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Airsoft, filmmaking, legislative hell and need of help from you nice guys!



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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:31   #1
The KoNE
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Exclamation Airsoft, filmmaking, legislative hell and need of help from you nice guys!

Hi you all,

First post so I'll rant a bit before I get down to business.

I've been prowling around and getting informed for quite some time about firearms. Although evil, I find firearms a fascinating piece of engineering and design. I like guns, but I don't like to see people hurt by guns (More than they consented to be that is. A little friendly bruise from an airsoft never killed someone correctly protected.)

That said, guns now meet the major driving force and motivation in my life : filmmaking.

Here begin a slow and painful descent towards legislative hell I believe. :banghead:

As our term project, we are shooting a 15 minutes short film. The film is about a war photographer that sees a woman that looks like someone he knew from the time back when he covered the 1987 intifada. It's a love story. As the movie goes on, we explore the main character's past and discover he always was a passive individual. At some point, there is a scene where one of his photographer collegues gets shot down because he is seen taking pictures by an israeli soldier after curfew.

We need an israeli soldier, with a rifle. We don't see the man getting shot.

Where the big problems come is that we need this to be ABSOLUTELY legal. We are shooting around 7 'o clock in the evening in an alley that's pretty close to downtown. We can get permits to shoot (film) over there, but authorisation to carry a "firearm replica"? That I don't know how to do that. :-?

I've e-mailed to the canadian firearms thing bureau a year ago (for another movie) and I've been answered with absolutely useless information two months ago. I need help understanding the legal implications here and how to get this settled quick. We start shooting on november fifth. :cry:

Aditionnally, I need a friendly soul that lives in the Montreal area and owns an appropriate complete suit with rifle to volounteer to play in our film. We offer free hot coffee and doughnuts to participants!

Please save me, my two friends (we were four at the beginning, but our production director(esse) cought a mononucleosis! :banghead: )

The King of No Eyes.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:38   #2
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Have you tried calling the CFC directly to get information? or tried the local Montreal police?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:40   #3
PTE. Pyle
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i would get the permit to film and simply call the local police station and inform them that you are shooting a film legaly ofcourse and that you have an extra with a replica firearm. i think most people will clue in that if there is a small film crew cameras and whatnot that they are in no danger. but make sure to inform the police you dont want your love story to become a swat came and shot my actor movie
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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:40   #4
made Man
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Why would he call CFC?
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:42   #5
PTE. Pyle
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yeah dont worry about the cfc just talk to the local police the cfc has nothing to do with filming enless you are using real weapons. you are using a replica for film use dont worry about them. my 2 cents. by the way thanks for being the first in a long while to have a rather profesionial first post
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Old October 21st, 2005, 02:47   #6
The KoNE
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Won't the person holding the gun need to have a firearm safety training liscence or something like that?

(I'm so stupid. I hadn't even thought about calling the police... I need to sleep, this movie is driving me crazy. We've had soooo many problems.)
The King of No Eyes
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Old October 21st, 2005, 03:03   #7
PTE. Pyle
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no because it is not a real fire arm
the only time you need a pal or fac would be it you were using a real firearm inwich case im sure there would be alot more hoops to go through.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 04:02   #8
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sorry for my poor english , but for cinematic issue there is a kind of license that permit them to have replica for special effet issue.. even if i dont know all about this, some of my friend are looking for this license so if y get any info soon, i'll tell you
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Old October 21st, 2005, 07:41   #9
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In Montreal, of all places, and at night; do call the police. Explain exactly what you are planning to do, when, where, for how long, and be crystal clear that an actor dressed like a soldier will be used. Also be very clear that a Non-Firearm replica gun will be used.

If they answer Yes, follow their instructions and fill paperwork. If they say NO, forget it entirely.

Even better, contact the PQAC guys as I know some of them do film work.

Finding someone with an Israeli setup may be the tough part.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 09:30   #10
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I had no idea firearms were evil.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 12:21   #11
Originally Posted by Greylocks
In Montreal, of all places, and at night; do call the police. Explain exactly what you are planning to do, when, where, for how long, and be crystal clear that an actor dressed like a soldier will be used. Also be very clear that a Non-Firearm replica gun will be used.

If they answer Yes, follow their instructions and fill paperwork. If they say NO, forget it entirely.

Even better, contact the PQAC guys as I know some of them do film work.

Finding someone with an Israeli setup may be the tough part.
Although EXPENSIVE, this is a very good place to have a Paid Duty police officer. Having the officer onsite will ensure that nobody gets the wrong idea, and the officer is there to handle the gawkers.

I believe this practice is mandatory when filming in Toronto - not sure about Montreal.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 12:41   #12
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A short movie??? for kino festivals i guess....if you need any other things for your movie other than the suit and the gun....send me a PM. If you do not have the police officier permission you can always shoot at the action commando, we have a game there november 2 and novembre 5 you wont have do deal with the police there and you will have a bunch (30 and over) of armed soldiers to choose from :cheers:.


Though should give a call to the owner of the action commando before thiking to film there.
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Old October 21st, 2005, 14:39   #13
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There's a special permit you need to get for it (dont ask which, I dunno offhand) which also puts police in on the loop. As with your filming permit, you'll only allowed to bring out the replicas/firearms between specific times. Expect the cops to swing by a few times, usually just to harass and hassle (they never wanna see any relevant paperwork, I think they're drawn to the bright set lights)
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Old October 21st, 2005, 16:19   #14
The KoNE
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Mad Morbius : We have 200$ budget and it's already triple blown. We can't afford any more expenses.

Sekester : Thanks for inviting me to the game but this has to be shot on set, with lightning and all. Although, I'd be interested to come one to a game one of those days and play war photographer! Oh, and we've never been able to see anything kino in Montreal. It's probably just us, we hear about it all the time. ^^;

I'll ask the police, it's my best option. Does anyone know of someone in the Montreal area that has a fitting outfit? Do you guys know what weapons were israelian soldiers used during the '87 intifada?
The King of No Eyes
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Old October 21st, 2005, 22:45   #15
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Galil, Uzi, a variety of M-16 types, and some truly exotic stuff.
The uniform may be the toughest part.

That's why I told you to check the Quebec Teams section and contact folks there. This is a Canada-wide board.
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