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Old January 22nd, 2014, 14:03   #1
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Newbie looking for some answers.

Hi guys, id like to introduce myself by saying my name is Alexander. Im 21 years old and im currently living in Cyprus. Little island in the Mediterranean. The reason im making this thread is because i have a couple of question concerning Airsoft in Canada. I done some research about airsoft in Canada and haven't found any answers to my questions (maybe i wasnt checking hard enough)
Firstly im sorry if this belongs in another section on the forums or these questions have been answered in the past but here it goes. My family and I are going to be moving to Canada in May of this year and i have been an avid airsofter in Cyprus for a year and half so im considered one of the "veterans" over here.
I want to know how airsoft is in Canada. From what iv read its be shunned upon and its not as big as it is in the states. Its more controlled and is not as "legal" as it in the states too. I also wanted to know more about the airsoft law's concerning buying airsoft guns in Canada in the time being. The reason im asking is because im thinking of bringing a WE m4 open bolt GBB from a well known American company and i dont know how all this goes with the FPS limit concerning airsoft guns in Canada. Another question is, if i bring my mags and gear with me in the container abroad that we will bring over from Cyprus is that ok and if not will i be stopped by the police or the people in charge of the freight and be charged of smuggling illegal firearms into the country. I can always leave them here or just sell everything and start over in Canada but its a waste of money IMO.
Also the area that i will be staying is Toronto but i dont know sure exactly where since my sister is trying to find a house for us. Also another question. Is there any way i can get age verified if im 10000km's away and cant show anyone my ID through the internet?

Thank you for your cooperation and i will be waiting for a reply on the issues.

P.S Once again sorry if you have to re-answer these questions again and again by newbies like myself.

Last edited by AlexGPS; January 22nd, 2014 at 14:06..
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 14:37   #2
aka Cracksumass Maximus of Alberta, the carrier of the butt grandcrack canyon!
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Good questions. TBH I would sell everything over there and start fresh here in Canada. You probably don't need to sell your BDU's or PC or pouches. Just the guns. Just easier and there is no hassle at the border.

As for the AV system. It is what it is and there really isn't a way around it. There are lots of very active AV'ers in the Toronto area. So I'm sure that won't be an issue.

There is lots of different types of airsoft in Canada. Milsim, Speedball, to name a few.
I'm sure you will be able to find a group to play with and go from there.

Welcome to Canada
Thundercactus - you guys are just bunch of non tropic wearing dick bags. Get some tropic already!

Wintez - I accidently banned myself from ASC on my first day as an admin, I love the sausage!!

Age Verifier for Southern Alberta
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 14:56   #3
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Guns will be a problem to import as an individual. Leave those, bring the rest. Gear, clothing, magazines, optics, etc. it's all OK.

Don't worry about getting age verified till you're here. You'll be in Toronto; one of the hubs in Canada for airsoft. You'll be able to go to a bricks and mortar store, get the info checked off and buy another WE M4 off the shelf.

Then after that you can carry on sussing out the local scene.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 15:06   #4
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Originally Posted by scrumguy View Post
Good questions. TBH I would sell everything over there and start fresh here in Canada. You probably don't need to sell your BDU's or PC or pouches. Just the guns. Just easier and there is no hassle at the border.

As for the AV system. It is what it is and there really isn't a way around it. There are lots of very active AV'ers in the Toronto area. So I'm sure that won't be an issue.

There is lots of different types of airsoft in Canada. Milsim, Speedball, to name a few.
I'm sure you will be able to find a group to play with and go from there.

Welcome to Canada
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Guns will be a problem to import as an individual. Leave those, bring the rest. Gear, clothing, magazines, optics, etc. it's all OK.

Don't worry about getting age verified till you're here. You'll be in Toronto; one of the hubs in Canada for airsoft. You'll be able to go to a bricks and mortar store, get the info checked off and buy another WE M4 off the shelf.

Then after that you can carry on sussing out the local scene.
Thank you all for your answers to my questions. I miss-wrote something about bringing a WE m4 open bolt over, i meant i will buy one from the states and ship it to my sisters address over in Canada or just wait and ship it to my personal address once i come to Canada in may. Is there going to be a problem bringing the M4 from the states into Canada? The FPS of it is well bellow the required and high enough for it to be an uncontrolled firearm. If i remember well its at about 400-410 FPS shooting range. (Reason why the states is because iv found the model i want for 220 or 230 US dollars up for sale instead of a retailer in toronto selling it for 400+ dollars. Id love to buy the gun from Canada but ifs its that big of a difference its just too much to pay.) Also another question i forgot to mention earlier is, is it better to go for an AEG or a GBB concerning the weather. I know for a fact that green gas and propane are useless more or less in really low temperatures (Canada). Over here we dont have these problems because our winter is rarely under 10 degrees Celsius. Iv always wanted a more "realistic" shooting airsoft gun hence the gbb with the kick and all. Iv owned an AEG and they are stupid easy to maintain and mod out but its a whole new ball game with the gbb's. Iv had a couple of pistols and they where all well lubed and cleaned after every game so i kind of know what to do about pistols. Dont know if its the same thing for rifles too.

Thanks GPS

Last edited by AlexGPS; January 22nd, 2014 at 15:08..
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 15:12   #5
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Yes getting that sent from the USA to your sister is a no go.

You can get them off the shelf in Toronto, no hassles.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 15:15   #6
Brit ter
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I spent some time in Cyprus .actully miss it .
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 15:20   #7
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Originally Posted by AlexGPS View Post
Is there going to be a problem bringing the M4 from the states into Canada? The FPS of it is well bellow the required and high enough for it to be an uncontrolled firearm. If i remember well its at about 400-410 FPS shooting range. (Reason why the states is because iv found the model i want for 220 or 230 US dollars up for sale instead of a retailer in toronto selling it for 400+ dollars.
If your gun is in the sweet 366-500 FPS range, technically it can be imported, but how are you going to prove that to the CBSA officer?

Info regarding FPS provided by the manufacture will help, but may not work 100% of the time. Info provided by the vender can help, too, but also unsolid. If the CBSA officer is having a bad day and choose not to believe you, your gun will either be seized, or sent to RCMP for chrono. It can take up to few months and will be on your cost. Since your gun is a GBB, temperature and gas they use for chrono will bring more uncertainty.

Most courier services won't touch anything being declared as "prohibited item" by CBSA, so sending it back (in case of a problem) will not be easy (not cheap either).

Last edited by ccyg8774; January 22nd, 2014 at 15:24..
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 15:31   #8
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Oh no.... Ok well i guess ill pay the extra 200 dollars for it Anyhow i might get something cheap and efficient to start with then get those big boy toy's later on. Thank you all for the answers. Hope to see you all on an airsoft field coming July.

P.S Brit ter im going to miss it too but the way it is now its actualy a S#^$ hole at the moment concerning the government and all. But thats the Cypriot mentality and it will never change.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 16:28   #9
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Evike will ship to Canada. WE shoots between the requirements. Call them and talk to them, they can provide the documentations. However there's always a "no guarantee." Everyone I know has had success.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 16:36   #10
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Originally Posted by AlexGPS View Post
Oh no.... Ok well i guess ill pay the extra 200 dollars for it
That's actually an astute summary of Canadian market economics.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 17:13   #11
Brit ter
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Originally Posted by AlexGPS View Post
Oh no.... Ok well i guess ill pay the extra 200 dollars for it Anyhow i might get something cheap and efficient to start with then get those big boy toy's later on. Thank you all for the answers. Hope to see you all on an airsoft field coming July.

P.S Brit ter im going to miss it too but the way it is now its actualy a S#^$ hole at the moment concerning the government and all. But thats the Cypriot mentality and it will never change.
I was only there for 6 months and most of that time was spent on the bufferzone but my down time was Awsome !
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.
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Old January 23rd, 2014, 03:07   #12
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Evike will ship to Canada. WE shoots between the requirements. Call them and talk to them, they can provide the documentations. However there's always a "no guarantee." Everyone I know has had success.

The WE i saw was from Evike. They had it on offer for 220 or 230 not sure. Even if its 300 dollars its still much less than any Canadian airsoft store iv seen online but iv only checked on 1 that actually has that same model and the price was twice of that so im kind of at a dilemma, either get the canadian version which is 400 dollars + and slap the money on the counter and leave without any problems or get the evike 1 which is 250 dollars and hope for the best the border control people are in a good mood. Im probably going to buy it when i get over there but ill need to get age verified first so i can talk "freely" with people about where and how to go about this. I know how this whole age verification goes because we have the same thing over here. Unless you meet up with some one and show them ID its a no go on the forums and we wont talk to you where to purchase airsoft guns. Anyhow ill just wait till May when i come over and maybe make myself a little early birthday present. :P Thank you for your reply's guys.
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Old January 23rd, 2014, 08:57   #13
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Originally Posted by AlexGPS View Post
The WE i saw was from Evike. They had it on offer for 220 or 230 not sure. Even if its 300 dollars its still much less than any Canadian airsoft store iv seen online but iv only checked on 1 that actually has that same model and the price was twice of that so im kind of at a dilemma, either get the canadian version which is 400 dollars + and slap the money on the counter and leave without any problems or get the evike 1 which is 250 dollars and hope for the best the border control people are in a good mood. Im probably going to buy it when i get over there but ill need to get age verified first so i can talk "freely" with people about where and how to go about this. I know how this whole age verification goes because we have the same thing over here. Unless you meet up with some one and show them ID its a no go on the forums and we wont talk to you where to purchase airsoft guns. Anyhow ill just wait till May when i come over and maybe make myself a little early birthday present. :P Thank you for your reply's guys.
Contact of mine ordered a WE M4 CQBR from Evike, and it arrived here yesterday for $280 shipped.
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Old January 23rd, 2014, 13:53   #14
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Contact of mine ordered a WE M4 CQBR from Evike, and it arrived here yesterday for $280 shipped.

Thats the thing though. Do i chance it or not? Its 250+ dollars going down the drain so to speak if it gets stopped by border control.
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Old January 23rd, 2014, 13:55   #15
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Originally Posted by AlexGPS View Post
Thats the thing though. Do i chance it or not? Its 250+ dollars going down the drain so to speak if it gets stopped by border control.
Even if you are stopped the gun shoots within the appropriate range. If evike does the paper work you are fine.
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