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Finally Green Mountain Rangers are banned



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Old June 2nd, 2013, 22:45   #121
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Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
Sssooo...Running irregular gear that and not asking the organizer if it ok (i.e. ladders and bikes) (read litterally hiding it from everyone) is ok?

They sound like douchebag crackheads. Doesn't really help their cause the way I hear it.
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Old June 2nd, 2013, 22:49   #122
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Plus ASC fucking loves drama.
We've got the answer here.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 00:28   #123
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Altercation video.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 01:03   #124
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hahah under the post of that video people are back on the gmr band wagon, I would like to see the full uncut video, even a idiot could edit the stuff they were accused of out.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 01:07   #125
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even a idiot can also jump onto a hate bandwagon.. not saying i approve of everything they do/say, but there's a stupid amount of hate going out on them from people who weren't there/will never actually meet any of them... i don't know 'em, nor will I likely ever, so realistically this point is moot.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 01:49   #126
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If that video proves anything, its that they are undisciplined hotheads.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 02:16   #127
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My favorite part is the comments of people saying GMR should be unbanned from every field - forgetting that they seem to cause shit wherever they go. These games are not a public service. They don't have to be fair in their bans. The fact that drama seems to follow them where ever they go should be enough to turf them. If you cause more problems (Constant post game drama / rage visible to the international community) than you solve (people having a good time playing Airsoft) why would anyone want to have you be at the event in the first place?

There are a number of individuals and groups that are banned here in Ontario based solely on that criteria.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 03:38   #128
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Originally Posted by c3sk View Post
they say grmpls. I can see both sides of the coin from that video.

They did try to deescalate it by walking away but I can see why it got heated somewhat the staff members a) were grabbing them b) yelling at them c) getting in their face d) swearing at them. After seeing that chalk it up to the heat of the moment and move on. No idea why it got to the point it did.

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Old June 4th, 2013, 05:43   #129
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Originally Posted by tygr701 View Post
they say grmpls. I can see both sides of the coin from that video.

They did try to deescalate it by walking away but I can see why it got heated somewhat the staff members a) were grabbing them b) yelling at them c) getting in their face d) swearing at them. After seeing that chalk it up to the heat of the moment and move on. No idea why it got to the point it did.
Its hard to say what really did happen from only that video. Its only a snapshot of the entire story. That video alone doesnt explain possible accumulation of prior events that may have led to said escalation.

Im not sure about the situation, but my question is why McKnight had to personally come out to get the to the GMR back in line? Why did regular game staff not suffice?
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Old June 4th, 2013, 08:47   #130
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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"We didn't yell at a veteran on memorial day, we yelled at a dude on a just happened to be a veteran and memorial day"

But you had already been there a day and didn't recognize Col McKnight???
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Old June 4th, 2013, 09:48   #131
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What's that rumbling sound?

Oh, it's everybody scrambling off the hatewagon.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 12:26   #132
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I don't post much but I should just point this out...

I still don't have much respect for GMR due to the way they handled the trolling on their Facebook page. They could have locked it for comments instead of returning it back with insults and racist remarks.

Yes you can make fun of people back but when you start to bring racism into it, that's where I draw the line. It's morally wrong and something that should not be tolerated in society at all. All things aside from what GMR did, they didn't lose my respect until I saw how far they sunk when handling this situation.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 21:26   #133
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Play Against them, We have

Originally Posted by talon View Post
even a idiot can also jump onto a hate bandwagon.. not saying i approve of everything they do/say, but there's a stupid amount of hate going out on them from people who weren't there/will never actually meet any of them... i don't know 'em, nor will I likely ever, so realistically this point is moot.
Play against Talon then form your far as the hate wagon goes, I couldn't care less if these guys ever play again...and if they do we will still take the fight to them.

Bottom line is, wherever they go they stir up alot of confrontational shit which effects the game host and ppl not wanting to return.

The other fact, is these guys will do crazy things in Operations like jump from a building to another Building on Federal Mount Site which got them banned but more over can you imagine what could of happen to BLACKSHEEP MILSIM if one of these idiots fell and severely hurt themselves.

I didn't start the thread but gave the thread 3 personal experiences, the last time they were honorable and called their hits with us and left after we cleared the Building. Jeff lowry from Ithica Airsoft has well document film footage of these guy wanting to fight with somebody (he film onw of their Documentries). If these guys are playing at a game we are still going play aginst them.

As far as the video goes, I don't know (or why they didn't put it out sooner) if was edited or not by I here Major McNight requesting them to move back with the others and why they are up there...he ask for their SL and they are insubordinate to in USA CHAIN OF COMMAND, COY/PL/SL are enforeced moreover as oppose to Canada.

What I suggest to Canadian MISLMIMERS or AIRSOFTERS go to a game USA (with Noteriety) and you will see a big a difference. When your paying $150 to $200 a game and getting an excellent theatre of realism of FORCE on FORCE you don't want some Team out tere ruined it for someone else and I don't mean by legitimately winnning but clearly violated the rules, regulations and saftey of the venue.

The person who started this thread had reason why he did it...whether it is a hate thread, whether it is non hit calling thread or whether is Plate carrier thread etc....these guys have a noteriety of cheating, disobeying staff, safety violations wherever they go (I can attest to that) someone in the communitty addressed it. This is what happened, however I can't see BLACKJACK saying anything negative about Veterans because he served in Iraq himself.

No disrespect to you Talon, I have gamed with and against you and your an honorable player. Iam actually amazed on how many hits this thread got...there maybe 60 MILSIMERS in Canada who have actually gone up against them. One thing for sure, with all their antics at the BLACKSHEEP MILSIMS. Major John Bucciarelli doesn't want them back...but believe it or not they did make a good name for themselves at some John earlier events but their track record in the last 3 and half years is lacking in desire.


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Old June 4th, 2013, 21:41   #134
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Old June 4th, 2013, 21:43   #135
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And I think that will be our closing comment. We've heard both sides. Nothing more constructive will come of this thread.
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