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Full auto gbb pistols


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Old June 28th, 2017, 12:57   #1
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Full auto gbb pistols

Was thinking of picking up a second pistol to supplement my sniper loadout. I already have a tm hk45 that I love and have it shooting at 290fps with .3g bbs, it definitely punches through the vegetation. I was thinking of running a full auto pistol for those last ditch holdout moments when I'm pinned down and honestly for shits and giggles too. Does anyone have any good recommendations or experience they'd like to share?

So far I've looked at the
Tm Xtreme 45 (can't find in stock atm, hi capa reliability with some proprietary parts?, lacks select fire)

Tm g18c (can get everything 10% off at torontoairsoft for Canada day sale if I buy now, front post crack scares me a bit and possible weak hammer spring on warm days? Has select fire)

Stark arms/vfc g series (don't know where to get one in canada atm, has "select fire", metal slide, is not completely tm compatible)

From what I've read so far full auto pistols can be a hassle but the cool factor is there, I guess what I'm asking is any of these really worth it? If it's got the full auto I'm going to use it, if I didn't what would be the point. Thanks for any help guys.
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Old June 28th, 2017, 13:39   #2
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If you want full auto in a small form factor, you might want to get a small SMG instead. Vz61 Scorpion, MP9, MP7, etc. They are a lot more reliable. Let me put some more emphasis, they are a *lot* more reliable. They are also more accurate when well tuned, and the stock allows you to be a lot more stable when shooting. Their mags hold more BBs too. Full auto pistol have an incredibly fast rate of fire. A pistol with 15-17 rounds won't last all that long... and even the 26-30 rounds when you don't play in real capacity games won't last all that long either. The 20-50 rounds capacity of SMGs makes a huge difference.

Also, chances are that you will use full auto once for giggles, and you'll switch to semi auto when you are playing. Shooting these small guns in full auto is really fun, but also rather ineffective.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old June 28th, 2017, 14:09   #3
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Get a TM MP7. I'm running one with my TM VSR as a backup/assault gun and I love it.

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Old June 28th, 2017, 15:40   #4
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WE G23, unless you're biased to TM only.

More compact than the 18 by an inch if that's a factor in your decision.
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Old June 28th, 2017, 21:17   #5
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I'll admit I am biased towards tm as all the tm pistols I've shot have performed great out of the box. I've heard good things about we glocks, though not about their full auto pistols.

I'll have a more in depth look at the mp7 and 9 when I get home today, the 9 intrigues me more as it seems more compact like a pistol which is what I'd like and it has 50 round mags compared to 40 in the mp7 I think. The skorpion is interesting too as it seems even smaller but the 20 round mags is a bit lacking I think
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Old June 28th, 2017, 21:35   #6
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I own a KWA MP7, and a KWA M93R. Over the two years I've owned the MP7 I've had absolutely no problems with them, and over the 4 or 5 years I've owned the M93R, I've replaced the outer barrel a single time due because it cracked (It's intentionally made to be plastic and as *the* part to be replaced so other more expensive parts don't break).

The M93R also has a hidden full auto feature (idk if they've changed that at this point). Both guns are able to fire the entire magazine (40 for the MP7, 20 and 35(?) for the M93R)

Also the M93R is all sorts of accurate out of the box.
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Old June 29th, 2017, 02:47   #7
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G18C Long Mags!

Either a TM or an HK3/WE

You put in the right hop up with 0.3g BBS and your shooting like an Arrow

However if your going for full auto there is really no need to be accurate when your spraying and praying lol

The best more accurate full auto pistol I ever owned and used shooting full auto was the KSC G18C

That thing had an amazing ROF and was extremely easy to manage
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Old June 29th, 2017, 10:15   #8
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The MP9 is a great little gun, used to own the KSC and it was really fun. But that thing really needs an optic, because the iron sights are too low. They are hard to use with your bare face, and pretty much impossible to use with a face mask. The MP7 has flip-up sights that work a lot better. If you want something small, you might not want to put an optic on it and make it even bigger.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old June 29th, 2017, 15:50   #9
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The Cybergun (VFC OEM) S&W M&P9 gas-blowback pistol has a selectable semi and fully-automatic mode.

I have not personally gamed with it set to fully auto, but my son has and he was effective with it.

You burn through a magazine in about three long-ish bursts, though, so not something you want for an extended firefight unless you have a lot of mags.

Definitely is a fun surprise to pull on people when they don't expect it, though.
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Old June 30th, 2017, 03:36   #10
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
The MP9 is a great little gun, used to own the KSC and it was really fun. But that thing really needs an optic, because the iron sights are too low. They are hard to use with your bare face, and pretty much impossible to use with a face mask. The MP7 has flip-up sights that work a lot better. If you want something small, you might not want to put an optic on it and make it even bigger.
Did you have any issues with your mp9? I've been researching and have come across what feels like to me quite a few people having similar issues like loading nozzle and disconnector breaks and feeding issues. Which really sucks as I really liked it's looks and size. I may look around for a tm np7, I'm all about being able to upgrade known failure points and with its aftermarket support it kinda seems the way to go.
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Old June 30th, 2017, 07:03   #11
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The only issue with the MP9 was the nozzle return spring breaking, the thing eats through them. But it doesn't need the springs anyway. In semi auto it will feed 100%, and in full auto it will dry fire maybe 1 in 10 shots without the springs. The thing fires so fast in full auto that you are not going to notice it, and you are not going to use it in full auto anyway, the BB waste is so tremendous as to make it useless. Not other problem to report, the thing was a lot of fun and with semi regular maintenance will last for a long while. Replacement parts are incredibly easy to get straight from KWA USA too. The feeding issues happen only with very low quality BBs, I fed it BB Bastards, Madbulls, G&Gs and AIMs and they all shot perfectly.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old July 1st, 2017, 09:11   #12
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My Kwa mp7 is the most reliable GBB pistol (MachinePistol) by far.
In the 5 years I've owned it, i've probably done a proper maintenance routine once. Aside from making sure the mag channels are clean, I know whenever I pull it out of the case, it'll just work.
Two "weak" points about it has to do with the design.
First, the plastic cover at the front of the gun. It can pop out or have the top inner clip break. This is because the bars for the retractable stock has just enough length to smash into it. If buying new, take off the cover, reshape it with a slight relief.
Second thing is the integrated folding foregrip (on the navy model). It cannot handle too much stress. Most people crack it at the pivot joint.
I have 7 mags, never touched the seals, 5+ years, realistically gamed 4 times a year at most, never a hiss. I liked it so much I bought a backup...but ended up selling it cause it was completely unnecessary.
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Old July 1st, 2017, 15:25   #13
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TM MP7 all the way. Ridiculously accurate, amazing ROF, no need to upgrade anything, it's perfect stock.
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Old July 4th, 2017, 15:59   #14
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Haven't gotten the chance to hold the mp7 or 9 yet, works been crazy, gotta make that money to feed the habit. My only issue I see with the mp7 is if it's to big to dangle from a sling while I run with my sniper. I'll have to for myself I guess
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Old July 4th, 2017, 20:43   #15
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I would go for the Extreme 45 because you can get extended magazines and the Highcapa parts are very solid compared to an 18C. If your going SMG route the KWA mp7 is smaller than the VFC one and are amazing once you install a CQB bolt to protect the rear pin from cracking. I myself am working on an Mp5k as my secondary to my sniper after i sold my mac11 due to reliability in a pinch. mp9 and 7 are good gas smg choices and i put them above the scorpion because of additional smaller features like rails, holster compatability etc.
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