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Tlsfx M11 Multi-Burst Canister Grenade


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Old March 27th, 2013, 02:34   #1
TotoHurteau's Avatar
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Location: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
Tlsfx M11 Multi-Burst Canister Grenade

Hey guys i've been seeing a lot of new grenades in my UK magazines from Tlsfx and Enola Gaye, i'd like to hear your opinions on them. They used it indoor and outdoor.
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Old March 27th, 2013, 03:29   #2
Red Wine & Adderall
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I have no experience with these new models but from the video they sound like they could be a little loud indoors, however that could be just me.

I do have experience with some of the older TLSFx items and can definitely compliment them on their products. Their ball grenades can be used in open area indoor playing venues but can be a bit on the loud side for tighter spaced narrower areas. Quality can be hit or miss sometimes. You do get the occasional dud.

I used them primarily while in the UK and have only come across one venue at this time that even carries such an item in Canada and those ones were the old ball model where you twisted off the cap and used it like a striker. Lots of duds in those, bad strikers, lost caps, and when you lost a cap the only thing unsafer than lighting it with a lighter is lighting it with a lighter while trying to hold the grenade with your mouth.

In my opinion for their price point, they are a fantastic novelty item for milsim however I definitely would be use them as an every day game item.

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Old March 27th, 2013, 03:45   #3
OM3GA's Avatar
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I've seen some of the TLSFX ball grenades and thermobaric's used along with the Enola Gaye smokes. They are some pretty neat pyrotechnics but being so they aren't the safest thing in the world.

I have noticed they are pretty popular over in the UK and I like the potential they can add to a game. Taking in mind the safety of such devices though, the sound/flash grenades can be quite loud indoors and there is a potential fire hazard with the devices too. Even though pyros like cold burning smoke are 'cold burning' heat and the initial sparks are still produced.

That being said it is all about safety just like most things in this sport. If a host will allow them in a game and the people you are playing with are trustworthy enough not to do something stupid then awesome. That however does not eliminate all risks involved. They are pyrotechnics after all and not toys, but neither are the guns we shoot each other with.

Besides all of that they are pretty cool for what they are and they do as advertised, some almost shockingly well.

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Old April 7th, 2013, 23:10   #4
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alright thx
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Old April 8th, 2013, 00:00   #5
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Location: Montreal, QC
The gen 3 stuff (with the realistic spoon) looks awesome: I can't wait for that to become available in Canada.
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