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Anyone else longing for a shift to real cap mags?



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Old July 30th, 2013, 16:20   #31
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Originally Posted by Repeat View Post
While I do agree with running amo limits. You can't compare BB's to bullets. Yes in an open area you should be able to cope at 1:1. However, an obstacle as simple as a leaf will cause a BB to deviate, where as a bullet would not. Real cap is not as simple as running 1:1 in the bush. This doesn't mean you need 2-3 times the amo count, but an increase from real bullet counts are in order.

Totally agree with Brian McIlmoyle's statement.

A huge part of the problem, IMO, is so many players don't really understand how airsoft range and accuracy works: so many people, even otherwise experienced players, hold true the erroneous concept that "more FPS = more range."

Heavier ammo, better quality ammo (consistency between shots), and a well tuned gun will go a lot more to extend your range than an extra 20 fps ever will. .28, .30, 36 ammo WILL punch through leaves even at range and in a properly tuned gun will extend your effective range more than you could ever hope to achieve with a power upgrade.

And that honestly is where the game goes to a new level: people shooting less, more accurately at longer ranges instead of spaying cheap .20s from hicaps.
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Old July 30th, 2013, 17:22   #32
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I personally have no issue running realcap mags (i run a gbbr lately) and even in my aegs i load 30 or 40 rounds into my midcaps and again have no issues.
I run 30's have a good hop up (promy smooth bucking and bridge tensioner) and cant remember the last time i shot full auto (aside from doing it for shits and giggles on my indoor gun pushing 30rps)
It had been said in the sniper community that FPS=range and for the mostbpart in a well tuned bolt action that is true but the reason it holds true is because it allows us to use a much heavier BB to remain consistant at the longer ranges. My 320 fps mp5 has just as much range as my 400fps m4 and my 380fps 416 gbb4 is even beter cause the nature of gas allows me to run 36's effectively even at the lower fps as they will absorb more energy and thus hold energy longer increasing effective range. Do i want everyone to run realcaps, not really cause most of the good players alrdy do run real or lowcaps anyhow and the ones who need/want to run 90-120rounders or hicaps prolly need the extra ammo to put up a challenge for us more experienced players anyhow, let em hose the cover my squad is behind. Whike they are busy blowing off rounds ill just grab a teammate or get on the horn to another squad to flank their asses while they are too focused on hosing one area they will get shot in the ass.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old July 30th, 2013, 17:34   #33
Brian McIlmoyle
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In the WWII reenactment community - Realcap is the rule .. and people are actually keen on using proper tactics, they want to learn them, they want to do them.

Which is why more and more I spend my time there.

if people are looking for THE most immersive and realistic combat simulation.. you need to get involved in the growing WWII reenactment community. Spend your money on wool and leather rather than Nylon and Plastic.
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Old July 31st, 2013, 03:30   #34
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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I've always real caped, I never liked the call of duty, bb hose, one man army style of play.
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Old July 31st, 2013, 17:03   #35
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another thing real caps would help is friendly fire. when you only have so many shots left, you really really have to I.D. your target.
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Old July 31st, 2013, 18:38   #36
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
another thing real caps would help is friendly fire. when you only have so many shots left, you really really have to I.D. your target.
Well in the opening battlefield game in quebec (a realcap one) I got friendly fired twice while wearing a full KMLK bdu in the russian team. Some people are just too quick on trigger, real cap or not.

However I really enjoy that most games I attend in quebec are realcap now. Just the stress of mag changes under fire is a plus to the experience !
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Old July 31st, 2013, 20:33   #37
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If you walk around with your nose picker on the trigger it's just a matter of time before you kill a buddy.

in the fraction of a second it takes to move your finger onto the trigger you can do the FOF decision.

this is just training.. training that most people don't do

Originally Posted by Comeau-SCS View Post
Well in the opening battlefield game in quebec (a realcap one) I got friendly fired twice while wearing a full KMLK bdu in the russian team. Some people are just too quick on trigger, real cap or not.

However I really enjoy that most games I attend in quebec are realcap now. Just the stress of mag changes under fire is a plus to the experience !
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Old August 5th, 2013, 00:14   #38
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Loading mid caps up with only ~35 bbs is what I have been doing and it works great, although you lose 3-5 rounds if you reload for a full mag. I never really feel at a complete disadvantage compared to people with 120rnd mid caps/high caps. There is still the option of loading more bbs as well if you feel like you are getting hosed. I think having to use more skill and judgement can really add a new dimension to games. One day I plan on transitioning to a gas primary for even more realism! =D I do wish more people decided to use real capacity magazines. Also, when I see someone who is near the limit of my effective range I would rather sneak up closer and make sure I can hit them instead of trying to shoot them from a distance, miss, and give away my position.
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Old August 5th, 2013, 09:37   #39
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I'm still fairly new to using the different styles of guns (AEG vs GBBR) and my only real experience is my PX4 sidearm :P I do love the recoil and the power it has for such a small weapon, and I like the sound the GBBRs make when they fire, but (this is just me) I don't like having to constantly fill the mags with gas and lubing it every other mag it's a little tedious for me (not to say it's not necessary for proper maintenance as with any weapon) but I'm more fond of just load up quick and get on the field to enjoy my day. Mind you I enjoy longer range combat (switching to a designated marksman role and keeping my f2000 for urban environments) so I understand the situation regarding the long range firefights.
Real caps would be fun to use, but since I'm not exactly the greatest at one-shot-kill yet, I'll stick with my midcap and AEG... for now. :P But if someone sneaks up on me and tags me, props to them, I applaud your ninja skills and ammunition conservation. Real trooper right there. None of this high-cap spray and pray nonsense we see from speedball converts with high ROF SMGs in your face four feet away.
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Old August 5th, 2013, 10:47   #40
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I use to be a huge advocate for real caps, but unfortunately as lurking knight mentioned 1bb does equal 1 bullet. It usually take 2 even three rounds to accomplish what 1 bullet could do. Wether it be twigs, grass, wind or "I didn't feel it" that being said the more "elite" players wait until they are guaranteed a strike before engaging a target. So for elite Airsoft the rule can apply but for general Airsoft I think it just isn't applicable

I am a low cap guy (though I run Ptw, my whole team stricktly enforces the half stroke method of only half loading your mags)

I don't like mid caps and I absolutely loath hi caps.

As a standard every one on my team and that plays on our field adheres to the semi first rule. Full auto is acceptable in short controlled bursts (3 sec) and only ehen situation calls for it. Ie ambush, lone man, cover fire ect.

When it comes to a friendly fire incident the shooter calls himself out for poor target identification and trigger control, and the shootee (?) stays in regardless of argument. That being said if there was no way to realistically identify or tell or the shootee started the engagement, well them lesson learned. Shooter stays in. 90% of the time it ends with the shooter walking off.

Another rule we stricktly enforce at home and away is "swatt paper scissors". If there was an incident where both shooters feel they got the other, there is absolutely no need for raised voices, halt in game play or involvement of admins. You simply Rock Paper Scissors for whom stays and move on. Then is and equally fair chance that you win or lose equivalent to whether you hit him or not. And if the other party can't be bothered to partake then you know he's a lying piece of shit and you can feel better knowing that you caught him in a lie. Regardless walk off and respawn, that's just good show.
Age verifier southern Alberta

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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

Last edited by swatt13; August 5th, 2013 at 11:04..
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Old August 5th, 2013, 12:11   #41
aka coachster
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I am all for real cap load outs but could careless what capacity mags you run with the exception of mag ticklers.

Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
When it comes to a friendly fire incident the shooter calls himself out for poor target identification and trigger control, and the shootee (?) stays in regardless of argument. That being said if there was no way to realistically identify or tell or the shootee started the engagement, well them lesson learned. Shooter stays in. 90% of the time it ends with the shooter walking off.
I'm not sure I understand that logic. A person is dead regardless of which direction they were shot from. It should not matter if it's friendly or not. You get shot by the enemy, you're dead. You get shot by your idiot team mate, you're dead.

One guy learned that the hard way years ago. I had just setup all my 40's to defend a base when buddy shot me in the back. I looked at him and without saying anything, scooped all my nades and walked off, a little pissed but with a grin cause I knew he was going to get raped when op for got near. the look on his face when he realized he had no more support was priceless.
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Old August 5th, 2013, 12:34   #42
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
another thing real caps would help is friendly fire. when you only have so many shots left, you really really have to I.D. your target.
Real caps doesn't fix idiots; it just means they get to kill less team mates without reloading :P

Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
Real caps would be fun to use, but since I'm not exactly the greatest at one-shot-kill yet, I'll stick with my midcap and AEG... for now. :P

While I understand the concern, know that nobody has 1:1 shot/kill ratios. Playing real cap only means you'll be in semi most of the time, you'll learn to not shoot at stuff you can't hit, you'll learn to aim better, you'll tune your gun out of necessity, etc. When everyone is playing that way it works out for the best. So don't lower the bar for yourself thinking you won't be able: you'll walk away proud of what you manage to accomplish. This game can be so much more than just racking up "kills."
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Old August 5th, 2013, 13:06   #43
Suburban Gun Runner
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Being a participant in Quebec'a real cap games, I can say from experience that they are more intense and I enjoy them much more. In the first one of the year I chose to game a saw, and I can say that the feeling of having overwhelming fire superiority was amazing. By not being a total idiot in its use I was able to successfully turn the odds time and again in our favor and if not eliminate dislodge the opposition from positions we didn't want them in. Try this in non rc game and it would be much different. I can also say in an rc game that I have been on the receiving end of LMG fire and it can turn the odds against you rather quickly.
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Old August 5th, 2013, 13:14   #44
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
I use to be a huge advocate for real caps, but unfortunately as lurking knight mentioned 1bb does equal 1 bullet. It usually take 2 even three rounds to accomplish what 1 bullet could do. Wether it be twigs, grass, wind or "I didn't feel it" .....
The way we make up for this is, if it takes 3 BBs to hit a target at 150ft, you move in closer to where it only takes 1 BB...
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Old August 5th, 2013, 13:26   #45
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I don't really get the 1 bb/1 bullet thing.

For one, as preciously said, shoot better/heavier BBs.

Apart from that, whether you're carrying 300 BBs in one hicap and 10 real caps doesn't change how many BBs you have on you. Even if its taking you 10 BBs/kill that's 30 kills before you need to go reload FFS. Don't be a munchkin.
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