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Cqc Buildings And Bunkers



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Old August 23rd, 2005, 14:56   #1
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Cqc Buildings And Bunkers

Im going to attempt to build some structures for our field so we can bring more CQB and tactical games. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to look for basic designs and cheaper materials?? I have a large amount of Pallets at my disposal all around 4 to 5 feet in diamater but thats about it.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 15:02   #2
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if you are serious concerning this, i would suggest you start with a single floor installation of walls. Use 2x3 wood to make the frames and pallets or 1x3 for the walls, or plywood. No need to board both sides of the walls.

In doing so, you can quickly attain a 4-5 room + corridors construction that will resemble a 4 1/2 apartment or first floor house.

Then Roam the city you live in and check in alleys and stuff for old junk like chairs, sofa, tables. take anything you can and stuff it in your 'kill house'.

Charge a mere 10$ per entry to your field and invest 100% of that money into your field. In a year, with about 10-15 players, you'll have a village setup with at least 5 installations. That way you can make MOUT and CQB at the same time.

Be sure that you are gonna need at least 500$ worth of investment to start your constructions.

Hope this helps.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 16:13   #3
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Thanks, you actually gave me some really good ideas, any suggestions about make a tower around 7 feet clearance ?
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 16:25   #4
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Tower? would that be an observation tower? a gaming tower? how many ppeople allowed at once on it?

For sure you are gonna have to use 4x4, for the rest, 2x3 should be enought if done properly. Again, plywood is your friend. depending on the side, just plan on 2 sheets tick and it'll witstand 600lbs easy. Plan on reinforced X frames below and 45 degree angle 2x3 reinforcements if larger.

But to be honest... Towers are never a really good investment... everyone goes in 'cause its cool and then, everyone realise its a death trap and never go in after that... stick with bunkers
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 16:52   #5
Lord Jebus
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If you're gonna build a tower make sure it's safe...

Use 4x4's in the corners... And make sure you burry them atleast 6' into the ground... dig the holes about 7' and fill the first foot with rocks and crushed limestone and then drop in your 4x4's and fill the holes with concrete...

That'll give you a sturdy base to start with... when you add the floor to the tower make sure you use some good solid 1/2 inch bolts and washers to support the floor joists to the 4x4's and then covers them with plywood...
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 17:03   #6
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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IMO, a plain and simple killhouse is enough.

Everyone drool for a killhouse. I'd kill for one.
It's a shame we don't have flat space for such a thing on our field.

The good thing about killhouse is it's modular. You can make it in such a way to undo the wall and rearange it to make different size and shape room. That way you have something new everytime.

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Old August 23rd, 2005, 17:15   #7
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for once i agree with Fox on this.

Towers are very expensive and won't get enought attention.

Now on the other hand, if you do a single story killhouse without roofs (you can use blue waterproof tarps to protect if raining), building high towers around for observers can be a good idea tho. Ideal for training too.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 18:49   #8
Snake Eyes
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yup, forget the towers, theyr cool n all but i would nvr get in one, death trap, ull get hosed, id rather make myself a tree blind, more cover, but again, ull get raped on the way down, go with bunkers,

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Old August 23rd, 2005, 18:58   #9
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Personally what i would do (if i had the time and money) is make a peg board style floor with individual wall peices made from a wooden frame and some durable material to keep em light, then have pegs on the bottoms of the wall peices and latches on the sides. then make a warehouse style structure around it all , this way you can completley change the lay out every couple weeks or a month keeping it new and exciting all the time.
As for there being holes in the floor you could get strips of carpet cut into large peices and lay them down wherever the walls arnt to avoid tripping.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 19:24   #10
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Check the adds in your local paper for office furniture. Many places upgrade their old cubicles to new. Usually they throw the old stuff out or sell it cheap. You just need the panels. They are free standing, easy to put together in whatever configuration you choose. Usually range in height from 36" to 86". All you need is a stucture to put them in. I've been in a lot of offices around the city and always thought it would be a cool place for airsoft.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 19:34   #11
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If there is a decent amount of trees in the field, couldn't you string up tarps as wall stand-ins? It would be decently reconfigurable.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 23:17   #12
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With a killhouse, you want sturdy and simple. They take alot of abuse, from weather and players. I don't know how many times I have or seen guys slip and crash into door frames and walls or climb through windows. It's alot of fun having easy access to one. Here are some pics of the one we have at the LZ. We still want to expand on it, make it bigger and have more smaller ones around it, making something like a street.

As far as bunkers go, we try and make them realistic, such as using cars, building wooden crates and stacking them (ammo dump?), 45 gallon drums (fuel dump?). We've also gotten some cinder blocks that were donated, thanx to Apoc and Sonic and made walls that kind of looked like a "bombed out" building shell.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 23:33   #13
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Good overhead shot of our CQB

Although not really tall, it is amazing how much more area you can see and scan just a few feet up.

You never know what suprises lurk in the pill box.

The bus is crazy! I love the LZ

Posting the link was easier then getting the pics to stick
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 23:41   #14
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your pics dont work for me
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Old August 24th, 2005, 01:20   #15
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Originally Posted by ABRAXAAS
Personally what i would do (if i had the time and money) is make a peg board style floor with individual wall peices made from a wooden frame and some durable material to keep em light, then have pegs on the bottoms of the wall peices and latches on the sides. then make a warehouse style structure around it all , this way you can completley change the lay out every couple weeks or a month keeping it new and exciting all the time.
As for there being holes in the floor you could get strips of carpet cut into large peices and lay them down wherever the walls arnt to avoid tripping.

or the players oculd move it every game, so its always a surprise for the attacking military.
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