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G&P....are they that good???


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Old November 21st, 2012, 10:58   #46
m102404's Avatar
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Airsoft mechanics is great. Through, reading through some of the stuff will make most brains bleed out the ears...LOL

Excellent material from source (vs. reposted from a repost of a post). Lots of innovation on a decently regular basis. Generally accepting of whacky/off the normal path ideas. Definitely worth reading through.

When you're wrenching on stuff or fiddling a lot sites like that one or the systema PTW forum for TW stuff are great. When that itch gets tired sites like ASC are more generally usable since there's more local gear/games/events/etc.. to be had.

Some of the best builders I know hardly post a thing. Personally I rarely post anything on the projects I'm working on...and there's always 3-4 neat things on the go. I'll collect, reitterate and add in my $0.02 on some topics now and then...especially when there's conflicting information or the sources for info tend to be dispersed or if there seems to be a lot of new guys asking about the same thing/topic.

I bounce back to the "tech" sites now and then when I'm researching something or working on a project but otherwise I've kind of kicked the super build fixation.

IMO...what would be MOST useful would be if builders, who wanted to dispense information out there, started their own thread in the Gun Doc or Tech section and wrote up a detailed build, explaning what they were trying to achieve. Then followed up their post with status/fuctional periodic updates on this or that aspect of it. THAT would be valuable.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 10:59   #47
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Location: Picton, Ontario
Guys this has been awesome and I am learning a lot. Thanks for your patience.

Stealth, I just visited your store. Awesome. Rather than bore folks about my particular thoughts, questions, etc, I may PM you if that is okay.

Like I had mentioned, I have a G&P M4 MRP. Bought from TOAirsoft. So far, no issues. I assume I just use it until it quits...then I should think about buying LONEX parts as replacements. Will a LONEX drop in mechbox fit into a G&P frame?
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Old November 21st, 2012, 11:14   #48
"bb bukakke" KING!
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if it's a choice between g&p vs vfc, I would also choose vfc, there's just something about them that seems to be on a higher standard vs what I hear from g&p. You still get pistons exploding, but that's not as bad as unexplained gear assplosion.

m102404: This sounds like a good idea... however I'm not quite sure what it would achieve, there are plenty of video guides on YT about how to properly shim and setup AoE, as well as R-hopping, what would someone like me do in that case other than outline the parts I used and linked to those exact videos of people who have shimmed hundreds of guns or installed dozens of r-hops?

btw, more on supersonic p* and the v2 at 30rps and 450 rps. HS5 shows the guns in this clip

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Old November 21st, 2012, 11:30   #49
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
if it's a choice between g&p vs vfc, I would also choose vfc, there's just something about them that seems to be on a higher standard vs what I hear from g&p. You still get pistons exploding, but that's not as bad as unexplained gear assplosion.

m102404: This sounds like a good idea... however I'm not quite sure what it would achieve, there are plenty of video guides on YT about how to properly shim and setup AoE, as well as R-hopping, what would someone like me do in that case other than outline the parts I used and linked to those exact videos of people who have shimmed hundreds of guns or installed dozens of r-hops?

btw, more on supersonic p* and the v2 at 30rps and 450 rps. HS5 shows the guns in this clip

Why do dogs lick themselves?...... - YouTube
Gotcha...I was not envisioning an instructional "here's how to shim", because absolutely, there's tons of great references already out there. It would be great to have experienced builders post some vetted/validated references because sorting through the mass of crap to get a good reference is probably the hardest thing for a new guy. Having a reputable guy point out a reference and say, "follow this out for step 5, I find this works...etc" is like gold.

I was thinking more so something along the lines of,
"Here's what I built...some notable points of why I set this part up like this vs. that...etc.."
"I'm aiming for a XX RPS build at YYY FPS and I am expecting it to last ZZZ,ZZZ # of rounds"
"I'm trying to improve the range/grouping/etc...from that"
"I'm expecting the following issues/problems with this build...and here's what I'm doing to address that"
"I'm most interested in seeing how this new ABC part is going to hold up"
"It's dd/mm/yyyy and I've now put #### of rounds through's what I'm observing...will post up at the ####### mark and tear it apart for inspection"

Doing so would showcase setups, highlight what parts work/don't, point out solid/proven finer points of a build. It'd also eek out aspects of a build that one builder would think is important and have that validated by others.

For new guys...there'd still be a flood of "I bought this new it going to last?". But if these threads are documented well it'll be a solid reference to point them to and say, "look at this build...or these parts...or set it up this's worked well over and over"

The main issue with doing these threads is that the guys writing them up have to be diligent and detail oriented. Not really an issue for most gun docs who post here...LOL
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Old November 21st, 2012, 11:46   #50
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Location: Ottawa
I get you, but I don't consider myself to be a reputable gun doc :P I would defer that honor to someone like stealth or maciekA.

I futzed around with trial and error on 1 gun until I ended up with something reasonable. Skeptics will say I could have gotten lucky with 1 gun... it's terribly hard to change some opinions around here about certain brands and parts. :P I've only built 2 guns that would be considered custom gearbox builds. I've opened up a few others to get functioning again, but I didn't touch their innards.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 13:32   #51
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Ive never had any huge problems with my G&Ps. Granted my old sam-r exploded but that was on stock internals insane ROF 50,000 round put through it. My 249 has pretty much all Prometheus internals triple torque gears and pushing 10,000 round though it in half a season. Going strong.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 15:25   #52
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
IMO...what would be MOST useful would be if builders, who wanted to dispense information out there, started their own thread in the Gun Doc or Tech section and wrote up a detailed build, explaning what they were trying to achieve. Then followed up their post with status/fuctional periodic updates on this or that aspect of it. THAT would be valuable.
No idea why I haven't done this for my Diablo. This is an awesome idea.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old November 21st, 2012, 15:31   #53
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can we get back on topic and take the other stuff to a new thread
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 18:26   #54
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I have been a G&P guy from the start. That said, it has tought me to be able to rebuild gear boxes far more that I want. G&P is known for the sector gear to break. Period.

Asside from that, its kick ass. I have shimmed mine to perfection now and she shoots EVERY time. No mis feed. I do use Elite force Bios only though. .28
I know there is this massive following for BB bastard, but I can tell you the Elite Force brand has been tested at my field with hundreds of bottes through guys guns. Zero issues or bull shit. Remember this is important as if you feed crap in your gun you WILL smoke it.

Just bought a VFC and had to downgrade it for indoor. The Quake.

I must say the box is MUCH tighter inside. The gears are riding on a spring on the axles and it apears to be the shim less design. I will repeat, the VFC is clearly tighter inside. On all aspects.

But honestly, you are flipping a coin between the 2 in my opinion.

Keep in mind, the ability to plop on another V2 box in a G&P is huge if you dont want to screw around.

Not sure you can do the same with VFC for clearance etc. G&P you can 100% drop any V2 in.

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Last edited by Trev140_0; November 21st, 2012 at 18:29..
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Old November 21st, 2012, 18:36   #55
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And the G&P gears blowing up is caused by either the CNC program or the cutting tool on the lathe that made it.

On the shaft of the sector gear there should be a smooth transition to the shaft. There is not.

When the tool cut the radius it "stopped" in the tranistion and essentially made a "line" in the radius.

This is a stress riser.

Classic mistake on any radius and QC can catch this by using an exacto knife to scrape the radius to detect a clicking sound.

No clicking sound. She is smooth.

But this is mass produced.

That is why of you have a gear with a seperate axle it does not snap off.

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