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G&G CM16 Carbine - Hop Up


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Old May 17th, 2016, 18:38   #1
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G&G CM16 Carbine - Hop Up

Hello there,

I recently just got into Airsoft, and was given a CM16 as my first weapon. It works all right, I'm happy with its performance outside of the accuracy (Which can be fixed with a Barrel, from what I understand), but not overly happy with my range. I'm not sure if I am just being too picky and expecting something that isn't going to happen, but I find myself aiming upwards for longer ranged shots (approx, 100+ ft.).

From my research, I've gathered that a Hop up can contribute to Range?

Problem, as always, is money. I would love to go out and spend 50-100 on a new hop up, but life has its hindrances on leisure activities!

I got a SHS Plastic Rotary Hop Up currently, but havent installed it yet.

Anyone have any suggestions that can improve upon my dilemma?

Gun is basically stock. The Gearbox has been tuned up and greased all nicely.

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Old May 17th, 2016, 20:54   #2
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A good r-hop is what you will want, however you will also want a good barrel to go with it. Something like a PDI 6.04 or a prometheus 6.05. Hop unit alone won't make much of a difference, the bucking and barrel are what you will want to change out first.

Have you adjusted your current hop up? Assuming the gun is stock in the hop unit the bucking is actually pretty good in the G&G guns and should yield you at least 100 feet at least.
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Old May 17th, 2016, 21:09   #3
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That's an awesome start. I have played with the hop up a little, but it was rushed and being in the city I can't easily test it when not at the field. I will check out those barrels however.
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Old May 18th, 2016, 01:18   #4
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Have you tried adjusting your hopup? At all? Sounds like no.

I'm astounded at how many people don't know what hopup is, and that you should adjust it.

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Old May 18th, 2016, 13:36   #5
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Have you tried adjusting your hopup? At all? Sounds like no.

I'm astounded at how many people don't know what hopup is, and that you should adjust it.
Agreed. Every CM16 Carbine/Raider we've brought in shoots between 380-400 fps w/0.20g and will accurately reach about 130-150' w0/25g
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Old May 20th, 2016, 08:39   #6
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Cool stuff, guess I just have to play around with the hopup some more! Thanks for the information.
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Old May 20th, 2016, 08:55   #7
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Originally Posted by Ranger11 View Post
A good r-hop is what you will want, however you will also want a good barrel to go with it. Something like a PDI 6.04 or a prometheus 6.05. Hop unit alone won't make much of a difference, the bucking and barrel are what you will want to change out first.
There's a lot of misconceptions on what rhop is and isn't, and a lot of people who throw money at rhop and think it will trump everything.


rhop effect can't contribute to overall range. There is only so much energy put into the projectile by the spring. Hopup just makes use of the energy

You can only make the system more efficient. Less air loss in the compression, consistency in compression, quality and application of spin by the hopup and a stable, consistent barrel bore.

Straightness of flight depends on the hop applied, was the patch pushing down on the top of the bb evenly with an equal contact patch, not cocked at an angle that gives fliers. The weight of the BB and quality of the bb also matter. heavier rounds of quality manufacture will have weight evenly distributed in the bb, the heavier weight uses momentum so is less effected by cross winds or environment.

Rhop is the LAST thing to do in a chain of upgrades, not the first. If you have shit compression, you're going to spray rounds short and longer. Assuming the hop rubber is pushing straight down and not cocked to the side, shitty BBs will spray left and right.

Rhop doesn't make shots go farther, it applies hop so there's less hump overall in the shot vs a regular mounded bucking, it reduces grouping size if you've gone through with compression upgrades vs a regular bucking with the same compression upgrades.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 22nd, 2016, 21:16   #8
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Thank you for the information! Going to play with my current hop up tomorrow to see if it can be improved by a simple adjustment!
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Old May 26th, 2016, 08:39   #9
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Wasn't the hop up, I played with it, and a fellow group member played with it. I get drop off at maybe 50-75 feet max.
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Old May 26th, 2016, 12:35   #10
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Then there's something else wrong, like the hopup not working properly, or a low FPS out of the gun.

Take it to someone who knows what they're doing, to take a look at it.

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Old May 26th, 2016, 14:08   #11
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Lurkingknight is not entirely correct.
You do need to make sure you're getting the right muzzle energy, and that you dont have any big air leaks. But he's assuming all hop rubbers are equal. There are good ones and bad ones and a new $5 hop rubber could get you an extra 75ft of range even if your compression is crap.
So upgrading the hop rubber alone is often the cheapest and best solution.

Rhop is a bit much since theres no sense in NOT pairing it with the best barrel out there (theyre made onto the barrel so you cant just buy a barrel later and transfer it over)

Id suggest a flat hop for now. And chrono the gun, make sure its in the right fps range.
You can upgrade the barrel later.
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Old May 26th, 2016, 16:34   #12
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