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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old October 1st, 2013, 18:28   #1831
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Has anyone ever had any issues with Nova hammer/sear sets for Marui 1911/MEU? Mine seems to be very problematic as I get a lot of full auto or half cocks when the gun is fired. Everything else in my gun is stock. I'm guessing maybe the sear is not catching the hammer? Nozzle and floating valve seem to be fine so I know there is sufficient gas to cock the hammer when the gun cycles. Anyone have issues with nova sets?
I haven't had any issues with the ones I've installed...

Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Also does anyone know if this will fit in 1911 as well? I see so,e chambers are for hubcaps, some 1911 and some for both, so I was wondering if this will actually fit:
I don't see why it wouldn't fit, but I know RaciangManiac's tried it before and can probably answer that question for you.

Originally Posted by Wepeel View Post
Illusion, do you know if this slide set comes with steel or aluminium barrel and if it is a fixed one?
I'm not too sure, but from my best guess, the barrel would be stainless steel and the barrel would be the fixed type... granted, that's how the ILLusion Kinetics version would be configured. I don't know how Airsoft Surgeon's version would be configured. I'm quite certain his barrel is stainless steel, though.

Originally Posted by Dom S View Post
Hey there everyone,

Having read through the majority of this thread can i first say what an amazing resource you have going here, a positive goldmine of information! Now onto my main issue....

yesterday i received a TM 1911 MEU that has been upgraded with a shooters design slide and a guarder metal receiver. As far as I'm aware, these are the only upgrades that have been made, although it was apparently built by Mike Cripps at elite shooting centre. I am unaware if he makes any other changes to the standard internals, although i should hope a custom gun smith would not allow a metal kit upgrade without an enhanced recoil spring for example. Who knows, i have no way of telling, unless anyone else has had a weapon built by him before and could let me know.

The purpose of my post is as follows. When i gassed up the mag and tried to fire it, it let off a single shot, with the cycle only managing to half cock the hammer. i manually cocked the hammer, fired again, and had the same effect.

Being reasonably well acquainted with the internals of TM 1911 pistols i decided to crack her open and see if i could see what was going on. I immediately noticed an issue. The loading muzzle/nozzle has a large crack running through it, which I'm assuming would explain a large decrease in power to the blow-back action of the slide, and subsequently explain the issues with only half cocking the weapon.

my question is, what could have caused this damage to the loading nozzle? i am in the process of ordering a replacement, however i don't want to fit it just to find the next one breaks as well due to an issue else where in the gun. is it possible to confirm that the issues are due to the loading nozzle only?

I have also ordered a 5KU lightweight blowback housing, which i believe includes a piston head. Although designed for a HI-Capa, im under the impression this should fit directly into the MEU? if not, can anyone advise as to what modifications need to be made?

Finally, can anyone explain to me if this issue could be caused by something in the hammer mechanism itself? maybe to do with the leaf spring and its engagement with the hammer sears?

sorry for bombarding you guys with questions!
A couple of issues are raised by your post:

1) The loading nozzle should always be upgraded in Hi-Capa/1911 series pistols when also upgrading to a metal slide, and enhanced recoil spring for the intent of using propane. Sadly, there are many pistol smiths in Canada who know or do this. The reason yours broke, is for that exact reason. All of the added weight of the components, the increased spring strength, and the higher pressure gas leads to a much higher backpressure build up on the original nozzle component which was designed only for use with low powered HFC134a Duster Gas on light weight plastic slides and weaker recoil springs. If you don't upgrade it, it will break as you've exactly described.

2) A Hi-Capa Blowback Unit will fit an MEU.... if you have a precision mill. :P

You will need to cut a very precise slot out of the blowback unit in order for it to mate with your rear sight. If you make that cut out too small, it won't fit. If you make it too big, the rear sight will wobble.

Quite honestly, you should buy a proper MEU rear blowback unit. If you can't find any, I have a few here. They're more expensive, but they work and fit better than the 5KU version.

Last edited by ILLusion; October 1st, 2013 at 18:40..
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 10:08   #1832
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Hello again everyone.

I need some advice about loading muzzle and blowback houseing for CO2 (base is KJW KP-08).

I have got now blowback housing and loading muzzle from KJW (default one) and i think it's not really good for it. After one CO2 magazine i see some damage on loading muzzle one small red part of loading muzzle even fly away. =)

Now i am installed metal loading mazzle and got impressive 390 FPS.
01. 388
02. 386
03. 390
04. 386
05. 388
06. 386
07. 382
08. 379
09. 375
10. 376

Maybe 400 FPS is possible?

P.S. Recoil is a BEAST!

Last edited by T[]RK; October 3rd, 2013 at 10:13..
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 10:58   #1833
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Where did you get a metal loading nozzle from?
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 20:42   #1834
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Are there any plans on making new SVI conversion kits or any kit really?

I really like 6 inch pistols with a ported barrel instead of a comp and with the sight mounted at the rear of the slide or kits with 5" slide and comp. And that is weird to me, looking through some of SVI work almost all IMMs had 5 inch slides/barrel with comp and yet hi-capa kits are all 4.3".

I just really the look of pistols with a microdot mounted at the rear of the slide. And I wish people would make more than just the run-of-the-mill 4.3 IMM Opens.
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Old October 4th, 2013, 12:52   #1835
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Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Where did you get a metal loading nozzle from?
Short time it was available from eHobbyAsia. It's have got company name "EA" so i think it's eHobbyAsia product. BUT, now it's plastic! So, don't buy it.

old EA Metal Loading Muzzle:

A lot of metal loading muzzles was made by another company WII Tech which i am not tested yet...

Last edited by T[]RK; October 4th, 2013 at 12:56..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 12:56   #1836
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Thank you for the info and picture.

Is this the one you are talking about?

$44 Canadian is pretty steep.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
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Last edited by jordan7831; October 4th, 2013 at 13:00..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 13:27   #1837
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Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Is this the one you are talking about?
Yep, it is.
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Old October 5th, 2013, 10:35   #1838
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Are metal nozzles effective with all that weight?

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Old October 5th, 2013, 14:19   #1839
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They work.... for the most part. Till they break, that is.

All of the Marui-compatible metal loading nozzles I've seen were extremely brittle. Die-cast metal is the worst possible material choice for a part that has such thin walls. Just because it's metal, does not make it good!

I don't know about KJW metal nozzles...
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Old October 5th, 2013, 14:36   #1840
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Got a link to the KJW one? That wiitech is out of my price range, but I'd like to see if that 15% increase is real
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Old October 6th, 2013, 03:02   #1841
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
Are metal nozzles effective with all that weight?
They're ok... I guess. For durability's sake, I guess they are ok...

I tried most of the WII-Tech ones. The MP9, 226, M9 and the 1911 ones.
I think they have an integrated valve blocker. You can't use a standard piston head on them because it'll cause fitment issues.

One area for concern is that metal muzzles tend to chew your hop rubber as it enters the hop unit.... which is the reason why I stopped buying them...
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Old October 28th, 2013, 20:58   #1842
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What is your preferred hop up buckings for consistent groupings?

As I understand the Nine Ball is good for fps increase.
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Old November 2nd, 2013, 13:59   #1843
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a question for ILLusion from over the pond.

Hi ILLusion, i have an Airsoft Surgeon Limcat perfect sight, i was using the TM hammer with the AS sear, ive just installed a steel hammer that came with a new steel sear and what looks like a 1911 style knocker!
The knocker i had installed origionally is a 5.1 style but it had to be filed down on the top surface to get it to work as it was stopping the magazines from being fully inserted. When i use a 1911 style knocker..i get gas seeping out as i insert a mag! As if its catching the mag release valves (origional TM valves). using the origional steel sear (1911 i think) that came with the AS slide/frame set as my new steel sear will not fit without drilling the hole bigger!
Any idea's about the knocker? I want to use the new steel one but its releasing gas when the mags in and only shoots if the slide is back BEFORE the mags inserted?
Regards, Mark
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Old November 4th, 2013, 19:47   #1844
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Originally Posted by Wepeel View Post
What is your preferred hop up buckings for consistent groupings?

As I understand the Nine Ball is good for fps increase.
I've been experimenting with a lot lately, and my current favourite is a combination of the A+ hop up rubber, with the A+ Devil Strike Chamber, all held together with an ILLusion Kinetics hop up chamber. With the hop up at the minimum, it will sling a 0.28g BB laser straight and with very tight groupings out to 200+ feet.

It has the same FPS benefits as the Nine Ball, with better accuracy than the Firefly or PDI W-Hold. It's quite an ultimate combo. Combine it with a Tanio Koba Twist barrel, and I don't think you can get better, at this time.

Originally Posted by Rubi-tong View Post
Hi ILLusion, i have an Airsoft Surgeon Limcat perfect sight, i was using the TM hammer with the AS sear, ive just installed a steel hammer that came with a new steel sear and what looks like a 1911 style knocker!
The knocker i had installed origionally is a 5.1 style but it had to be filed down on the top surface to get it to work as it was stopping the magazines from being fully inserted. When i use a 1911 style knocker..i get gas seeping out as i insert a mag! As if its catching the mag release valves (origional TM valves). using the origional steel sear (1911 i think) that came with the AS slide/frame set as my new steel sear will not fit without drilling the hole bigger!
Any idea's about the knocker? I want to use the new steel one but its releasing gas when the mags in and only shoots if the slide is back BEFORE the mags inserted?
Regards, Mark

The AS knocker needs the leading corner ground down a bit to give it clearance to drop behind the magazine's flow valve. The first generation Airsoft Surgeon knockers all had this problem, as did the ILLusion Kinetics ones. It was a slight manufacturing flaw that was overlooked, unfortunately.

ILLusion Kinetics has since moved on to the second generation which has the angle ground in, but in some cases, some additional grinding may be needed if you're using higher pressured gasses, especially in warmer climates, or if you're using aftermarket flow valves that sit higher than the stock valves.

It's a high possibility that Airsoft Surgeon is still trying to dump first generation product, as they buy in very large quantities, unlike ILLusion Kinetics.

Last edited by ILLusion; November 4th, 2013 at 19:49..
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Old November 7th, 2013, 03:22   #1845
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Does anyone know if there is any benefit to using a 1911 style hopup chamber when using a 5.1 spring guide that has a hole at the base?

I'm assuming that the spring guide will be less likely to slip but is there any other benefit?

I've got one of each and was considering using the 1911 one on my Kimber Capa 5.1
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