Upgrade parts in Ares g36
I know Ares uses a lot of proprietary parts in their guns so I wanted to get some clarification before I order some upgrade parts for the Ares G36.
Madbull 6.03mm tightbore (most probably fit without problem in stock hop but want to be sure before ordering)
Modify S110 (No doubt)
Madbull Ultimate Bearing Spring Guide V3 (This part I doubt will fit cause I believe Ares has their own spring guide upgrades.
On another note, would you recommend the madbull ultimate hop-up or the Modify accurate hop-up for a King Arms M4A1.
I was thinking of using the prometheus air seal chamber packing (soft type)
It is currently pretty stock except for the Madbull 6.03 tightbore and the ultimate V2 spring guide with modify s110.
Please let me know.
Last edited by overkill1125; September 2nd, 2012 at 19:35..