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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:32   #1
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Hi, I'm looking into buying the KJW Beretta 92F. One thing that really bothers me is that part of the gun is clear/tinted. I was wondering, would it be possible to paint the clear parts black with spraypaint? If so, how easy/difficult would it be? Thanks guys.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:39   #2
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Painting is easy but don't over do it, or you'll have a thick layer of paint that will cause fitment issues. Remember to sand and prep the part before painting. To ensure a good paint job, the prep work is more important than the spraying.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:41   #3
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There are already a bunch of threads on this subject just use the ASC search bar and you will find a bunch of tutorials or there is youtube if you prefer a video. But yes you can spray paint the tinted parts recommend lots of light coats for best results.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:42   #4
Con Murder
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Super easy my friend. The lower receiver is the portion to paint so look up a few videos to see how to remove it from the upper and then take out the mechbox and remove handle. Remove butt stock and begin so sand the clear plastic (roughing up the surface helps paint stick) once that is ready, wash with dish soap to remove dirt and plastic particles. In a well ventilated area (within the temp guide on your can of spray paint) apply one light coat of spray. Make a sandwich. Apply one more light coat of paint. Eat sandwich. Apply third coat lightly and call it a day. Tomorrow take a good look at it, if you find a 'drip' or 'run' sand it out and use lighter coats. If she is snazzy your done. Assemble and shoot
Some people (like me) use a sealant to help it stay nice and pertty, my go to is the shoe guard. MAKE CERTAIN it does not have 'Gloss" written anywhere on the can!

Uh forgot this was for pistol... Just follow the light coating idea and the sand/soap prep...
Con Murder
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Last edited by Con Murder; December 18th, 2012 at 17:45.. Reason: Oops thought this was an armalite, I should read...
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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:55   #5
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Do you think I could paint it without taking it apart (aside from removing the slide) and just taping up the parts I don't want to be painted? Or does it need to be taken apart?
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Old December 18th, 2012, 17:56   #6
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If you get age verified, or even bother searching a little more, there are stores that sell the full metal version for only slightly more.

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Old December 18th, 2012, 18:04   #7
Con Murder
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LOL!!! Styrak is boss! Ya dude if you want the look but don't want to work for it you're gonna have to try harder or save more money. You COULD tape off the gun and paint, then again you could be buying a replacement...
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Old December 18th, 2012, 19:13   #8
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Taking it apart is actually a very quick process. There's several videos on youtube (I can't view them because I'm still at work).

Basically, you just remove the slide, the grips, the pieces along the sides of the frame (slide release, etc), then unscrew the screw holding the trigger assembly in place (it's a screw under the grip on the left side of the gun), and knock out a couple pins. Then, just pull the trigger assembly out.

The first time I did it, while trying to keep a mental inventory of where each spring and screw belongs, it took about 20 minutes. Once you know where it all goes, it's very quick to take the trigger assembly out.

Edit: don't forget to be careful not to make the paint along the rail slide too thick (so that it won't cause the slide too much trouble), and to lube it again after you paint it.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 00:06   #9
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I work at a body shop, used the supplys after hours and mixed my own basecoats and matte cleared it
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