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Old June 5th, 2012, 15:59   #16
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I dont even remember the last time I was Id'd for anything. I feel like i'm a dinosaur at the moment.

Thank you very much to the Original Poster. I was about to start bringing this guy to all our games and events. I was very mistaken on this one.
Barrie Area Age Verifier
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Last edited by georgehutchison; June 5th, 2012 at 16:02..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 16:21   #17
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Good to hear George.

BTW, were you the one I met at Jugglez's Saturday?
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Old June 5th, 2012, 16:25   #18
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
Good to hear George.

BTW, were you the one I met at Jugglez's Saturday?
No that would have Been Jesse. Im at the store Friday and Sat Fixing guns for the most Part. I've met you before at a few games across Ontario. It's been a long time though.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 16:48   #19
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that's cause us asians all look alike to dem whiteys all look like we're 16 or something. A bartender in vegas carded me when I was 26. She said I looked really young while the dude bartender knew how old I was.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Thanks for taking care of this, George.

As for the 40 thing... I don't think you'll have to go to THOSE extremes... for what it's worth, in Ontario, if you *look* under 25, a store keeper has all rights to card you for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco.

You could have very youthful skin and genetic features might make you look like you're 22, when in reality, you're 34 years old... just like me:

I get carded all the time, despite my age. It's those stunning good looks. hairline is receding a bit, though...
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Old June 5th, 2012, 17:14   #20
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Originally Posted by georgehutchison View Post
No that would have Been Jesse. Im at the store Friday and Sat Fixing guns for the most Part. I've met you before at a few games across Ontario. It's been a long time though.
Yeah it's been a long long while.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
that's cause us asians all look alike to dem whiteys all look like we're 16 or something. A bartender in vegas carded me when I was 26. She said I looked really young while the dude bartender knew how old I was.
I was never carded at the clubs/bars when I was <19. The first club step foot in after I turned 19, bam I get carded.

A family friend that knew me for years thought I was 23 when I was only 16. Sigh...

Last edited by coach; June 5th, 2012 at 17:18..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 18:39   #21
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I have been in contact with Joe and we have made arrangements for the AEG to be returned to the store. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:00   #22
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It's amazing how much maturing happens in the 17-18 year. One goes from a gun-toting danger to society to a responsible airsoft player once they hit the magic age of 18 /sarcasm. Ok I realize it is against ASC rules and the law to buy a gun when underaged, but I think the OP's sheer horror at a 17 year old owning an airsoft gun out of proportion. Yes he is technically a minor... by one fucking year. When someone turns 18 there isnt a magic switch that gets flipped and all of a sudden that person is responsible. Firearms safety comes from the individual using the gun, if you had so much concern maybe you could have gone over proper firearms responsiblilty with your 'friend'. 18 is to look good (and legal) on paper, not to make sure someone is responsible. I am not saying he should have been sold the gun, but don't overreact and bash someone who will be part of the community in a year's time.

As for the seller not ID'ing the buyer, as Brian said the buyer made a false claim. And no you are not always asked for ID when buying things that should require it. You should be, but the reality is people forget, are too lazy or too trusting. I've bought a .22 air rifle from Crappy Tire without showing any ID, or when I first turned 19 and went to a bar no one carded me. ID and 'legal age' of 18 is simply a way for the public to save face if bad stuff happens, don't ever think it actully means something important.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:05   #23
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^ lolyup, OP sounds a lil bitter/jealous and is trying to score some points, the other kid obviously lied and George handled it very well
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:37   #24
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Well regardless of how old you might think someone else is, if part of your job or your alloted duty requires you to perform ID checks, then it should be done. It should be routine in fact. I'm talking in general here, not aimed at anyone, but it's all part of the preserving the state of whatever institution, or in this case sport, you're working for.

The point is to not give the general public or overseers any ammunition to come after us. It sounds like George is a good dude but the bullet was chambered when he sold the gun without checking for ID. It could've gotten him in trouble if the kid was stupid. But at least he's taken measures to rectify the situation.

Those guys that others mentioned (the bar guys and stuff), they don't even care and bend rules the way they see fit, even if the crime doesn't warrant a severe punishment. But ammunition is there for the powers that be to serve any sort of punishment they see fit.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:44   #25
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Originally Posted by Rommen View Post
ID and 'legal age' of 18 is simply a way for the public to save face if bad stuff happens, don't ever think it actully means something important.
Not quite. I know someone can probably explain this better/clearer than me. When one turns 18, they aren't automatically just more responsible, rather they are now responsible for their own actions. If they do something stupid, they are the ones to stand for themselves, not their parents or guardians.

In this situation, if the friend/acquaintance of the OP did something stupid, George "could" have been on the hook had it gotten back to him as the buyer is a minor. Not saying it would have but it's a possibility.

Last edited by coach; June 5th, 2012 at 20:09..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:53   #26
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In legal terms, the age of 18 means that one now has legal responsibility for their actions. Contracts are enforceable. The Young Offenders Act no longer applies. Basically no more protections or special treatments of a minor. This is why 18 is the magic number.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 19:57   #27
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The way the law is written technically there is a "magic switch" of sorts. Obviously in practice, it's a bit more murky and minors can be tried as adults in some circumstances.

This isn't because as soon as you turn 18 there's a magic switch for their brain or maturity to increase but rather it's moreso because of liability and covering your ass.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 20:04   #28
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
The way the law is written technically there is a "magic switch" of sorts. Obviously in practice, it's a bit more murky and minors can be tried as adults in some circumstances.

This isn't because as soon as you turn 18 there's a magic switch for their brain or maturity to increase but rather it's moreso because of liability and covering your ass.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 20:14   #29
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I just got off the phone with Joey, As it sits now he did his research and found its not Illegal for him to own it but to have been sold it. Joey is a very respectable Minor and I do trust in him not to do anything with a lack of common sence. As fare as I know he did hand it over to another of his friends that was formaly on here and used to be varified but did lose it do to a few old mistakes that have been learned from. I do trust this person as well. Joey however did not state in full he was going to return it to the vender. He said he Might be able to bring it in on friday. This matter is now closed as to the AEG is in the hands of someone over the age of 18, who also has his restricted and none restricted firearms licence and owns a few real firearms and is more then capable of proper storage and what ever needs be.

On a side note, Airsoft as a community is always negatively effect by any PERSONS being foolish against the laws of out province. Wether its the sales of it to a MINOR, A friendly player that was selling them out of there house because its hard to get them. (looked at as smuggling and sales of replicas) a criminal act or even a PERSONS that has bough said items and acts like a fool with it. We all have seen the news and have heard of situations regarding airsoft. These actions are the reason its a shady area for all of us.
There has been so much conflict within the are of this. Any negative attention the what we use to play with is never a good thing. The public will start to frown upon the use of them, making it harder to play with and making it harder for sales. right now there is a market be it unstable market for airsoft. any more restrictions and we could lose this all together.

I personaly regard this matter as closed. Thank you all for your quick responce and working as a community.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 20:34..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 20:27   #30
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And my reply to Rom, Sales of a firearm requier an ID check, Although most class these as toys they are not in the eyes of the government. these are replicas and we need to be thankfull there is no permits to sell these. wether the buyer gives false info the vender selling any projectial firearm should be checking ID. Not getting ID for smokes in not as bad as buying something you can shoot another with. last time i check I have never been shot with a Canadian Classic well walking down the street. Regardless of what the Minor states and we all can agree that most minors seeing a replica firearm will try to go to the extremes in somecase to buy these. As a AV'er, Rep for AC and a vender all cautions should be taken. Its not the minors responsability to be honest but the venders responcability to do proper checks. All kids lie to get what they want. I did it as a kid and so did you guys. George is a good guy, he chambered a round that could have been aimed at him as a business.

The fact that I have read the statements The buy gave false info and what not could leave me to believe others have sold to minors with the attitude well its not my fault the buyer gave false info. please make better choices in words. lets all not forget we are all judged for things like this. If people are caught being foolish all the time then the general public will think that everyone that has or plays this sport is as well.

When your 18 your legally bondable. Law figures you have had 17 years to develop a general common sence and should now be held to your own action.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 20:32..
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