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Mgc 1991a1


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Old August 6th, 2005, 18:41   #1
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Mgc 1991a1

I recently have come into the possesion of an MGC 1991A1.
Condition is pretty good, minor paint wear on the trigger/safety/hammer (metal parts), mag has a bit of a leak (easily fixed, will take a gander)... Doesent seem to have seen much use! Especially considering age.

Exactly like this, 'cept mine has a black barrel and chamber cover:

Information is scarce - it seems to have been licenced from WA, I have heard(and if anyone can confirm) that the MGC build quality was higher?

The mag is single stack, previous owner said a mag from another player with a WA colt worked... Can anyone tell me, as to aid in a search for a new mag (or parts for the current) what WA models used them?

Third, can anyone tell me what this sucker is worth? I'm going to sell it, insurance

If anyone has any information, advice, experiences, please, don't be shy!
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Old August 6th, 2005, 18:45   #2
Bravo One-Six
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I ALSO have one!

Amazing huh?

The WA colt single stack mags fit, BUT they are longer so they stick out the bottom. Not a problem if you need a mag, but doesn't look that pretty. I also only paid about 200 for mine, so as far as I can tell, they aren't worth that much.

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Old August 6th, 2005, 18:57   #3
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Ya want another? :P

I figured that was about the high end of what I was going to get, fine by me.

Thanks for the mag info, effing GBBs are more of a pain in the ass then anything else.

I know many of the MGC guns are rare here in Canada... I wounder how many there are....
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Old August 6th, 2005, 19:25   #4
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I have an MGC Glock Seidler Custom race gun. An extremely rare piece that a friend brought here from Hong Kong for me about 10 years ago.

An interesting feature that the Seidler custom Glock race gun has that you'll find on almost any airsoft gun nowadays: A Rifled barrel.

MGC guns are fairly rare in Canada. Definitely classic pieces.
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Old August 6th, 2005, 19:40   #5
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i think i sold that MGC 1911a1 to you meat ?! =P
long time ago

and i think i sold that gun pretty cheap hehe =)

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Old August 8th, 2005, 11:08   #6
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Thanks for the responses folks,

I'm on holiday so I had the oppertunity to take her apart, clean, inspect, sex up, and to [Nearly] fix the mag. Amazingly, the range is about the same as my TM G26 on proPAIN... Pretty good for an older gun.

Not sure when this gun was purchased and actually used, but its still going strong... Least with this MGC gun, there is a chance in hell of getting parts as the design was licenced from WA. I'd figure at least 7 years old. Amazing.

As much as I am tempted to field this baby, I think its gotta go (pm me if its your sorta thing I guess.... )

Thanks again!
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Old August 8th, 2005, 17:03   #7
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Be careful with propane on these pieces. You may end up blowing the cylinder nut out and stripping it's threads, if the design is anything like their Glocks.
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Old August 8th, 2005, 19:16   #8
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I have an MGC Colt Defender 45 (1911 Officer frame with a 3" barrel and compact slide)

Originally, WA was an aftermarket parts maker for MGC GBBs, especially Berettas and 1911s. MGC licensed WA's Magna Blowback system to use in their own guns. Design-wise, MGC and WA guns are extremely similar, with many parts being cross compatible. MGC didn't use the heavier ABS found in most WA guns however.

Mags for the 1911s are identical in just about every respect.

The Defender, and the gun you have, use the shorter Officer frames, which feature a single stack 13 rnd mag. You could use a standard WA single stack 15 rnd mag, but as Meat pointed out it'll stick out a bit.

The kicker though is WA released (re-released?) the V10 Ultra Compact, which asides from the markings and ported slide/barrel, is identical to my Defender. Now WA is using a new mag design for single stackers, which holds extra BBs (for for regular and Officer size models), but by all accounts those fit single stacks just fine.

So I have a couple on order (if that order ever comes in :P Brian, i"m looking at YOU man... hahaha). I'm 99.9% certain they'll fit just fine.

DenTrinity (i think it was Den) also have/had MGC Officer -sized 13 round mags listed. Those are the original ones, if you can order from Den.

And as Illusion pointed out, green gas in those MGC guns is bad, mmmmkay?
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Old August 9th, 2005, 09:02   #9
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Just to clarify, MGC on Duster, G26 on propane, performance was about the same...
Pretty damn good if you ask me... For an older gun with ancient hop up...

The mgc likes TM bbs (I had a wee bag lying around) better then Guardier .2gs... Any reason why? I thought guardier was larger, and rounder (so more contact with the hop up rubber?)
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Old September 21st, 2005, 10:21   #10
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SO, i'm now the proud owner of one of these mysterious pistols...

If the design of the V10 ultra-compact is similar enough, would that mean a metal slide/frame combination for a V10 would be cross compatible?

I'd like to eventually build this gun up to propane-standard...
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Old September 21st, 2005, 10:44   #11
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Old September 21st, 2005, 11:02   #12
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Originally Posted by rosie
As much as I am tempted to field this baby, I think its gotta go (pm me if its your sorta thing I guess.... )

Thanks again!
Not the right place to be putting your GBBs for sale. The GBB sales section is age verified and is the place to be selling your GBBs.

I've got a well worn MGC1991 here. The internals bear striking similarities with most WA 0.45 gbbs. Side by side with 3.9" SVI, you can see how SVI is a clone on the 1911 design. As compact carry goes, the 1991 is a nice build. the rounded slide makes the gun feel smaller than the more boxy SVI which is also doublestack.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old September 21st, 2005, 14:40   #13
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Okay a little follow up post...

Firstly, many WA 1911 parts fit the MGC, since WA started life making aftermarket parts for MGC 1911s and M92s. A few parts have minor differences however.

As for the V10 Ultra Compact specifically, I've tested the WA Wilson Compact 19 round mags (Colt Officer sizing) in my WGC Defender (V10 variant) and it fits and works perfectly, with the added bonus of 6 extra rounds thanks to WA's new mag design.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 15:14   #14
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Great peice you have Rosie. I'm the proud owner of a MGC MP5K gas-blowback.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 17:28   #15
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I have a question now, regarding this MGC...

The scenario (unfortunately) is that I don't know the subtle differences between the MGC and the WA, and from there, I don't know the subtle differences between the WA Magna-Blowback, and the S.C.W. or S.C.W. 2...

If I were to try to put a metal slide on this MGC, I would think putting a slide designed for the V10 would work...

However, looking on say WGC, I can see that the only slides available for compact .45's (that I can find...) are for S.C.W. guns...

Would an SCW slide/frame fit onto an older design of pistol?

Or am I going to be hard-pressed to find something that will fit on this old MGC 1991A1?

(it's truly unfortunate that bringing a metal slide in is such a PITA, since it's really hard to go thru trial & error when it costs $100 US plus a pop to try...)
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