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Gameplay involving grenades


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Old August 17th, 2013, 00:48   #1
slowbird's Avatar
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Gameplay involving grenades

As a newb I am curious about the use of grenades, distraction devices, and whatever else is tossed around during matches. (are there imitation flashbangs?)

Do the event co-ordinators determine who was killed by the grenade?

As long as you are behind cover are you considered not effected by a grenade?

I saw an airsoft video where a group was defending a base, and the other team tossed a greanade in the middle of the defenders. There was a good 3-5 seconds before the grenade went off and took them all out.

Do rules allow someone to try and kick the grenade away, or try and cover it, or try and pick it up and throw it back?
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Old August 17th, 2013, 01:59   #2
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Depends on the hosts. Usually you are required to be struck by a bb to be effected by grenades. Not proximity based. Some fields/hosts differ on this rule. It's vague. If in doubt, call it. Distration devices are that, a distraction, no hit call required. Some games require a mandatory "stun", which is bullshit.
Grab, throw back, kick grenades which are timed. Do it.

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Old August 17th, 2013, 03:45   #3
aka coachster
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Typically determined by the host.

But, if someone does not call a 40mm hit, it's usually followed up but another and another.... Rinse and repeat as necessary. Be careful of one or two other 40mm operators joining in!

Only time I've found it to be a sticky issue is when the ricochet rule isn't clear.

Last edited by coach; August 17th, 2013 at 03:54..
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Old August 17th, 2013, 04:17   #4
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Are you guys talking about those grenade launches that shoot a bunch of BB's at once??

I'm referring to the hand grenades.
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Old August 17th, 2013, 07:18   #5
aka coachster
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Same deal. If they don't call hits, follow up grenades are tossed and entry with rifles blazing happens.

But it depends on the hosts. Some will say you have to be hit. For indoor some will say think about it, if you're in a room and a real grenade went off, you'd probably be dead. For outdoors, it's harder as you'll sometimes get a designated range of impact but we all know everyone's ability to judge distance in a game is super accurate!

It's all on the honour system. If in doubt call out and respawn to go shoot your friend who just killed you!
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Old August 17th, 2013, 07:49   #6
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Ok. Thanks everyone for the responses
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Old August 17th, 2013, 08:56   #7
A Total Bastard
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As a host, my rule is direct hit from a BB or projectile when dealing with grenades or devices... If you are unsure if you were hit by a direct shot or ricochet, do the honorable thing and call it.

As said though, it varies from host to host, I find this way works best.
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Old August 17th, 2013, 12:16   #8
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the idea of calling a grenande hit where a bb doesnt hit you because "if that was real life youd be dead" is super lame haha
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Old August 17th, 2013, 12:24   #9
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
the idea of calling a grenande hit where a bb doesnt hit you because "if that was real life youd be dead" is super lame haha
Yep! Tough to manage as well.

I always respond with if we were using real ammunition every time i hit thst bush or plywood building youre behind youd be dead so you should call that...
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Old August 17th, 2013, 12:26   #10
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Ever heard of concussion grenades??? That's what the thunder b shell (the black tube cylinder one) is modelled after. The mk3 I believe. The other thunder b shells are the dumbbell shaped flashbang and the green pineapple grenade. The way we used the thunder b's was as a concussion grenade. If some ass was camping in a barn we would use it to take him out. If he was in the structure, and it went off, that was a kill. The only way for him to survive was to kick it out before it went off. In my opinion calling a kill if I'm not hit by a bb when it goes off right beside me is not lame. It's Milsim after all, if a grenade would have killed me in real life there, I'll call it. Same as I don't talk to my team mates once I'm dead. Cause in real life dead men don't talk.
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Old August 17th, 2013, 12:30   #11
Mr. Gruntsworthy
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If you've ever watched scoutthedoggie's youtube videos, the rule there is that you're considered hit if one of those loud firecracker grenades explodes within 5 meters of you with a clear line of sight.

I like that variation.
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Old August 17th, 2013, 12:54   #12
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With the concussion grenades, be careful not to throw them right beside people, especially in enclosed buildings... The tend to fire at above 120 db or more. My Thunder B fires around 120db, and my buddy wanted me to test it out on him (he's insane...) Needless to say, it was in an open field, but it happened to land right beside his foot. After it went off he couldn't hear very well for about three hours he said. Sooo yeah. Be respectful to other players when using concussion grenades. A game isn't worth losing your hearing over, just as much as your eyes... Be respectful, be mindful, be responsible. It's all fun and games until someone gets seriously hurt.
On that note, yes, they are fun to use, add realism to the game, come in handy every once in a while.. but they still are dangerous if not used properly. Not to mention they hurt like hell if it goes off in your hand!
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