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Old February 17th, 2015, 10:47   #31
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Guy's not even concerned about his son, lol. Son gettin hurt was just an excuse for him to go all knuckledragger.

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Old February 17th, 2015, 11:00   #32
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Playing devils advocate, I would be very angry is somebody hurt my daughter. Some times parental instincts kick in.

But this guy is a total dick. I my daughter decided to attack someone on the field like that kid did, I would 100% make sure any physical interactions where stopped, no matter who started them. Then I would do my best to figure out what happened.

This is a totally unacceptable behavior. But I do understand where it comes from. You have several dozen people, firing projectiles at each other while wearing full military gear. Adrenaline and testosterone are high, SoCal is fairly warm event his time of year so people are probably over heating/dehydrated. Some times all it takes is one misunderstanding to start a shoving match which can quickly escalate.

I am not condoning what happened, but I can see how easily something like this can. That being said, I think these players should be banned (as Jericho confirms they have been) because if you can't keep your temper under control, I don't want to be playing against you.

Although the video speaks worlds about good airsoft players. People where checking up on the kid, trying to break up the fight, turning over evidence ect. generally trying to be helpful.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 11:05   #33
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The problem is the guy came on the scene and just threw a punch, didn't try to figure out what was happening. Besides the wrestling on the ground, nobody had thrown a punch yet and nobody was trying to when he got there. He's obviously a big guy, it would have been easy enough to pull the MC player off his kid and find out what was happening before just freaking out.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 11:10   #34
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You say that, but sometimes parental instinct kicks in. You see someone bigger than you kid on top of him and it looks like he is throwing your kid a beat down.

Yeah most parents would have a difficult time restraining themselves. Still the father should have been a better judge of character and ensured that his son was mature enough for the sport (obviously he wasn't).
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 11:38   #35
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
I saw a video last week of a game at Mach1 where a dude kicked a skid that a player was shooting through because it was against field rules. He promptly husled away when players moved in to restrain him, I just wish we knew who he was cause I believe it's a ban-worthy incident.
An online video? Share if you can, please.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 11:55   #36
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post
You say that, but sometimes parental instinct kicks in. You see someone bigger than you kid on top of him and it looks like he is throwing your kid a beat down.

Yeah most parents would have a difficult time restraining themselves. Still the father should have been a better judge of character and ensured that his son was mature enough for the sport (obviously he wasn't).
I'm a father of 2 kids and ya, parental instincts would kick in but it would be to stop it not escalate it.... in the video no punches were being thrown when the father got there. As a parent and responsible adult, it's your responsibility to de-escalate the situation not make it worse.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 12:43   #37
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I see a few contributing factors.
Strangers rentals mixed with unknown people,
an LA type street gang culture,
adult friends with their children unsupervised.
MMA grand standing.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 12:53   #38
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
You haven't seen how big corn fed teenagers get.

But as a nod to civility lets bump the age to 35,
I played football in Ontario and against teams from all over Canada. I've seen the 6'5+ 300lb 16-18 yeat olds.

My point is that dad should not have come in swinging. I'm glad they are trying to ban that group from all area fields and functions.

I had something similar happen (getting lit up point blank on full auto) at Mach1. Yea I was pissed, yea I was swearing. Yea, I wanted to beat the guy down with his own shoes, but shit happens. I walked away. I went outside and rage smoked a couple of cigarettes, took my time to cool down.

The guy who did it found me after explained his mistake, we shook hands and let it slide.

Its a game, tempers flare, but we are all adults.
7.62....617 grams of diplomacy

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and SHOOT HIM AGAIN.

Last edited by Jo_Canadian; February 17th, 2015 at 12:58..
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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:13   #39
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Originally Posted by waylander View Post
I'm a father of 2 kids and ya, parental instincts would kick in but it would be to stop it not escalate it.... in the video no punches were being thrown when the father got there. As a parent and responsible adult, it's your responsibility to de-escalate the situation not make it worse.
Like I said I am a father too. We can say that we wouldnt jump on someone in an instant but I personally havent been in this situation. I dont know how I would respond to seing someone on top of my daughter (or son in this case). The situation also escalated quickly once a ounch was thrown.

Once again not condoning the actions in the video, just looking at it from a different angle. My first instinct might have been to rip the guy off my kid, but once everybody is seperated why continue fighting?
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:18   #40
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the fight wasn't even because someone got overshot...

it was cause the guy in black got all uppity cause he didn't take a courtesy surrender. The field has no surrender rule, so he was like 'fuck you, I'm not taking it' and then he got up in multicam's face who shoved him back cause he didn't want the guy in his space. At that point blacky threw the first punch and multicam took him down and just held him. Then roid raging knuckle dragger dad came in in and started beating on everyone, even on people trying to pull the guys apart.

Honestly you look at this and you have to say like father like son... who freaked out first? MC guy decided he needed to defend himself for whatever reason and just pushed the guy away and 2 guys blew it up, black throwing punches and his dad beating on everyone.

I don't like surrender rules, they breed retardedness and confusion. But you have to be cognitive that some fields offer it, some don't. You follow the field's rules, and if there's confusion, you set it straight, not challenge and abuse another player to submit then.

I appreciate it when someone gives me a chance to just take a hit and walk when they have a rifle in my back, but I'm not going to argue with someone who has me dead to rights but doesn't shoot, even if the rule is not in play.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:26   #41
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I appreciate it when someone gives me a chance to just take a hit and walk when they have a rifle in my back, but I'm not going to argue with someone who has me dead to rights but doesn't shoot, even if the rule is not in play.[/QUOTE]

So much this. I'd rather say, "damn, alright you got me," than be lit up at point blank.
7.62....617 grams of diplomacy

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and SHOOT HIM AGAIN.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:29   #42
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
An online video? Share if you can, please.
It is one of the more recent videos from Bryan (bobblobfancypants)

Conquer The Hill @
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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:44   #43
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Like I said I am a father too. We can say that we wouldnt jump on someone in an instant but I personally havent been in this situation. I dont know how I would respond to seing someone on top of my daughter (or son in this case). The situation also escalated quickly once a ounch was thrown.

Once again not condoning the actions in the video, just looking at it from a different angle. My first instinct might have been to rip the guy off my kid, but once everybody is seperated why continue fighting?
I'm sorry but saying that you're not condoning it then defending it... seems a bit contradictory. IMO there is no excuse, no reasonable explanation for his actions. Maybe that's just me but even if I did see a guy in that exact same situation my first instinct is to get the guy off not to throw a punch... There was absolutely no hesitation in that guy, he ran on the scene literally with his arm already back to punch. That's obviously his natural reaction to any sort of confrontation, look at the way he acted afterwords... just kept going even when every one else had separated and stopped.

Also, it's completely different with a son and daughter, if a guy was on top of my daughter... well then maybe I'd react that way. But if my son was in that situation, I'd want to know why first before reacting in that fashion.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:01   #44
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As stated first priority would have been to seperate the to then figure out what is going on. What he did is inexcusable but people are vilifying this guy. We have two go pro videos in the form of helmet cams and Jericho airsofts statement.

I think everybody agrees that this guy should be banned from games as this behaviour is unnaceptable, but I am trying to look at it from the other side of things. I can understand the desire to protect ones off spring. In this case the guy was wrong, but we didnt see anything before the video and only have a statement about what happened after.

This was completely avoidable but I am just saying I can personally see why it happened. Not that it should have.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:12   #45
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Mercy rules are one thing, but should never be forced acceptance. This whole 'bang-bang rule' is stupid, and I see it being abused in many videos. Guys pop out and just say "Bang-Bang!", but don't really have the player dead. Mercy is different because its a question, and you must stay on your target, because if they don't accept right away, whether from indecision or freezing up, you shoot them. Guys pop around corners and fire at me all the time close range, and miss. I don't want some idiot going "Bang-bang, bang-bang!", "Wow. Look at all the people I didn't just kill. Hey, call your make believe hits guys.". When I mercy you, it's because you have very little chance to react or retaliate. If you do, I will and can shoot you. I thInk the whole thing is just a big argument starter, many times players say it to each other at the same time as well, and it starts an argument. If you don't want to get shot close range, wear armor. Mercies are supposed to be clean and polite, not a lazy, bullshitty method of not having to pull the trigger.

The father in question in this video was throwing punches at youth, period. He was big enough to control the situation, period. What he did was clearly excessive force, period. I have a little boy, and if anyone hurt him I'd definatwly react negatively, maybe even hurt the person, but not at the cost of my son's safety, not to set a terrible example. Pull the people off of your kid, head-locks and ground throws work well. Get your kid up off of the pavement and safe, cool the situation and find out what happened.

I was at a bar fight one time, and I see this big dude on top of this kid, holding him down. I ran over, threw the guy in a head-lock and pulled him off of the kid. The guy threw his arms up and said "I'm trying to help, he's the one that was fighting.". I let him go, apologized and shook his hand, we explained to each other what we saw, and I helped to ensure the young man stayed restrained. Can you imagine what would've happened if I had just run up and smoked him in the head? I would've drawn all of his friends into the conflict and a brawl would've broken out. Some guy holding down your son is a far-cry from someone ground and pounding your kid. Also, this was an airsoft event, most of the participants looked fairly young. When your kid gets in a fight at school and loses do you go over to the other kids house after and beat him up? If you caught them in the act, would you hospitalize the other kid?

Anyways, I think it was said earlier, "like father, like son". The kid tried to haul the multicam guy down, and the multicam guy got the better of him and was nice enough to just pin him there. The dad, or someone else in a black shirt, ran over and punched him in the side of the head, hauled him off, and then it looked like two or three others started attacking the multicam guy while he was on the ground, so his friends had to jump in to save him. Just dumb.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; February 17th, 2015 at 14:17..
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