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Wei tech hicapa with sas front kit


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Old November 2nd, 2005, 12:32   #1
Sekester's Avatar
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Wei tech hicapa with sas front kit

Hi all
i just got my wei-tech hicapa, overall very good but the exeption of the very wobbly barrel assembly. My idea is to install a silencer with the sas front kit from ninball for marui hicapa and a longer inner barrel.

The problem so far is the sas front kit (from what i read on different boards) needs the hole in the lower frame to install it. Would it be possible to drill the same holes in the lower frame of the wei-tech hicapa????

Or is there an other way to cure that wobble?
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Old November 2nd, 2005, 15:21   #2
GBB Whisperer
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not possible to attach the sas front kit at all unless you mill down the entire rail that's already moulded on to the receiver.

The SAS rail is meant to sit flush with the Marui hi-capa's frame.

Since the wei-tech already has a rail there, you're adding a rail on top of it, and as a result, the SAS front end will sit lower than it should - most likely blocking the barrel.

The SAS front will also do nothing for your barrel stability. It does not connect in any way. It may touch when the slide is closed, but once open, the outer barrel will slide back a bit, negating all contact.

Your only way around that is to upgrade your outer barrel and/or slide to an aftermarket one. The Shooter's Design and PGC parts I've used are built nicely - but by doing that, you're kicking yourself in the ass for getting a Wei-Tech.
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