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Old November 6th, 2013, 10:26   #76
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post

It is the parents that should be investigated.
as well as the kid who loaned him the gun and his parents!
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Old November 6th, 2013, 12:21   #77
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
as well as the kid who loaned him the gun and his parents!
Agreed. But it isn't so much that the Airsoft guns were owned, or even lent, it's how they were handled after that raises my suspicions. I saw the parents on TV saying how they couldn't believe their son was shot just because the police made a mistake in identifying the guns. The police didn't make a mistake, the boy did, perhaps more than one. How did a thirteen year old kid make so many bad decisions leading to his death by a peace officer? How was there absolutely no due diligence, or common sense involved? I feel bad for the family, but worse for the officer (if he followed appropriate procedure). As stated above, he may have issues doing his job, dealing with his family, sleeping, etc, for the rest of his life.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old November 6th, 2013, 13:20   #78
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Originally Posted by Apathy View Post
Go to California and carry around an AK with a mag in it. Let's see what happens.
AR 15 California Open Carry Game Stop Fontana 10 25 11 0000hrs MOV - YouTube

There's two teens with ar15 and pistols at GameStop,
I'm thinking a cod release
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Old November 6th, 2013, 13:21   #79
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Kids today are incredibly familiar and naive regarding firearms because of the amount of gun play on prime time TV, movies, etc. watch a few videos and they feel like experts on how to hold one while remaining completely clueless about any responsibility for safe use or real world danger around wielding them.

And when I say kids I see that attitude extending to people in their 20s who are green as grass but feel like experts as a result of their months of self directed training.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 13:28   #80
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
AR 15 California Open Carry Game Stop Fontana 10 25 11 0000hrs MOV - YouTube

There's two teens with ar15 and pistols at GameStop,
I'm thinking a cod release
Yep, I get all my legal advice from youtube mega entitled gamer idiot kids.

And of course you've got a time machine where you're going to go back in time to when the video was made. Then of course that'll be fine vs. the current law down there.

Carry on.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 13:39   #81
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Regardless of whether CA is an open carry state or not... big diff between a holstered pistol and carrying a rifle. The major factor here is that the kid was non compliant to verbal commands. He was told to put the gun down and did not comply. bang!
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Old November 6th, 2013, 13:50   #82
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I suggest you all watch this. How would you do in this situation?
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:03   #83
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Yep, I get all my legal advice from youtube mega entitled gamer idiot kids.

And of course you've got a time machine where you're going to go back in time to when the video was made. Then of course that'll be fine vs. the current law down there.

Carry on.
ok let's use a better example, I grab my 870, and hop in my car,
Drive 5 minutes down the road to municipal property load it up,
And start hunting along bike paths, etc

I should be shoot dead for doing something legal so that the
Police can feel safer?

Someone visiting from Toronto to ride a bike drives down, sees
Me hunting, they should call the police on me?

Everytime the Police or conservation encounter a hunter it should
Be at gun point so someone whom took a risky and dangerous
Job can feel safer? That's what police are paid for sorry to say,
And if they can't hack it, they should quit plain and simple.

few years ago I attended a park in Toronto, to check up on
A water reservoir, I hear clap clap clap! I go around the building
Look, there's 4-5 kids with airguns shooting balloons tapes to
The rear door screwing it up.

I called non-emergency and clearly explained I was with the kids
Right now, they were airguns, theres no real danger, come charge
Kids with vandalism please.

So yeah, I dialed non-emergency to not get etf, and twenty officers,
But I still got guns pointed at me, and the overkill response that was
Not warranted.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:09   #84
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Originally Posted by QRF1 View Post
I suggest you all watch this. How would you do in this situation?
Make sure you watch on full screen.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:31   #85
Jbone 11 11
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
ok let's use a better example, I grab my 870, and hop in my car,
Drive 5 minutes down the road to municipal property load it up,
And start hunting along bike paths, etc

I should be shoot dead for doing something legal so that the
Police can feel safer?

Someone visiting from Toronto to ride a bike drives down, sees
Me hunting, they should call the police on me?

Everytime the Police or conservation encounter a hunter it should
Be at gun point so someone whom took a risky and dangerous
Job can feel safer? That's what police are paid for sorry to say,
And if they can't hack it, they should quit plain and simple.

few years ago I attended a park in Toronto, to check up on
A water reservoir, I hear clap clap clap! I go around the building
Look, there's 4-5 kids with airguns shooting balloons tapes to
The rear door screwing it up.

I called non-emergency and clearly explained I was with the kids
Right now, they were airguns, theres no real danger, come charge
Kids with vandalism please.

So yeah, I dialed non-emergency to not get etf, and twenty officers,
But I still got guns pointed at me, and the overkill response that was
Not warranted.
You're using Canadian examples to justify an American problem?...nice....good work. It's common knowledge (...mmm...maybe not...) that the US suffers from gun violence in epidemic proportions....and therefore, understandable that their response is equally extreme.

But to answer your first example....if I was a cop and got a call that some nut job was letting loose on a bike path with a 12 or not, your damn right I'd call it in to ert. Did they not cover the common sense thing in your permit course?? Common dude!
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:35   #86
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Kids today are incredibly familiar and naive regarding firearms because of the amount of gun play on prime time TV, movies, etc. watch a few videos and they feel like experts on how to hold one while remaining completely clueless about any responsibility for safe use or real world danger around wielding them.

And when I say kids I see that attitude extending to people in their 20s who are green as grass but feel like experts as a result of their months of self directed training.
A valid point.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:39   #87
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Well.... I died.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:50   #88
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
ok let's use a better example, I grab my 870, and hop in my car,
Drive 5 minutes down the road to municipal property load it up,
And start hunting along bike paths, etc

I should be shoot dead for doing something legal so that the
Police can feel safer?

Someone visiting from Toronto to ride a bike drives down, sees
Me hunting, they should call the police on me?

Everytime the Police or conservation encounter a hunter it should
Be at gun point so someone whom took a risky and dangerous
Job can feel safer? That's what police are paid for sorry to say,
And if they can't hack it, they should quit plain and simple.

few years ago I attended a park in Toronto, to check up on
A water reservoir, I hear clap clap clap! I go around the building
Look, there's 4-5 kids with airguns shooting balloons tapes to
The rear door screwing it up.

I called non-emergency and clearly explained I was with the kids
Right now, they were airguns, theres no real danger, come charge
Kids with vandalism please.

So yeah, I dialed non-emergency to not get etf, and twenty officers,
But I still got guns pointed at me, and the overkill response that was
Not warranted.
You have got to be shitting me.

Where the fuck are you that has municipal property that mixes bike paths with a shot gun range? Beirut?

And I am surprised the 911 operator didn't clue in and tell the police to run the takedown your way instead of using their TTPs. Did you list your qualifications when you made the call?
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Old November 6th, 2013, 14:57   #89
Jbone 11 11
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[QUOTE=Danke;1846857]You have got to be shitting me.

Where the fuck are you that has municipal property that mixes bike paths with a shot gun range? Beirut?


Bradford....apparently. Who knew? :banghead:
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Old November 6th, 2013, 15:00   #90
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I can't see where there would be a "range" mixed in...but there are hunting areas (I can think of one in particular).

But it would be a mistake to confuse a "range" with a "hunting area". Two very different definitions....both in purpose and in interpretation by the law/conservation regs/etc...

I don't think that he's thinking of loading up in High Park, Stanley Park or somewhere like that...
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