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Optics Vs. Iron sights


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Old March 24th, 2014, 23:06   #31
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Some people new to using reddots may think you have to use only one eye, and you have to look down the gun parallel to the barrel and co-witness with your irons. The fact is you don't with a good reddot. It adjusts for your viewing angle, so you really only do have to put dot on target. Its that easy. Your head can be slightly off to the side and with poor cheek-weld and its still good as long as dot is on target. With irons you need perfect cheek weld, and you need to look straight down the gun parallel to the barrel and with irons fully aligned. Much more hassle I think.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 23:40   #32
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That makes sense, it should be much easier to use a RDS compared to IS, but maybe it's just a personal preference, some people like ACOG's, some people prefer EoTech's. I guess the only way to find out what works best for me is to buy them and try them.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 23:42   #33
Brit ter
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SRS so far is the best red dot I own !
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Old March 24th, 2014, 23:45   #34
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Pic of my SRS!
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Old March 24th, 2014, 23:46   #35
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
Some people new to using reddots may think you have to use only one eye, and you have to look down the gun parallel to the barrel and co-witness with your irons. The fact is you don't with a good reddot. It adjusts for your viewing angle, so you really only do have to put dot on target. Its that easy. Your head can be slightly off to the side and with poor cheek-weld and its still good as long as dot is on target. With irons you need perfect cheek weld, and you need to look straight down the gun parallel to the barrel and with irons fully aligned. Much more hassle I think.
That's what I've always assumed was the proper way to aim, using one eye to look through the RDS and your sight HAS to be parallel to the barrel. I've seen how a red-dot's position in the sighting picture can change depending on your viewing angle, I guess that's the advantage that RDS has over Irons, you can quickly point and shoot, as long as the dot is on target.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 00:11   #36
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Originally Posted by Emre1337 View Post
That's what I've always assumed was the proper way to aim, using one eye to look through the RDS and your sight HAS to be parallel to the barrel. I've seen how a red-dot's position in the sighting picture can change depending on your viewing angle, I guess that's the advantage that RDS has over Irons, you can quickly point and shoot, as long as the dot is on target.
Yeah. For most quality red dots (or their clones) thats how it is. Zero the red dot properly once. Then you can put your head anywhere, as long as dot on target, its going there.

Just have to make sure you're not buying really really cheap low quality stuff that has parallax problems. Otherwise its a real advantage.

The other advantage is you can keep both eyes open. The dot you see with both eyes open works just the same way.

I think someone can add onto this, but in effect the difference between a RS holosight and a red dot is just the technical engineering behind how the reticle auto-adjustment is done. With a holosight, it is a hologram, so the hologram recreates the image according to your viewing angle and re-centers automatically. With red dot, it is done with curved reflective optics inside the scope. They basically do the same thing as far as performance goes. You don't need to look straight down the barrel to get a good shot in. The other advantage is a RS holoscope can be cracked right in the center and still work I think because the entire holographic film makes up the image, so even with damaged portions, the interference of light still produces the right reticule image even with partial damage.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 00:17   #37
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Originally Posted by Brit ter View Post
SRS so far is the best red dot I own !
Do you own the RS version?

As far as a cheapo clone is concerned, other than if you like the looks of it, there isnt a clear advantage right if the solar panels don't work (or do they?)? Field of view, EOtechs are pretty good already. Normally, as all trijcon products goes, their selling point is long term illumination. In think the SRS does 3 years of battery life alone, and longer with the solar panels. Same with trijcon's other product lines utilizing fiber optics and tritium glow in the dark.

So for a clone, is there a huge advantage then compared to another basic red dot if the solar panels are decorations only?

As for the RS SRS, I've read reviews were the glare and reflection at the window you look through is really bad to the point people return the product. Maybe they've improved it. But its apparently so bad, its probably only good for range shooting and you won't find LE or mil use.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 00:26   #38
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Originally Posted by Emre1337 View Post
How would you rate the T1? The more I look at them the more I feel like trying one out.
I don't have much experience but I do like it's overall low profile slim design, not so bulky on the top. I think as others have said it's a good red dot to start with, especially versus other replicas.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 00:36   #39
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
Do you own the RS version?

As far as a cheapo clone is concerned, other than if you like the looks of it, there isnt a clear advantage right if the solar panels don't work (or do they?)? Field of view, EOtechs are pretty good already. Normally, as all trijcon products goes, their selling point is long term illumination. In think the SRS does 3 years of battery life alone, and longer with the solar panels. Same with trijcon's other product lines utilizing fiber optics and tritium glow in the dark.

So for a clone, is there a huge advantage then compared to another basic red dot if the solar panels are decorations only?

As for the RS SRS, I've read reviews were the glare and reflection at the window you look through is really bad to the point people return the product. Maybe they've improved it. But its apparently so bad, its probably only good for range shooting and you won't find LE or mil use.
Clone ! I wouldn't put real steal on an airsoft gun !
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Old March 25th, 2014, 01:23   #40
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
I don't have much experience but I do like it's overall low profile slim design, not so bulky on the top. I think as others have said it's a good red dot to start with, especially versus other replicas.
I don't mind if a sight is bulky or big, EoTechs are pretty big and look like a box on your top rail lol, but if the sight itself works good, doesn't need to be zeroed every other mag, and is clear and easy on the eyes (my FACOG hurts my eyes if I look for an extended period of time through it) then it must be a good sight. I think the most important thing is to get a sight that does the job, not look cool or get it because others have it. After reading up on ASC and posting on threads, I think the best thing for me to do is pick up either a T1, M68, or those EoTech look-a-likes "Sightmark".
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Old March 25th, 2014, 10:36   #41
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I own RS Eotechs, Aimpoint, and ACOGs and from my experience the major reason why the price point is so high is simply build quality. They're built to last in every way, Aimpoints for example can run for years without changing the battery. I've also seen a video of Larry Vickers tossing an Eotech out of a helicopter, slapping it back on his rifle and it still held zero. Bottom line is as with most things, you get what you pay for.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 13:54   #42
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I just realized, since I have a mini RDS, I was trying to sight with one eye closed and the sight all the way back near the cheek rest. So i changed it up and moved my RDS near the very front of my gun and using both eyes to sight, and I have to say, this is so much easier than trying to use Irons. Now I am wondering if certain sights need to be in certain positions to work effectively, or is that just personal preference?
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Old March 25th, 2014, 14:17   #43
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A bit of some work best in one particular spot and a bit of personal pref combined.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 14:38   #44
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I've searched up the SRS, it's a neat sight I definitely became interested in it. The addition of solar panels are in my opinion, the best feature about it. I'm not very experienced with sights, but battery life seems to be a big issue, so the addition of solar panels seems to take care of that. I read a review here in which the reviewer used the SRS on a 10" Sig 516 and prior to trying it at the range, he put it through a "torture test". Definitely seems like a nice sight, especially the RS version, unless there was a clone with the working solar panels.
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Old March 25th, 2014, 15:05   #45
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
Non magnifying optics are better than irons I think. The only downside is battery, hence why people move to BUIS instead where you don't use them unless you absolutely must.

Red dots and holosights don't require you to be parallax with the barrel. With sights you must align the front and back. This requires you to look down the gun at a certain position. With well zeroed red dots, as long as dot is on target, it should go there. You don't need to look down parrallel to the barrel the same way you need with irons. So your rifle holding stances can be more forgiving.

Also, you can keep both eyes opened when using red dots, allowing a better field of view.

I think optics for sure over irons. Irons are backup.
provided that I don't forget to turn the damn thing off, my reflex sights don't need new batteries that often.

Those light sensitive auto on red dots are garbage though... they're ALWAYS on even when they're 'off'.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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