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Sales and Trades Etiquette.



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Old September 21st, 2016, 17:29   #1
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Sales and Trades Etiquette.

ASC is a great place to buy/sell/trade airsoft guns and gear, but dealing online can be worrisome for newer members. People can get super busy, not just with airsoft crap, but with personal life as well. There are days when I don't have time to respond to all of my PM's even. That being said, when there is a transfer of money or goods it's good etiquette to at least acknowledge the other party and give a quick update before moving on. If someone has sent you money, then I recommend sending them a quick message, such as: "payment received. I should be able to ship it out by <blank date>. Thanks". For those of you who sent the money, check out their trader ratings and remember that people get busy, so don't freak out after a day or two. For those of you shipping, a person only have a small amount of time to start a paypal despute or protect themselves, so when doing a deal be prepared to ship within the week. Yes we get busy, but if you can't find a few minutes to ship a package that YOU POSTED AS; FOR SALE/TRADE, then why are you dealing?

- Be patient/polite
- Be fluid with communication
- Be ethical with your time
- Be reasonable

Thanks everyone.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old September 21st, 2016, 18:30   #2
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I would also add: send the buyer the tracking number. Easiest thing to do is just take a picture of the receipt which has the bar code and number right there.

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*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old September 21st, 2016, 19:04   #3
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Also, for the love of God... PLEASE leave feedback after the transaction is done. It works to the benefit of both sellers AND buyers.
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Old September 21st, 2016, 19:20   #4
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
Also, for the love of God... PLEASE leave feedback after the transaction is done. It works to the benefit of both sellers AND buyers.

I've ended up leaving many 1 sided feedbacks.

I don't care so much anymore, but I have been burned by every used aeg/gbb I have purchased (except 1 G&G max cqbs) being non functional, plastic body that was suppose to be metal, broken/cracked bodies & gb shells... instead of leaving neg feedback, it was either neutral or none. I'm done being mr nice guy

I'm only buying boneyard shit now for pennies on the dollar
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Old September 21st, 2016, 20:45   #5
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post

I've ended up leaving many 1 sided feedbacks.

I don't care so much anymore, but I have been burned by every used aeg/gbb I have purchased (except 1 G&G max cqbs) being non functional, plastic body that was suppose to be metal, broken/cracked bodies & gb shells... instead of leaving neg feedback, it was either neutral or none. I'm done being mr nice guy

I'm only buying boneyard shit now for pennies on the dollar
So basically buying the same crap as before, but this is identified as a bone yard.
On another note, should a potential buyer lose interest, it would be polite to at the very least send a quick message to the seller.

Most people are reasonable and understand that it's a buyer's market. Worst is sending payment details and hearing nothing because the buyer flaked.
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old September 21st, 2016, 23:19   #6
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money talks, I've always sold stuff on the basis of whoever gives me the money first will get the item. I've had guys sit on a decision for days and had to turn guys away who actually had money in hand and then they go off and buy from someone else. I will hold items a maximum of 1 day as a result. Either have the money ready or be prepared to lose the item.

conversely I've had people local to me promise to buy items and then never be concrete on a pickup day and eventually never return a message. All the more reason to ship it to the first guy that has money in hand.

Oddly enough this has only ever happened to me with airsofters. Everything else I sell used I always get buyers with cash in hand and they show up and leave with it that day.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 21st, 2016, 23:19   #7
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Yup... fully expecting to get junk, and sometimes I get surprised and it's easy fix

Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
So basically buying the same crap as before, but this is identified as a bone yard.
On another note, should a potential buyer lose interest, it would be polite to at the very least send a quick message to the seller.

Most people are reasonable and understand that it's a buyer's market. Worst is sending payment details and hearing nothing because the buyer flaked.
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Old September 22nd, 2016, 09:17   #8
EOD Steve
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
money talks

The Steve has spoken.
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Old September 22nd, 2016, 13:22   #9
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
money talks, I've always sold stuff on the basis of whoever gives me the money first will get the item. I've had guys sit on a decision for days and had to turn guys away who actually had money in hand and then they go off and buy from someone else. I will hold items a maximum of 1 day as a result. Either have the money ready or be prepared to lose the item.

conversely I've had people local to me promise to buy items and then never be concrete on a pickup day and eventually never return a message. All the more reason to ship it to the first guy that has money in hand.

Oddly enough this has only ever happened to me with airsofters. Everything else I sell used I always get buyers with cash in hand and they show up and leave with it that day.
My policy is to entertain buyers in the order that they contacted me.

That being said transparency is important. If two guys contact you, one after the other on the same day, the first guy responds that he's "interested", and the second guy says he's "interested and heading your way right now with cash" you should still give courtesy to the first guy, let him know another buyer after him has made a cash offer; and give the first guy a timeline by which you would like a response, one day is good. Also let the second guy know that he is indeed the second guy, and that you are waiting on the response of the first guy and will get back to him by the end of the day... Or whatever your timeline is.

Sometimes etiquette on the sellers end means being patient, even if you have to lose the sale.

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*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old September 22nd, 2016, 13:33   #10
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1) As stated before, <SIGNATURE> - spare the extra $1.50 and get it on both outgoing/inbound mail;
2) Videos, ask/make videos of the gun shooting/gear/etc. if you are buying / shipping.
3) Insurance.. questionable, never had an issue, even when I opted-in for it.
4) Local deal? Try it out at a local airsoft place, and inspect it
5) Communication - can't get your parcel out today? Then let the person know, follow up constantly with ETA/Updates.

Basically do what you would want for them to you.

Extra work goes a long way, always better with a paper trail!
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Old September 22nd, 2016, 14:15   #11
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I take the insurance option usually.

If I get two people interested at the same time (which has happene), it is first with an acceptable offer. I'll certainly let the other party know that it sold, or thank them for the interest. I've literally had this happen; (read first message) "I have some questions, want some pics, etc", (read second message) "I'll take it for asking price right now. Message me.". Sorry first guy, but sold is sold, albeit he's not going to know that's how it went down, but there's nothing unethical about accepting an offer versus interest. If you promise something and then go back on your word, well that's different. A good offer is a good offer, interest is only interest and thanks for it.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old September 23rd, 2016, 10:50   #12
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Sold is different than interested. I've told guys that I was interested and would like more information, then been told that the item was sold. My loss for waiting too long. But I've also had guys bitch me out because they held it for me and let others who offered cash go. Why is that my fault? If I said I'm interested, but don't follow through with a firm commitment, deposit or full payment then sell it to the guy with cash. But don't blame me.

Same goes for me selling. I let guys know that the first person at my door with cash buys the item. I've done that, when the guy said it was still available got in my car, drove through really bad weather with cash in hand to the guys house to get it. I'll let guys know if there is more than 1 interested party, but no I will not hold it for you. Been burned by that. Team mates are sometimes an exception, but not always.
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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Old September 23rd, 2016, 12:48   #13
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Team mates are sometimes an exception, but not always.
I've gotten burned by team mates before. I'm still out $300'ish from a former team mate not paying (he managed to get himself banned years ago here, he opened another account, but I can't remember what it was/is)
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Old September 23rd, 2016, 19:52   #14
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Originally Posted by Grudge View Post
I let guys know that the first person at my door with cash buys the item.
My problem with this is once I contacted a seller on a Tuesday, saying I would stop by on a Saturday with the money. The response I got was basically: "here is my <address>, it's first come first serve, I can't guarantee it will still be available by Saturday".

As a buyer, the last thing I want is to drive an hour or more out of my way, only to arrive and the product is already sold. Not cool...

*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old September 23rd, 2016, 20:39   #15
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I didn't read the rules and tried to sell guns in the non-classified section....


Last edited by Ricochet; September 23rd, 2016 at 20:52..
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