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So N00Bly, I've gotta ask.


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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:06   #16
Danke's Avatar
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Attend a few games and then re-write your list. You'll find some ideas like a white light beacon on your lid don't play out the way you expect. Same goes for the mechanics of a knife kill.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:15   #17
Silent Fox
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Yeah, like I said I've only played casual, its not like I've already geared up and have a lot of experience, but when it comes to combat terms, and methods, I know what I'm doing there. As for what's regulation, I have no idea, and a strobe for the helmet isn't always going to be on during gameplay, but one for the guns is probably better, less area for head to be visible.

Rethinking the knife idea, seems a lot of people are against it, so that's that.

Im not exactly sure what "regulation" attachments, and stuff are, (like lasers being mentioned) I was kind of hoping you guys could fill in the slots on that too.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:24   #18
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Originally Posted by Silent Fox View Post
Yeah, like I said I've only played casual, its not like I've already geared up and have a lot of experience, but when it comes to combat terms, and methods, I know what I'm doing there. As for what's regulation, I have no idea, and a strobe for the helmet isn't always going to be on during gameplay, but one for the guns is probably better, less area for head to be visible.

Rethinking the knife idea, seems a lot of people are against it, so that's that.

Im not exactly sure what "regulation" attachments, and stuff are, (like lasers being mentioned) I was kind of hoping you guys could fill in the slots on that too.
Knives are okay. But you need to just tap someone with it. As for lights. Keep them on the guns and off your helmet. If you want to be a lighthouse then okay. Your just gonna get shot in the head a lot. As for lasers. If you are going to run any i would recommend a IR laser PEQ if you have the cash if not then don't run a laser because most if not all fields do not allow visible red or green lasers.

To start out for gear i would recommend a light assault vest a dump pouch and a grouping of four mag holders. as well if you are going to run a knife somewhere to sheath it. For helmets i would recommend a fast helmet with rail attachment poins to mount your light as well as a camera if you ever get that serious.
For main arm attachments I would recommend a 110lumen flashlight with pressure switch as well as your choice of aimpoint/eotech sighting system. Would also recommend front and rear flip sights. A good sling is also very good.
Mesh face guard with ansi rated goggles and your kitted and ready to play.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:36   #19
Silent Fox
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How much would a helmet cam run? Estimated?
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:36   #20
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don't use a rubber knife to slice some player throat, players do not take kindly of you running a training weapon across their throat, if it were to happen to me, i would whip out a folding knife and stab you out of personal safety, rubber or not, you are getting a stab from me, if you are not lucky, if you are, just a very solid rifle to the face
my two cents given, in essence beware of people's reaction

Originally Posted by Silent Fox View Post
How much would a helmet cam run? Estimated?
depends where you can get it from, in Canada (stores around you) or importing, 300 to 500 dollars is what i estimate
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Last edited by redzaku; November 20th, 2012 at 15:58.. Reason: Forgot extra zeros
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:39   #21
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Originally Posted by Silent Fox View Post
How much would a helmet cam run? Estimated?
Helmet cams range from 200-over 500 for the good ones. then your looking into mounts and balistic lens covers. the prices just add up. I would recommend the gear i suggested and worry about cameras once you have played in real games and operations.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:50   #22
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Kind of going overboard there redzaku, lol.

I'd be fine with someone running their knife across my throat, if I knew that someone would actually be doing it (eg the game organizer explained the rules would be throat slitting, instead of tapping).
The biggest problem is definitely that when you start wrapping stuff around another person's neck, you have the potential to bump off their goggles. The biggest concern is if they're wearing the mesh half mask. If the mesh gets bumped up, so do the goggles. A paintball mask at least has the full surface that will continue to cover the eyes from head-on impact, even if the goggles get moved upwards.

The second biggest problem is just invading another person's personal space, and the potential for real harm. People might not go as far as stabbing you back with a real knife, but they might instinctively snap their head back, straight into your nose, or something.

As for a helmet cam, it can run you anywhere from $20, to $600+, depending on how good you want.
I got a cheap $20 cam that actually works better than any $20 cam deserves to. It even does half-decent in low-light conditions (it's not good, but you can actually make out what's happening, unlike most cellphone cameras).
On the other hand, you can get GoPros and Contours, with added gadgets and cool crap for several hundred dollars. If you want to make nice videos, you're looking in the few-hundred-bucks range.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:03   #23
Silent Fox
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THe only reason a knife slice was an idea was because a few of my friends are military, and when we play around, they like to do full combat sim, but minus simunition, and real rifles, obviously. I was just looking to bring that added aspect over, and try to intensify the game a little bit more.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:09   #24
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Stop trying to justify it; its never going to fly here. Just drop it and walk away.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:13   #25
"bb bukakke" KING!
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even with today's prices you're looking at a pricey shopping list there if you want one of each category.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:32   #26
Silent Fox
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I'm justifying why I brought it up as an idea, not saying I expect it to be accepted based on those grounds.

Also, I'm not necessarily looking to get it all in one fell swoop, since Its cold, and I don't know of any areas that would be regular Indoors, and wont need to maintain, or use my guns, and gear, i can stock up while its cold, and come out when i finally do have everything i would want to start with. I would want smg, pistol, vest, helmet, and sniper
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:40   #27
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ASC noob tank FAIL.

the poor bugger just wants to know where to buy gear. who the fuck cares how he uses a fake knife. he'll get sorted out when he actually plays.

why don't you all just chill the F out and help out the dude that lives on an island get into the sport
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:44   #28
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Noob tank or not this is a bad place to think out loud or play the devil's advocate.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:54   #29
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+1 its the Noob Tank not the Free For All Idiocy Tank.

Learning starts here.

And building a realistic idea of what he'll encounter on the field will help him make appropriate decisions about what he needs rather than wasting money pursuing ideas that won't hold water in the real world.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 12:56   #30
seabass's Avatar
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Just us that there google thing a bunch. You'll make way more friends on here. Attend a few games our guys on the island have a pretty good selection of gear/guns/cameras/rubber knives you'll learn more by stopping by the field than asking questions here
Age Verifier for PEI (out of town) to phil, PM for details
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