you'll be woodballing, and if you're on defense (it happens to all of us) it will save a substantial amount of energy. The bipod aslo seemse to really work well with the FAMAS. Maybe just me.

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Old November 7th, 2005, 19:35   #10
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Originally Posted by -MikeL-
AEG/rifles don't weigh much, if you can't carry one around for a short-medium period of time, work on your upper body strength.

A sling will not help make the AEG/rifle feel any lighter, unless you intend to let the sling carry the weapon an not your self. During a game when you are out patrolling, etc the AEG should be in your hands.
While it wont make it lighter, you also have to remember that a good sling allows for a quick change to a secondary (ie pistol) without dropping your $700 plastic toy.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 21:26   #11
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AEG/rifles don't weigh much, if you can't carry one around for a short-medium period of time, work on your upper body strength.

A sling will not help make the AEG/rifle feel any lighter, unless you intend to let the sling carry the weapon an not your self. During a game when you are out patrolling, etc the AEG should be in your hands.
I was referring almost entirely to the laziness factor, and also at such times as waiting. If I needed a sling to make it through the day, I'm pretty sure I'd be better off spending the $500 on 'roids.

Danquayle, your words intrigue me. Although it looks pretty high up, would the bipod (folded up) ever get in the way of a solid grip? Looks almost like it would interfere with the fingers of the forward (left, in most cases) hand. Also, combined with the FA-MAS's high iron sights, how comfortable is it to use in a prone position?
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