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What was your friend/gf/parent's reaction when you told them about airsoft?



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Old February 9th, 2013, 16:12   #46
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
and you haven't married her?

Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Last edited by vondnik; February 9th, 2013 at 16:16..
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Old February 9th, 2013, 16:16   #47
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Also, to be fair the only people I have ever met who have a problem with airsoft are usually real steel elitists who think their Sig P226 is all the qualification they need to pass negative judgement on airsoft. They've never come out to a game, which I describe as a more interactive version of Call of Duty with way better graphics and the ability to punch griefers and hackers (cheaters) in the face that eliminates the chubby, out-of-shape fatasses. I'd love to see them hit something other than a paper target while being shot at. Without actually trying it and having experience at a game, I dismiss their opinion outright. I don't know a single person who has played airsoft who wasn't absolutely in love with it after their first firefight.

Hey, anything that gets people out and away from their fucking Xbox or whatever.
Not entirely true there are a lot of us that shoot RS, shit I went to RS after airsoft and now back to RS, those who don't see the benefit and the fun factor of shooting airsoft and RS are COD and Type A wannabe. where else can you shoot your buddy with a MP5 or a M60 and laugh about it over beer and steak hours later?. quite often the RS guys that I came in contact with are more than eager and enthusiastic to try out airsoft, the only downside to this is the list of explanation to the wife/GF/CFO/CC is very short and often repetetive. So often that the typical nagging of IF YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ALL THE FUNDS SPENT ON YOUR HOBBIES speech is like a music in your ears and over the years some of us myself included have learn the fine art of tuning the speech into music, unfortunately sometime the tuning out don't quite work so well.....SO BE NICE!, buy that flower, take her out to a nice dinner (McD's don't count) or you will suffer.
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Old February 9th, 2013, 18:13   #48
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Originally Posted by vondnik View Post
Gf reaction to airsoft guns.... Make a cabinet so they can be exposed in the living room.... Now complains that there are still some bear walls in the house that could be used to hang guns....
Wow. Vondnik for the win
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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old February 9th, 2013, 20:33   #49
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Not entirely true there are a lot of us that shoot RS, shit I went to RS after airsoft and now back to RS, those who don't see the benefit and the fun factor of shooting airsoft and RS are COD and Type A wannabe. where else can you shoot your buddy with a MP5 or a M60 and laugh about it over beer and steak hours later?. quite often the RS guys that I came in contact with are more than eager and enthusiastic to try out airsoft, the only downside to this is the list of explanation to the wife/GF/CFO/CC is very short and often repetetive. So often that the typical nagging of IF YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ALL THE FUNDS SPENT ON YOUR HOBBIES speech is like a music in your ears and over the years some of us myself included have learn the fine art of tuning the speech into music, unfortunately sometime the tuning out don't quite work so well.....SO BE NICE!, buy that flower, take her out to a nice dinner (McD's don't count) or you will suffer.
I wasn't saying that ALL real steel guys were like that. I was just saying that in my experience generally anyone who has a problem with it happened to be an RS guy. They also happened to be just above minimum wage college-dropout douchebags, so there was that correlation too.
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Old February 10th, 2013, 00:40   #50
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
Girlfriend/SO/SWMBO? Feggedaboutit. Unless you are lucky, having one of those will generally preclude heavy involvement in man-sports. If you are unlucky, you will get one that prioritizes her Imelda Marcos shoe collection, over any luxuries that you may have beyond an occasional 6-pack. I like life just too much for that, so far.
Heh, you need to find one that understands that SHE gets to spend HER money on what SHE wants, and YOU get to spend YOUR money on what YOU want.

Also ...

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The wife would say your already in hell if your in Hamilton.

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Old February 10th, 2013, 01:16   #51
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When I told my gf that I was into airsoft, she was like "If you like airsoft, you have to come with me paintballing one day" to which I responded "But paintballs don't fly straight dammit" to which she says "These ones do. They fly at a good 500fps haha".....well glad to know she isn't opposed to it at least.

Most of my friends except for this one other girl was like "Holy crap expensive!", and when I asked why she didn't have the same reaction, she was like "I want to play, but I need to get all the gear first because I bruise easily" lol.
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Old February 10th, 2013, 09:20   #52
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
Wow. Vondnik for the win
Yeah I have it good.. not only she's into airsoft ( yeah she plays) she's also into RS and hunting ( favorite gun being the m107) and owns a jackedup jeep.... The downside is that all these toys are freaking expensive....

When I finaly bought my springfield armory 1911 trp ( after 6 years of wait) her only comment was: Yeah i like it, I get to shoot it first
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Last edited by vondnik; February 10th, 2013 at 09:23..
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Old February 12th, 2013, 23:55   #53
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My girlfriend pushed me into airsoft after I was introduced to the concept by the local group, now she pushes me to continue, and uses the excuse of exercise. Plus she's really big into a few WW2 FPS games, and her and I play a lot of that together. Not so big on the running in a field part, but can name most of the guns on display at the local airsoft store without issue.

My parents know, but that's about it. I'm not sure if they understand what it is, I will have to show them sometime when I can get them over.

Most of my friends are like me, and while they may not play, they're not surprised or anything. The GM of my work (Security, including Armed Security) thought it was silly until I whooped some of the skilled armed guards in simmunition training, now he wants to start a company team for "under-pressure training".
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Old February 13th, 2013, 09:40   #54
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My parents were exposed to airsoft gradually as I upgraded from clearsoft to AEG while still living under their roof. They weren't really that surprised at the interest in guns though as I was applying for the military at the time... They more had raised eyebrows at how much I was spending on it but still never said anything about it. Still trying to convince my dad to play though.

My wife thought they were pretty cool and I drafted her to play when my friends and I needed an extra teammate for a local airsoft tournament. Now she has all her own gear and joined a team with me.
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Old February 13th, 2013, 09:53   #55
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My friends showed me this sport. In the beginning I thought it a bit stupid to play with plastic guns (had the painball player attitude). But after a lot of pressure, I went to a game with them and saw my friend L96. Until that day I felt in love with airsoft and I regret to not have joined before.

In my family, my mom was totally against this, (too realistic) and my dad said was a sport for children... he bought all is stock the next day and now he's checking for a WE G36C and a SCAR-L for my little brother (he's the most maniac in the family)
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Old February 14th, 2013, 08:55   #56
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Parent's - "Your money, your choice." My mother also isn't big into guns of any kind but was pretty cool about it.

GF - "How can you afford that?" and "I don't want to see them" / "When we can afford it they aren't being kept at home"

Friends - Had to give the typical "Like paintball but 1 million times better"
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