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Transporting my gun across border?


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Old July 10th, 2012, 16:46   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
Transporting my gun across border?

First post, and first statement, I read the FAQ thread on the laws start to finish. I just wanna clear something up. Does Importing a gun mean with intention to sell/distribute? Or is it just bringing one in, period? I'm from NY and visit Canada (Oka, to be exact) quite frequently, and have met a few Canadian airsofters along the way, and i want to bring my KWA SR7 up (along with gear) to play a few games during the summer. My gun tops at about 360fps, so I know that won't be a problem. If I were to bring it up (if I'm allowed), what do I tell the folks at the border? Also, in regards to my gear, are there any restrictions on combat gear (plate carriers, helmets, etc)? I heard somewhere citizens aren't allowed to own body armor, and my helmet is a real MICH2000. Will this be a problem?

Again, I read the FAQ, and these are my only questions that weren't answered from them. Thanks in advance!
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Old July 10th, 2012, 16:51   #2
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Gear is fine other than Eotech sights or other gear that has trade restrictions. I would STRONGLY recommend you rent/borrow a gun from someone on this side of the border, and leave your weapons at home. It's WAY more hassle than it's worth and there's a good risk you'll have your weapon detained/confiscated.
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Old July 10th, 2012, 16:53   #3
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Originally Posted by Lorden View Post
Gear is fine other than Eotech sights or other gear that has trade restrictions. I would STRONGLY recommend you rent/borrow a gun from someone on this side of the border, and leave your weapons at home. It's WAY more hassle than it's worth and there's a good risk you'll have your weapon detained/confiscated.
That was gunna be my 2nd option if I couldn't bring my own. Will a real aimpoint and surefire pose the same problem as the EoTech?
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Old July 10th, 2012, 16:55   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Contact CBSA and ask what documentation is required to import and export the item.

lots of people travel back and forth with airsoft guns to play in the USA

it is just a matter of the correct documentation
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Old July 10th, 2012, 17:15   #5
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There's a form from CBSA for Canadians to bring airsoft out and back into country but I'm not sure how it will work for Americans. Best course of action is probably to rent up here and slap on your accessories onto the rental.

Also check up on ITAR restrictions, it's not a CBSA thing, it's a US Border Services thing where they don't want weapons tech to get exported and leaked outside of the US.
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Old July 10th, 2012, 17:33   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by wintersun77 View Post
That was gunna be my 2nd option if I couldn't bring my own. Will a real aimpoint and surefire pose the same problem as the EoTech?
both generally ITAR restricted...

and you Americans thought you were living in the home of the free....
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Old July 10th, 2012, 17:39   #7
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I called a border agent and it really varies by border as airsoft is still not known by every officer. this is what i got

If it shoots under 366 fps with a .20g bb it is classified as a replica firearm and is illegal
if it shoots over 366 fps with a .20g bb and under 500 fps with a .20g bb it falls under a uncontrolled firearm and is legit
if it shoots over 500 fps with a .20g bb it is classified as a firearm and is illegal.

Paper work supporting this is ideal showing fps limits. again this is at your own risk and even with all the paper work you can possible have they can still stop you if they choose.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 00:43   #8
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Originally Posted by wintersun77 View Post
That was gunna be my 2nd option if I couldn't bring my own. Will a real aimpoint and surefire pose the same problem as the EoTech?
Just curious... What kind fo surefire? Flashlight? Is it for military or civilian using?
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Old July 11th, 2012, 12:44   #9
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
both generally ITAR restricted...

and you Americans thought you were living in the home of the free....
You can check the ITAR status of most gunsights pretty easily, I usually just check with my supplier to find out. Usually a good rule of thumb is if it is one of the big three (Elcan, Trijicon, or EoTec) it will be restricted. I import Sightmark stuff with no problems at all, just have to fill out a form for the US govt. that says I won't re-export the items.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 13:51   #10
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It also helps to have a Y38 Form from Customs Canada. This is NOT provide any protection from seizure but it does prove to the customs agent that you bought this AEG, $300 sight, etc... in CANADA. I've used it a few times when attending Pine Plains and I've not had any problem. Plus I find in just presenting the Y38 with your passport signals you've done your due deligance.
Here is link that might help.

Plus theres a few posts on the forum somewhere
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Old July 11th, 2012, 14:58   #11
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Just got back from pine plains. I sucessfully got my gun including my eotech through. It needs a reciept showing that it was paid for before your trip, y38 form, orange tip and a locked case. Be prepared to answer alot of questions.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 15:15   #12
Brian McIlmoyle
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This fellow is an AMERICAN wanting to bring his gun here and return it to the USA

the process for that may be entirely different than a Canadian wanting to go the other way..

which is why I suggested he Contact CBSA directly .. so as to avoid 20 posts of people talking out of their asses about stuff that is probably not relevant to this case.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 15:18   #13
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Originally Posted by lanepratt View Post
if it shoots over 500 fps with a .20g bb it is classified as a firearm and is illegal.
That last one is so completley and horribly wrong. Even the CBSA agents don't understand what they're saying for the most part. Hence why, despite the "law being on your side", I would NEVER bring my guns across the border. Sure, if they get wrongly confiscated, you can get them back. But not without a lengthy appear process marred in red tape.

And on a side note, US law requires a permanent blaze orange tip. And by permanent, it means non-removable, as in permanently glued on orange flash hider. If you have a black tip, there's a chance that US Customs could seize your gun. Even if you have a REMOVABLE orange flash hider, there's a chance of seizure there too.

So for me, there are far too many variables in that process that could end up in my guns getting seized. I'm not a gambling man, and this is far from a sure thing. Bring them across at your own risk.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 18:14   #14
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I don't want to get in to an argument here but what i said is true. If you go to the cbsa website and do a little research you will see what i said is true. Yes i agree most cbsa agents do not have a clue but I talked with a border agent and we both were on the cbsa website reading the same thing and she completely agreed with me and she learned something lol

Also the orange tip thing is true but it does vary state to state, as the US boarder agent (like on our side) had no clue. But we had all the necessary paper work.

My self as well as my team and force Recon as well as Pettawawa guys go to the states every year and we have all the required paper work and we have yet had our stuff sized. and this is going on 3+ years.

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
That last one is so completley and horribly wrong. Even the CBSA agents don't understand what they're saying for the most part. Hence why, despite the "law being on your side", I would NEVER bring my guns across the border. Sure, if they get wrongly confiscated, you can get them back. But not without a lengthy appear process marred in red tape.

And on a side note, US law requires a permanent blaze orange tip. And by permanent, it means non-removable, as in permanently glued on orange flash hider. If you have a black tip, there's a chance that US Customs could seize your gun. Even if you have a REMOVABLE orange flash hider, there's a chance of seizure there too.

So for me, there are far too many variables in that process that could end up in my guns getting seized. I'm not a gambling man, and this is far from a sure thing. Bring them across at your own risk.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 18:21   #15
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
This fellow is an AMERICAN wanting to bring his gun here and return it to the USA

the process for that may be entirely different than a Canadian wanting to go the other way..

which is why I suggested he Contact CBSA directly .. so as to avoid 20 posts of people talking out of their asses about stuff that is probably not relevant to this case.
my advice would also be to contact the cbsa and talk to a border agent at the boarder crossing your are crossing over, get the officers name and badge number. Have proof from manufacturer that it shoots over 366 fps and every piece of paper work on the gun you have.

so call talk and go from there
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