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One Bag Livin'


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Old October 8th, 2015, 09:33   #1
Bravo One-Six
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One Bag Livin'

During this year's Deadfall, my objective was to be able to carry all of my sustainment gear around for three days and not be physically exhausted by the effort.

I think I've finally found the right packing list to do that, and I'd like to assemble an article for future attendees that want to be able to go off the grid and stay mobile for an entire Deadfall event.

As such, I'm going to share my packing list. If you have a packing list that allows you to meet the three day, one pack requirements... Please share yours as well.

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"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."
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Old October 8th, 2015, 09:33   #2
Bravo One-Six
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--- Bivy Bag
--- Ranger Blanket or light sleeping bag (in waterproof stuff sack)
--- Foam or air mattress
--- Basha, Military Poncho, or Tarp
--- Bungee cords
--- Tent Pegs
Clothing (Stored in waterproof stuff sacks)
--- Hardshell Top and Bottom for Wind and Rain Protection (PCU/ECWCS Level 6)
--- Fleece or Lofting Top and Bottom (PCU/ECWCS Level 3)
--- Polartec Watch Cap
--- Balaclava
--- Insulating gloves
--- Extra socks
--- 2-3 L of Water
--- 2-3 Meals
--- High Energy Snacks (Clif bars, gels, trail mix, etc)
Individual Tools
--- Spoon
--- Paracord
--- Fire starting kit
--- Metal Cup
--- Ammo and Loader
--- Batteries for lights, NODs
Shared Equipment (Consult your team what items you should carry)
--- Water Filter
--- Stove / Pot (if not using MREs and heaters)
--- Construction tools (saw, hammer, E-tool)
--- TP

--- Long Sleeve Baselayer in Wool or Synthetic (PCU/ECWCS Level 1)
--- Grid Fleece Pullover (PCU/ECWCS Level 2)
--- Uniform Shirt
--- Full Length Baselayer Pants in Wool or Synthetic (PCU/ECWCS Level 1)
--- Grid Fleece Pants (PCU/ECWCS Level 2)
--- Uniform Pants
Head / Hands / Feet
--- Boonie, or Cap
--- Work gloves (Mechanix, SKD PIG, etc)

"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."

Last edited by Bravo One-Six; October 8th, 2015 at 09:37..
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Old October 8th, 2015, 10:29   #3
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This is a great list Bravo One-Six!, thanks for sharing! I'm routinely the guy who over-packs all the damn time so this is incredibly useful for narrowing down what I need. What pack are you using to carry all this? How much in litre capacity? I'd like to know how much storage space all of this would take up, since all I have for the moment is a 45L until I move on to something bigger.
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Last edited by Desmodus; October 8th, 2015 at 10:34..
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Old October 8th, 2015, 10:54   #4
Bravo One-Six
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It's all in a 40L pack right now. The Bivy and mattress strapped to the outside. I'll give you more details in the article

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Old October 8th, 2015, 13:17   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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It says 2-3 meals, that's hardly enough for three days, that's about 16 hours for me. lol. Also, what about water? You must have a refill station or something? Base camp, FOB, etc? In 24 plus events I found hauling around sleeping apparatus, such as my eager blanket, completely unnecessary. If go retrieve it when I needed it. We kept them in a team ruck, which also held a flat of water and MREs. Also, also, also, bring extra footwear!!! New socks are great and all, but won't do much of your boots are wet. You don't want trench foot or something, trust me. Putting on fresh boots and socks after a long wet knight is like...indescribably euphoric.

Buy everything lightweight and low-profile. You can shed pounds upon pounds with smart purchasing. Everything I need fits onto my load-out, no large pack of any kind required. 3 liters of water and two meals on me at all times. Other than that, a few utility tools are okay, but leave others with your resupply. Same with pistol gas, etc. you shouldn't be using it that much in an endurance game versus your primary. Switch from stan-mags to P-mags if possible, they are much lighter.

There's lots you can do.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 13:31   #6
Bravo One-Six
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Ricochet, I think you and I are talking about very different things. The Deadfall event here in Ontario would easily see someone away from an FOB or basecamp for over 24 hours, if not by choice, then because of mission requirements.

This post is specifically designed to address the packing needs of individuals that will be IN the field for 30-48 hours, without resupply. Going back to 'retrieve it' when needed is not an option.

Case in point, during Deadfall, the enemy seized our base while we were out on a tasking.All items at base were now inside a well guarded enemy strong point. If you forgot your extra clothing layers, it was going to be a cold night.

Is this the kind of event you're referring to?

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"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."
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Old October 8th, 2015, 14:06   #7
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Well, usually we'd only sleep when it was convenient and often only for an hour or less. Myself and others would run out of food and water too quickly. 3 liters of water doesn't last long during physical activity. Our team ruck was always, it usually, with one of our team members. Also, it's gear, so you don't leave it if you get shot, same as you don't strip down and drop your weapon. It all comes back to the respawn. Also, why are you sleeping out on a mission? When you're actually sneaking around or in combat you want to reasonably small profiled and quick. Sometimes we'd be miles away from our resupply, so we'd put together a list of what everyone needed and we'd send a runner or two. In thirty hours I'm eating probably four-six times and drinking ten liters of water. I'm very fit and healthy, but I'm a big guy. That being said, my warm and rain layers are on me. Still stay light though, you only need an under armor long sleeve and maybe a light thermal layer. For rain I have a tactical poncho that folds up really small. If it's just raining a bit we keep going, if it's torrential we usually hunker for a bit.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

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Old October 8th, 2015, 14:56   #8
Bravo One-Six
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One Bag Livin'

I still think we might be talking about different things. Im speaking about events that require you to be away from your car or any "base" for at least 24-48 hours. I'm not sure if that's the kind of event you're participating in. But, that's ok.

Would you want to share your teams third line gear for me to include in the article?

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"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."

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Old October 8th, 2015, 15:43   #9
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My loadout for deadfall 2015 (including webbing and 3DAP but not CP bag):
--- Snugpak jacket
--- British softie full zip trousers
--- 3/4 length inflatable matress
--- DPM Basha
--- Bungee cords, paracord
Clothing (Stored in waterproof stuff sacks)
--- Goretex top and bottom
--- Pullover fleece
--- windshirt
--- Polartec Watch Cap
--- Insulating gloves (black diamond softshell glove liners)
--- 3 pairs smartwool socks, goretex socks
--- 4L L of Water
--- oatmeal, peanut butter
---- Instant coffee
--- High Energy Snacks (Clif bars, GU)
---- Lifeventure triple ammo pouch sized mug. Never leave a CP or camp without it full of hot beverage or soup at night or in the cold!
Individual Tools
--- Spoon
--- Paracord
--- Fire starting kit
--- Metal Cup x2 and cup stand with fuel tabs
---- 2x MRE heaters
--- Ammo and Loader
--- Batteries (lights, gun, radio)
----TP, hand sanitizer
---- lens cleaning wipes and see clear
Shared Equipment
--- Etool
---- camo net

--- Long Sleeve wool baselayer
--- DPM SAS smock
--- Full Length Baselayer Pants in Synthetic
--- Uniform Pants
Head / Hands / Feet
--- Boonie
--- mexnaix fast fit
Salomon goretex hiking boots

I COULD have been self-sufficent with this loadout but we had the luxury of returning to CP to resupply every few hours or so at which point I had a rucksack full of stuff.

I tend to eat more snacks now unless at the CP because getting out the stove can take a while and makes noise. I think I lived off of 1 backpackers pantry meal and cliff bars most of the game this year (30 hours).
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Old October 8th, 2015, 16:19   #10
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Well, usually we'd only sleep when it was convenient and often only for an hour or less. Myself and others would run out of food and water too quickly. 3 liters of water doesn't last long during physical activity. Our team ruck was always, it usually, with one of our team members. Also, it's gear, so you don't leave it if you get shot, same as you don't strip down and drop your weapon. It all comes back to the respawn. Also, why are you sleeping out on a mission? When you're actually sneaking around or in combat you want to reasonably small profiled and quick. Sometimes we'd be miles away from our resupply, so we'd put together a list of what everyone needed and we'd send a runner or two. In thirty hours I'm eating probably four-six times and drinking ten liters of water. I'm very fit and healthy, but I'm a big guy. That being said, my warm and rain layers are on me. Still stay light though, you only need an under armor long sleeve and maybe a light thermal layer. For rain I have a tactical poncho that folds up really small. If it's just raining a bit we keep going, if it's torrential we usually hunker for a bit.
I believe you are totally talking about a different type of mission profile here. As everyone will agree that with excessive physical activity, water supplement is a must. The OP may be talking about a static mission profile. Let's say it's an Observation Post, which may take full rotation of a 4 man team, hence sleep is needed to avoid fatigue. Static position will also require more equipment, especially in colder temperatures (close to zero degree Celsius).

I have seen the OP operate in a warmer temp with minimal gear. Terrain and weather will also dictate what needs to go in the pack, and I'm sure you already know that.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 16:30   #11
Bravo One-Six
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Just to be clear, so that everyone knows what I'm hoping to get from people.

The contents of your 3rd line gear, for a mission that is no less that 30 hours in length, and that requires you to spend at least two nights away from any resupply.

Mission tasking may be static Listening Post/Observation Post, long range reconnaissance, or extended travel to an ORP for an assault.

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Old October 8th, 2015, 16:34   #12
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My Deadfall 2015 stuff.

Idea was to have a set-up that allows me to sustain myself for the duration of the OP that I have on me at all times (Deadfall on the NFA side is notorious for spending large portions of the OP on the run). Deadfall was last weekend so the temperatures were getting relatively low.

I carried this on my person 95% of the OP, which for me lasted about 40 hours.

- AEG (prefer AEG reliability for these games over PTW)
- Reddot
- 3x Magnifier (more for spotting than actual engagements)
- Laser

My Person:
- Boonie
- Face-mesh
- Shooting glasses
- Balaclava
- BDU pants
- Combat shirt top
- 3D chicken suit top
- UnderArmour shirt
- Wool socks
- Gloves
- Watch
- Pen & write in rain paper
- Gore-Tex boots
- Leather belt /w 1* PMAG in a kydex pouch

Chest Rig (Haley Stretegic D3 /w extra mag pouch and Multi Mission Hanger):
- 6* PMAG
- 1* Smoke Granade
- Radio /w PTT and ear piece
- Some snacks (energy bars etc.)
- Multi-tool
- Anti fog wipes

Pack (Mystery Ranch 3 Day Assault Pack):
- 3 litre bladder (finished it in the last hour of the OP, clearly did not drink enough but felt fine)
- 2 dry-sacks with waterproof socks and gloves, Gore-Tex top and bottoms, a regular BDU top, spare set of regular gloves and socks, long-johns, one additional under-shirts a cold weather neck gaiter and hat
- 1 MRE with the addition of energy bars and other snacks
- Pelican case /w NVGs
- Helmet incl. strobe and headlamp (counter weight pouch contains spare CR123 and AA batteries)
- Spare shooting glasses
- Spare battery for radio/ gun
- Chemical hand and feet warmers
- Headlamp
- Baby wipes
- Map & compass
- some para-cord & hockey tape
- Further, to the outside bottom of the pack I had attached a drysack /w a ranger blanket, inflatable "skeleton mattress" and my bivy, which however I dropped in OPs or other POIs most of the time to have a slimmer profile.

I hope I remembered everything, might have missed a thing or two.

Everything worked well, really happy with how everything worked.

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Old October 8th, 2015, 18:32   #13
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In a recce heavy game, you should be able to live out of your ruck. Normally recce means deploying for 2-5 days. During that mission unless it's just an overnight op, you WILL try and establish a sleeping rotation. Sleep will more often than not be an hr or two at the time, and you want to make sure you actually CAN fall asleep and use that time. Sleeping bag and poncho become a necessity during colder/rainy nights. Don't confuse sleeping on a mission with sleeping on your shift. I see what Sean is talking about here, and it's more than just direct action. Yes, if you're about to pew pew, you want to be light. Either set up a patrol base in the woods and patrol out of it, or stash your ruck at the ORV before you go loud. In a real recce, there is typically no such thing as a runner. If the mission is 4 days or less there is no resupply as it leaves a signature and can compromise you. During most, if not the entire duration of the mission, you have a heavy ass ruck on your back. For game purposes, if you want to move around light, stash your ruck, cam the bastard, mark mark and feel free to come to it when you need to resupply. Go light on food, don't cheap out on the water. Your ruck should have 6-7 liters of water for a two night event.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 20:00   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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During an event like you're describing, how much action are you seeing?
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Old October 8th, 2015, 20:12   #15
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A couple short firefights per player, on average
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