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Russian Modern Kits


Russia and East Bloc

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Old July 24th, 2012, 16:44   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Dawson Creek, BC
Russian Modern Kits

I've found this video while cruising youtube. I'd like somebody to do some translating and IDing of what is gear they are using and what they are saying (especially what they say when the one soldier is a M4)

the video:

I noticed that they were using various american/western equipment, like EOTechs, Aimpoints, picatinny, hard knuckle gloves, Hatch knee pads, and MOLLE(?).

Please lend your expertise and help me out. That and this video is pretty cool.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
SRC HK416(D10.5) gen.3 pro
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Old July 24th, 2012, 16:51   #2
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I skipped through this on mute, holy shit is that some good gear porn for Russian kit...

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Old July 24th, 2012, 17:18   #3
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Great find! The blurb for the video translated from Russian is:

"All of them heard, but very few people actually. That hides the mask Spetsnaz soldier? Sweat, blood, pain, overcoming a permanent ... What's behind the spectacular lightning shots of operations? Thousands of hours - Field exits, shooting, jumping, diving into the water, mountain climbing ... In the Army Special Forces do not have random people. A cliche "best of the best" for these people - a documentary that! Exciting scenes without tricks, without doubles. On special operations in first person. In the frame of only current fighters. Behind the scenes - vote only for those whose faces are usually not allowed to show"

If they are special forces they will defo train in all types of weapons, just like the Western Spec Ops will train with AK's etc.
"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell."

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Old July 24th, 2012, 17:21   #4
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In Russia riding on AFV is old tradition!

In all seriousness a molle system has been in adoption for a couple years now.

A molle smersh rig is next on my list.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 17:34   #5
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even without the english the fire fights are pretty awesome

TYPE 56-1

Last edited by akko; July 24th, 2012 at 17:38..
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Old July 24th, 2012, 18:02   #6
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@beastor: Thank you. I had used Google's translator and it said very roughly the same thing. I meant could somebody translate what is being said. I know there are a few Russians on this forum, and I was hoping to read what they (the soldiers in the video) were saying (especially about the M4).
@Off_kilter: I wasn't sure about the MOLLE, but use what works, right?

I was up on Soviet-Propaganda after posting the first message, and I wondered if most of the rigs/vests are RU official (and/or use in noticeable amounts like the LBT-6094 over here) or if it's like here in that everybody and there dog has their different 'better' vest/rig/PC. Hey, I just don't know.
SRC HK416(D10.5) gen.3 pro
KJW MEU(SOC) pistol (cansoft)

Fortunate Son

Last edited by Wantabe_Warrior; July 24th, 2012 at 18:08..
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Old July 24th, 2012, 21:36   #7
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The thing in Russia there is a lack of standards. Two factory may make the same item but using different fabrics/colour/hardware.

If you search whatever rig catches your eye on the red-alliance forum I'm sure you'll dig up some info on what units have used it and during what time period.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 22:08   #8
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Originally Posted by Wantabe_Warrior View Post
@beastor: Thank you. I had used Google's translator and it said very roughly the same thing. I meant could somebody translate what is being said. I know there are a few Russians on this forum, and I was hoping to read what they (the soldiers in the video) were saying (especially about the M4).
@Off_kilter: I wasn't sure about the MOLLE, but use what works, right?

I was up on Soviet-Propaganda after posting the first message, and I wondered if most of the rigs/vests are RU official (and/or use in noticeable amounts like the LBT-6094 over here) or if it's like here in that everybody and there dog has their different 'better' vest/rig/PC. Hey, I just don't know.
If you're looking for something that's in widespread use and would be accurate with pretty much any camoflauge that is sold on Soviet Propaganda, a Smersh would be what you're looking for. I haven't found many photos of it in use with Naval Infantry but Airborne, the various Spetsnaz type units, internal and external troops seem to sport it frequently enough.

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Old July 25th, 2012, 13:37   #9
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I'm actually on vacation in Europe, but I had to support my Soviet comrades and translate this videp.
Didnt use spell check, so dont hate


Alot of people exaggerate thier stories and use "Spetsnaz" name to back them up. Idea is understandable, people who are not sure about themselves look for a method of how not to sweat and become ninjas.

I believe it came from arcade games and action movies, for my generation its explainable, and all that came together into one ball and became the original idea to join the armed forces.

First jump I dont remember anything, I closed my eyes and... the most freighting in the 2nd, first you dont understand anything, in the 2nd you understand the full glory of survinging in VDV.

there is no dome, there is no dome

There are no unsolvable assignments.. The main thing is the willpower, power of your spirit, and that is for us the foremost, you can say.. train it the first time..

officer's honor, honor lives in very person.. its unwritten law, unwritten rule in the army. In the "civies", its also exist, this rule, life of honor.. for us its more evolved.
honor.. its comprised from a lot of factors. You can read the Bible and say its honor.. you can even say that.
Dont lie to the one next to you, etc etc.. Dont lie to yourself, always answer with truth. Help your friend, etc etc.. This all, comes together to one factor, honor.

There wasnt a time where we would come out like in movies, here is your position, maximum, stick out the head, start to work "bam bam bam".
If there is room, run. (I think). Highest ranking in the patrol controls the fire of the gunner.
There is a moment, everyone checks his people.

First you save your battle friend.. there are different situations, where your battle friend, if he gets into trouble, can become a burden in solving battle assignments.
In any situtation, in hard situation, you have to support eachother. In happy situation, you have to be happy together, live as one, then you will have success in execution.

If you cant adjust... the nature of the work is... you cant adjust to something, weakness of your neighbour.. well, thats goes both ways.. cant work with people.. its going to be hard for you..
Its not only happens in your couple, teams can mix, something else..
Who didnt screw up? I screwed up.. things happen.. Its how you look at it, for the duration of the assignemnt, you should stick together.. sometimes don't critisize... help out. When its all over then maybe you can even fist fight, sometimes its good for you.

All, everyone have to give everything, give yourself fully to this profession. From the beginning till the end. Train in battle craft and be physically fit. Its the personal training of each. Battle training, practice shooting, battle shooting, patrols.

For recon stealth is the most important thing... silence. Secondly is his observation skills. He has to understand what he is doing, always look around and not miss any tiny detail.

I like the saying of "seniors", weapon have to shoot. (Shows M4) Here is good, light, ergonomic, shoots accurate, has good spread, but not ALL the time, not all the time.. Why do you need it then?

I have told before, we have took an AK, I've personally serviced it.. spent 3 days in water. We had some bacon fat from our food, serviced it using that, greased it and no issues. You can walk with it in the shit, simply, in sand in the cold, (points at M4), but this one, single sand bit is going to jam it.

There are some pluses some minuses, if m4 has groping 50cm in 10 shots, shoots in this area, AK shoots in that area..

Ahhh, I lost

Contact <something something> 90% till 100 meters. To get to the contact (target), maybe you will have to spend a week in weather like that.

You cant orieantate..
Ok, I remind you, the negative characteristics during execution, first of all, not fast, not precise movements..
Grip precisely firmly on the pistol and at the same time during the removal of hte pistol you take it off safety. When you take it out you already have to know where is the spare magazine, which place and how would it be the best to take it out.

You cant surpass the fear, that was the hardest part.

Parents wanted me to go to Yaroslavl Financial Institute..

No, I joined right away after school. Of course I was probably expecting something else, but you expect it due to the lack of knowledge. The illusions disapeared fast. I understood what they want from me and that I can do it.. and this is needed.

To surve here you must be a real man. Dont know, to die, for someone, for the children, for the future of the country, its respectable. Russia is pretty much sits on our shoulders. If we fall down in the dirt face first, million people nation will fall down.. And there is no way we can allow that to happen.
Based on that we are like this, thats why we have to run.. lots of things we have to do, we have to freeze, we have to stay awake, we have to be hungry. Burdens and deprivations of military survice, as you say.


The whole future relys on us, so if we execute all the assignemnts, then it might be a bright future for us and our children.
Fear is an incstint of self preseravation, there are no fearless. Those are being treated in the yellow house over there. It just had to be reasonable and you have to pass it in yourself.

You have to provide <something>, you have to give him hand so he can catch the support there. As soon as he got you to the wall, grab on to him and he goes right away, straighten your legs. You have to lift him.. he has to come over there..

We are ready 100%, ready to work in any situation, at any time, whenever country calls.. at first request, we are ready.

We live in Russia, raising children, teaching them, with some hope that everting will be good. Everything is good, but will be even better.

**Black mask is hiding the face, but doesnt hide the eyes**.. oh the rest I dont know (its a song)

Last edited by ViR; July 25th, 2012 at 13:56..
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Old July 25th, 2012, 14:09   #10
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Dawson Creek, BC
Thanks ViR! that's exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you!
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Old July 26th, 2012, 01:57   #11
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Great translation, ViR !
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Old July 28th, 2012, 13:23   #12
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After that video I'm excited this bad boys release!
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Old July 28th, 2012, 14:38   #13
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The end of that vid: if only, if only.
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Old July 30th, 2012, 04:13   #14
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Any chance someone knows what light it is that they've got mounted on the AKs at the end of the video? I wouldn't mind throwing one on mine like that.
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