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Old November 6th, 2013, 15:14   #91
QRF1's Avatar
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Seriously? Hunting in Toronto? You cannot discharge a firearm inside municipal limits, anywhere in Canada. In Calgary there is a municipal bylaw prohibiting discharging an AIRSOFT gun inside city limits unless it is at a recognized facility.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 15:21   #92
Jbone 11 11
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It seems highly dubious and perhaps a touch exagerated to claim a hunting area is along a bike path.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 15:23   #93
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
ok let's use a better example, I grab my 870, and hop in my car,
Drive 5 minutes down the road to municipal property load it up,
And start hunting along bike paths, etc

I should be shoot dead for doing something legal so that the
Police can feel safer?
Ok, here is 2 key differences.

1. You can appear with a gun in the places where guns permitted. Obviously city streets not one of them. If you know person with a gun already heavily violated a law, you do not expect him to be a good citizen in a first place.
Example: if you see someone taking out a handgun in a bank, you would not think he is just want to clean it, but duck or run away fast.

2. Policeman is not a ghost. He does not suddenly appear, he drives a huge car with red lights. If dump kid (and you with a shotgun on a bike path) see policemen, first you do is drop weapon and anything look like it, including a wood stick! You will not be shot.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 15:59   #94
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Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 View Post
It seems highly dubious and perhaps a touch exagerated to claim a hunting area is along a bike path.
Check the MNR/Hunting Regs for a listing of provincial parks that are open to hunting. There is at least 2 in Ontario.

There are x-country skiing, hiking, dog walking, biking trails criss crossing the park that I am thinking of specifically. Hunting signs are up around the are the signs that say it's a multi-use park. There's a big house across the road whose property is within 100yrds of where you can touch off a round.

Obviously, all legal firearms/hunting safety rules/regs apply as they would anywhere.

But's not a "range" where you should be setting up targets and blasting buckets of rounds. But it is legal hunting ground and if you've got valid permits & tickets/tags then you can be hunting there in the appropriate seasons.

Last edited by m102404; November 6th, 2013 at 16:16..
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Old November 6th, 2013, 17:09   #95
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And here in lies the fatal flaw in constructing an example for the argument.

Not on municipal property. Well signed and marked regarding hunting. If said cyclist traveled from Toronto, saw you, didn't see or understand the signs and called 911 the operator would tell them to get the fuck out of the hunting are. Not dispatch the entire OPP to murder you.

Pro tip. If you methodolgy shows up on this poster you will get picked apart.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 17:15   #96
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So when the officer asks you to drop your gun, you can yell, "it's okay sir I'm only hunting"? Even if you're carrying a gun in an appropriate way, and in a legal area you still have to drop it, shoulder, whatever, but cooperate with law enforcement. There is no legal right here or in the US that states, at least that I've ever heard, where you can have an firearm in hand, and not comply with a police request. Even if it's holstered, you'd still have to kneel and put your hands on your head.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 17:21   #97
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
ok let's use a better example, I grab my 870, and hop in my car,
Drive 5 minutes down the road to municipal property load it up,
And start hunting along bike paths, etc

I should be shoot dead for doing something legal so that the
Police can feel safer?
ummm, nope. you would likely have dropped your 870 at the first order to drop it and then complied with Police until it was sorted out. Unless of course you are stupid enough to turn and point it at them.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 17:27   #98
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As of January 1 2012 open carry is illegal in california.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 18:42   #99
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
So when the officer asks you to drop your gun, you can yell, "it's okay sir I'm only hunting"? Even if you're carrying a gun in an appropriate way, and in a legal area you still have to drop it, shoulder, whatever, but cooperate with law enforcement. There is no legal right here or in the US that states, at least that I've ever heard, where you can have an firearm in hand, and not comply with a police request. Even if it's holstered, you'd still have to kneel and put your hands on your head.
Wrong at one paint. it was just won (a Case in the USA) that just because you have a holstered pistol in an OC or CC area, and a cop see's it. his does not allow them to approach or question you unless they have proof you are up to something or have reasonable reason to suspect.

That being said. In Canada if an officer conservation or not approaches a hunter. I can assure you they have procedure's. and if you drew your rifle toward them I'd bet he'd draw on and fire at you.
In Canada you must comply and put the gun down to answer questions or you will be shot.

This case is tragic but is life. and a Police officer's job Is NOT regardless of what some people think, to put their life on the line over everyone elses.

They may flee and leave your ass if it's what's safest. They are not military and can't be ordered to risk their life.

They are first and foremost trained to save their own ass and other people's. So when it come's to Maybe a real gun and I along with 10 others may be shot, or it may not be a real gun they go to the dark side, the higher risk and act accordingly.

This is no one's fault but the kid's. and to a further extent the parent's who let the kid use the gun.

(that whole thing was directed solely at you Ricochet"
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Old November 6th, 2013, 18:44   #100
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To be honest...I'm not sure if I'm mis-understanding Danke and Jbone's posts to be critiquing my own.

The comment was made of where there would be mixed-use areas...I responded with a comment.

I'm not supporting or defending that boneheads example or poorly worded opinion.

Jbone made a post that said it was dubious and exaggerated..etc...which I took to be a critique of which I responded with more detail.

@ Danke...I never specified anything about municipal property or not. Reread my posts if you are critiquing them. If I'm misreading your post...sorry about that. Hard to tell on a forum.

@ others...don't read into "being able to hunt in and area" as "being able to do whatever the fuck you want". If that's what you're taking away from my post...reread it, you've got it wrong. @ Ricochet if that's what you've interpreted from my post about hunting in a mixed-use area then you're wrong. I plainly state that you're subject to all laws/regs...
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Old November 6th, 2013, 19:20   #101
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
municipal property
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
You're not the joker in the deck Ty.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 19:28   #102
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I will reiterate

Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
it looks like a REAL firearm!

......and it gets you shot when you point it at a Police Officer!
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old November 6th, 2013, 21:58   #103
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Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Wrong at one paint. it was just won (a Case in the USA) that just because you have a holstered pistol in an OC or CC area, and a cop see's it. his does not allow them to approach or question you unless they have proof you are up to something or have reasonable reason to suspect.

That being said. In Canada if an officer conservation or not approaches a hunter. I can assure you they have procedure's. and if you drew your rifle toward them I'd bet he'd draw on and fire at you.
In Canada you must comply and put the gun down to answer questions or you will be shot.

This case is tragic but is life. and a Police officer's job Is NOT regardless of what some people think, to put their life on the line over everyone elses.

They may flee and leave your ass if it's what's safest. They are not military and can't be ordered to risk their life.

They are first and foremost trained to save their own ass and other people's. So when it come's to Maybe a real gun and I along with 10 others may be shot, or it may not be a real gun they go to the dark side, the higher risk and act accordingly.

This is no one's fault but the kid's. and to a further extent the parent's who let the kid use the gun.

(that whole thing was directed solely at you Ricochet"
I'm not sure you read my post correctly, I don't think I stated anywhere a point that disagrees with what you have said. Perhaps you didn't take certain information as implied? I also mentioned in previous posts the fault lying with the youth, and the need for the parents to be questioned, investigated, whatever.

If you are allowed to have a holstered pistol, then a police officer would not likely interact with you unless they felt they had probable cause. If you are in the US and an officer felt they had probable cause, it's unlikely things would turn out for you if you refused to cooperate.

Police are trained with strict problem solving, and extreme procedural based tactics. In all cases involving a possibly dangerous individual, I'm certain they have to call for backup/support, not to mention protect themselves and the public first and foremost. Police are however responsible for all of their decisions including dealing with unknowns. They are not likely to run unless threat to their health was imminent. They may back off and await support.

So if you were a US officer, what do you think your mandate is? When you are responding to a call (of any kind), and an individual in question has a holstered pistol; are you "A" going to think, "He's allowed to have that, so I can't even question him"; "B" approach him and when he says, "go away, I'm allowed to have my gun", you leave; or "C" follow up on the situation?

I also mentioned an individual would have to "drop, shoulder, etc", which implies the gun is in their hand.
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Last edited by Ricochet; November 6th, 2013 at 22:03..
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Old November 7th, 2013, 00:37   #104
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So there obviously is a problem. Replica firearms being readily available to young children. Easily enough for a kid to get his hands on one, like case in point...from a friend. Parents of the child didn't even maybe know he had it. Next part of the problem- the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. Kids going to schools, young adults going into colleges or universities.....going into theatres and shooting them up. This problem leads to the police adopting the practices that they have about when to decided to shoot if a suspect displays signs of aggression or refuse to comply. One thing + the next = dead kid on evening news. So this must mean there are a lot of parents out there that are not educating their children on the dangers of walking in public with what may be mistaken for a firearm. Or else a lot of children refusing to listen to their parents or a combination of the two. Would it benefit everybody if the police educated parents or reminded them to be careful of letting their kids have toy guns? And the consequences of brandishing in public and not complying with police? Think of an officer educating a 6th grade class on the subject, similar to the drug talk they give. I'm literally asking this. Is this what needs to happen to prevent children getting killed? Or do we just keep doing the same thing and hope for the best? Thoughts please.
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Old November 8th, 2013, 20:55   #105
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Originally Posted by j_march View Post
So there obviously is a problem. Replica firearms being readily available to young children. Easily enough for a kid to get his hands on one, like case in point...from a friend. Parents of the child didn't even maybe know he had it.
Do what you want it liscensed? Start an airsoft registry?
I swear half of y'all sounding like gun banners...

Next part of the problem- the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. Kids going to schools, young adults going into colleges or universities.....going into theatres and shooting them up.
Gun violence in the states is at an all time low actually,
And the "mass shootings" you are referring to are actually rare

This case is tragic but is life. and a Police officer's job Is NOT regardless of what some people think, to put their life on the line over everyone elses.

They may flee and leave your ass if it's what's safest. They are not military and can't be ordered to risk their life.
I am well aware the police aren't there to protect me or you, I understand that.
But a police officer is the one to drive towards the gun fire and is indeed to risk
Their life. It is what they are paid for.

So you saying I could become a cop, sit at Timmy's all night, and when
I get a call say "nah! Pass too dangerous!"

ummm, nope. you would likely have dropped your 870 at the first order to drop it and then complied with Police until it was sorted out. Unless of course you are stupid enough to turn and point it at them.
my point was I wouldn't have guns pointed at me during the encounter,
And I most likely wouldn't be asked to put the gun down.

As opposed to rolling up on me with numbers and guns drawn and pointed,

Not on municipal property. Well signed and marked regarding hunting. If said cyclist traveled from Toronto, saw you, didn't see or understand the signs and called 911 the operator would tell them to get the fuck out of the hunting are. Not dispatch the entire OPP to murder you.
Wrong 911 calls must be attended. the police would respond.

Seriously? Hunting in Toronto? You cannot discharge a firearm inside municipal limits, anywhere in Canada. In Calgary there is a municipal bylaw prohibiting discharging an AIRSOFT gun inside city limits unless it is at a recognized facility.
Who said hunting in Toronto? I don't live in Toronto, I live in simcoe county, so
All that high park crap is just lol! And yes is municipal, has bike paths, hunting with firearms allowed. Etc
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