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Seller forgets to ship by COD, now Martin Tremblay aka Batista (buyer), has items and refuses to pay.



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Old September 5th, 2012, 23:30   #16
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Now what did you learn?
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Old September 30th, 2012, 06:29   #17
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I learned not to trust ppl here when I do the mistake of forgetting to ship out the items as 'cash on delivery' service and I ended up on just shipping the items as Xpedited.

Just because I did this mistake, as Tremblay requested I ship out the $114 items as C.O.D., he is taking advantage of potentially making this as free items by not paying. I hate to accuse him of this but the excuses and lack of replies to reason on when he can definetly pay me has been lacking on his behalf. The updated story on this is that Bastista, Martin Tremblay, will not pay me back unless he sells his G&G AEG. Then when I inquire about where is his AEG classified ad, (since it's been weeks since he told me he was going to sell his gun in order to make payments for his purchase as he claims he has no money), he does nor reply back to my messages here on ASC.

You know I messed up on this honest mistake but it doesn't mean that you are allowed to not pay at all.

Last edited by Multikam; September 30th, 2012 at 06:47..
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Old September 30th, 2012, 07:06   #18
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AV suspended and notice sent.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 23:26   #19
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@ Multikam:

I believe you can also talk to RCMP about him committing mail fraud. That should put a fire under his ass to make good on his promises. I would NEVER buy items that I don't have money for (although with Credit Cards it's because of cool benefits from Master Card/Visa and it builds up credit and what not) and this guy sounds like he's trying to do just that (or actually is a scammer) but either way that's a big no no.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 23:30   #20
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Doesnt he play with the Keystone guys? Paging Strelok!
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Old September 30th, 2012, 23:36   #21
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You're late, Steve.
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Old September 30th, 2012, 23:42   #22
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Hes not a scammer in the traditional sense. He told me he doesnt have EMT because it was hacked or something. So the only way to get money from him is via EMT.

Interestingly, someone did PM me randomly about him saying how Batisa paid me for my gun but didnt pay him or wanted to send the gun back to the seller or something along those lines.
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Old October 10th, 2012, 08:22   #23
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Martin Tremblay is pretty much saying he's not going to pay for the items and will just return the accessories after having them for four months.

So Tremblay was hacked using EMT and now he does like-kind by trying to take advantage of this situation.

Please, if anyone knows Tremblay personally, ask him to do the right thing.

Last edited by Multikam; October 11th, 2012 at 00:13..
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Old October 11th, 2012, 12:32   #24
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Hacked EMT eh?

There is only one way to do that; hack his email, hack the EMT itself, and hack his bank. He's either full of it, or an idiot. Unless your a very good hacker, you'd need his email account name and password, his EMT password, his account or card number and password. Basically you'd be hacking his financial institution. Why on earth would one of the few individuals that could do that waste their time on this guys EMT. I'd say either he gave out all his info to someone, or he's outright lying. Only the major banks offer EMT right now, and it would be a pretty big deal if someone was able to just open accounts electronically and transfer money with no electronic trace; that's how EMT works.

Also, all cheques are traceable as well. He can check if the money has been taken out of his account, and cancel the cheque. Banks can even reverse transactions, or freeze them under client request. So he could just cancel the cheque and send a new one. Like I said; it appears he's either an idiot, or lying. Hopefully someone talks some sense into this guy.
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Old October 11th, 2012, 12:36   #25
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IMHO this is absolute BS. I suggest Mr Tremblay pay for the items he has had in his possession and move on and try and salvage his name. At this point it looks like he's full of shit.
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Old October 11th, 2012, 12:51   #26
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The situation is being mediated so the peanut gallery can stand down.

Batista is okay with returning the items but Multikam currently does not want certain items returned, which is causing a problem. I've advised Batista to respond to the matter himself.

I have no idea where the hacked EMT thing comes from, no one's mentioned anything about that.
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Old October 11th, 2012, 13:04   #27
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Drake, the EMT thing comes from me. Batista told me thats the reason he only uses COD. Because some account of his was hacked so he has no online payment options.
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old October 11th, 2012, 15:35   #28
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kk, thanks Mike
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Old October 11th, 2012, 19:05   #29
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I sent a cheque to Multicam the same week that i received the items, but he says he never received it ... true or not ??? than i explained that i had a problem cause we just had a baby so i offered him to send back the items but he told me he did not wanted all the items back and claim more money from me 65$ plus 15$ for shipping. I talked with Drake and explain all to him. I than returned all the items to multicam in the same shape they were when i first got them. as for refusing to pay situation , it is completely false cause i explained my situation to him. Beleive what you want but i did what i had to do.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 05:16   #30
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After months of taking possession of AEG batteries and GBB magazines, you can understand that not all individuals on AirsoftCanada have expertise in repairing those items, and would not accept returns on items when they are in the possession of a buyer who had a list of excuses of why he couldn't pay $114.

I am not the problem just because the buyer wanted to return items after keeping them for four months.

As you can see the thread for an objective appraisal of this situation, I did not accuse Tremblay in the beginning. It was after two weeks that he said he was going to sell his AEG to fund the $114, which is such a small amount to save up if given four months, that I questioned the existence of his AEG sales ad if he was serious about committing to paying.

The problem starts at the root, and in this case is the buyer, Tremblay. It is not the responsibility of the seller to honor 120 days money back guarantee on the Airsoft Canada non-retail classifieds.

Tremblay is responsible for paying some kind of stocking fee or even understanding why I cannot accept the batteries and GBB magazines for return. He should be lucky that I even accepted returns on anything.
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