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Recommend an inner barrel- P226


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Old March 24th, 2014, 16:36   #1
TaroBear's Avatar
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Recommend an inner barrel- P226

Hi guys. I've got a Marui P226 I'm slowly building up. Right now it has a metal barrel, threaded barrel adaptor, and a silencer. I'm looking for a good inner for the gun. Since I'm going to be running the silencer with it, I'm okay with something longer than the stock length. I've never really tinkered with a P226 model before, so I'd appreciate if someone could point me towards a good inner for it. The most common solution so far seems to be a 97MM PDi 6.01 or 6.03. I'm running this sidearm in conjunction with a shotgun, so I'm trying to get some decent range and accuracy out of it.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 16:42   #2
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I'd go with a 6.03. I went with a 6.01 on my 5-7 (in retrospect a .03 would've probably been safer).. and while I've heard of it but never experienced it, apparently 6.01s can jam.

I've observed in all airsoft that it's not the tightness of the bore that makes the difference, but the quality/consistency of the bore throughout the length of the barrel. You probably won't go wrong with either bore diameter, like I said, I've fielded my 5-7 in dusty/dirty conditions and have yet to have a jam. The fps gain in the 01 would probably be minimal. That legendary TM hop is more than enough to make up for it.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 24th, 2014, 17:02   #3
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I've observed in all airsoft that it's not the tightness of the bore that makes the difference, but the quality/consistency of the bore throughout the length of the barrel.
hola senors.

nineball (laylax/prometheus) 6.03 barrel. by far the highest quality finish and smoothest bores on the market. there's a reason they're the favorite barrels for the real rhop installers.

not to say that pdi barrels aren't bad. they're very very straight (which is good). supposed CHF'd but who knows.

apparently 6.01s can jam.
yes and no, by the time your average barrel jams, you'll have plastic deposits so severe you probably weren't hitting anything anyways. 6.01s just have less space for misshaped rounds.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old March 26th, 2014, 16:54   #4
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I've run both 6.01 and 6.03s without jamming issues. I primarily play indoors, and keep my guns really clean, and load only quality BBs, so jamming isn't high on my list of concerns. I'm looking at extended inners that reach into the silencer right now, but I hear those will also kick up the FPS beyond safe indoor levels. Any thoughts on this?
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Old March 26th, 2014, 17:59   #5
e-luder's Avatar
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Why not invest in a good hi-capa barrel?

A 226 inner barrel length is about 94mm and a 5.1 is around...well.. nearly 110mm or close to 5.1in.

It will give you a bit of an extension but it wont extended throughout the whole length of the suppressor.

I like the Airsoft Surgeon barrels. Right now, im quite content with the non-hop versions. They're pretty good. I use them for my competition grade set ups. But then again, if you're looking to extend your range a non-hop system is probably not the best choice.

So i say look for extended inner barrels for the 5.1 an then stick it into your 226.

...or you can invest in a suppressor that already has an inner barrel in there. Like the ACE1 OSPREY suppressor.

for limiting fps, you'll need to modify your floating vale to close very easily. This will guve the negative pressure a much easier pull to close the valve faster.

Or you modify the valve by making it already half way closed.

Think of how an NPAS works. Essentially, that's what you're doing. Keep a spare valve though. Just in case...
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Old March 27th, 2014, 00:54   #6
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Toronto
I got a Madbull 235mm 6.03 Black Python V.2 from Duy @ Airsoftparts for my TM G18c. Great for it's price, can't ask for more. At 235mm, I got strike kit with a silencer to hide the long barrel. Looks pretty nice too

However....shot my fps through the roof, HOT! varying in the 400fps ball park now

Madbull 235mm 6.03 Black Python V.2 for GBB
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