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Hades Arrow Mortar


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Old February 6th, 2012, 07:09   #61
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
I ain't carrying 90's! I barely carry my 40's these days. And the 40's already exhaust enough BB's as it is. A 90mm round would be like 4x40mm give or take right?


Although, if they made them, I'd likely buy some. My only recommendation is that it's an upscaled xmpb4 for quicker loading time. Oh, and some type of a safety for when we run high psi.

:evilgearsbegintoturn: damn you kingsix!
Maybe 90mm is too big (leave them for AT guns) 75mm BB showers? Base the launcher off the Americian M20 or russian SPG-9. Though a recoiless rifle would require quite a team to operate. @coachster 75mm or 90mm BB shower on C02 Ouch that's pretty evil.
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Old February 6th, 2012, 13:27   #62
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Initial test fire - YouTube

Test fire 2 - YouTube

results are not terribly visually impressive but they do answer the key questions I had
- how much more air will be needed to drive the shell (from the initial design as a 2" bore)
- will the shell design actually work as intended

still a lot to do.
the whole barrel/shell assemble is pretty much working fine (in terms of proving the base design) but needs significantly higher through put (tests run @ 60 PSI)

need to:
- upgrade to 4" inch pressure chamber (30-36 inches long)
- upgrade primary valve to 1 inch
- get a better compressor that can handle up to 125 PSI

basic concept of the shell is working as expected
- fine tuning friction collar
- reducing size of fins
the grenade is leaving the shell early (just before reaching top of arc) excessive drag on the fins is causing the inertia of the nade to pull out of the shell early

chute deploy on the nade is working exceptionally well ( when it doesn't get caught by trees)
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Old February 6th, 2012, 16:01   #63
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Good stuff, LongStone!

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Old February 7th, 2012, 23:57   #64
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- upgraded to 4" inch pressure chamber (30 inches long)
- upgraded primary valve to 1 inch
- design and assembly of trigger/recoil mechanism
- partial assembly

hopefully testing for range this weekend
still need to build the frame to house the trigger/recoil mechanism
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Old February 8th, 2012, 07:58   #65
Cpt- Lovegrove
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love it, when is the official release date i need one
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Old February 13th, 2012, 13:49   #66
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did some assembly work this weekend, too GD cold for out door testing
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Old May 8th, 2012, 00:50   #67
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i personally love the nerf football design. light weight projectile and has the longest range from what i have seen so far.
the football them selfs are soft and durable, so they can be recovered and reused multiple times.
not a fan of the bottle rocket design. using it during the winter would suck, not only can the water freeze, but the spray it shoots out the back will soak the operator.
im not too sure about the use of a tornado grenade. yea people can use helmets, but what about other areas where it can do damage? getting hit on the shoulder/back/chest, would definitely hurt someone. but that is only really a concern if the chute fails.
the way i see it, there are three main factors to judge which design would be most practical.
cost of projectiles and the life span of their use.
weight/material used to make the projectile, needs to be durable, light and soft enough to prevent blunt force trauma.
and of course, performance. how high, far and accurate can the shots go. can the range be duplicated consistently enough that a range table can be worked out and used to direct shots.

seems that the nerf football design fulfills all three, and since there are two different sizes of balls, the smaller one can be used as an infield mortar, whereas the larger football would be used as a howitzer, providing indirect fire from base camp.

also i freaking love the whistling, it just adds to much to it, and would add another layer of safety, as you can hear the round on it's way in and do what you need to take cover.
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 09:21   #68
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I have 2 of these on the way...
The plan is to spend some time familiarizing myself with the propellant/range to see if they are consistent...
If a player can master the trajectory and water/CO2 ratio, I'm quite certain the system would be "gameable"...
At the very least, you won't have any more campers...
Once I figure out how to use it, we will incorporate it into our gameplay only after the whole team has done a safety course or something...
The risk of injury could be eliminated all together with helmets and calling "mortar out!" when fired... anyone on the opposing team should then have a peek in the sky and yell "incoming mortar!" so that people can assess the situation and see if they need to step out of the way... Obviously you don't want a direct hit; in fact I wonder if it's even possible...
A "kill zone" of say 10 to 15 foot radius is established and if it lands that close, you are dead... Don't forget, Airsoft is honour based...
I don't ike the idea of firing it into a building full of enemies because someone might not be able to spot it and get hurt...
Anyways... when mine get here I'll post my thoughts since everyone is just speculating and no one actually has one...
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 15:35   #69
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need to get back to work on this, finally picked up a timer tornado a while ago but haven't touched it in 2 months :-/
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 16:26   #70
"bb bukakke" KING!
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couldn't you use some co2 or presurized air... think lower power potato gun to launch a toiletpaper roll filled with BBs and some low powered firework like a mini airbomb?

Light the fuse, drop it in the pipe, Co2 shoots it out like a mortar, time the charge correctly and you have a paper tube falling from the sky that blows up at some point, either on the ground or in descent. It wouldn't be any different than an airsoft grenade going off in proximity of someone.

Of course, you could have a jam in the pipe, so you'd have to find a pipe strong enough to withstand the expansion force of your pyro going off. But considering that your mortar is only made of a toilet paper roll and masking tape, it's not going to contain the explosion and it will just blow out the end of the pipe.
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Old June 26th, 2012, 19:07   #71
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Just saw the poorman's mortar solution here!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old June 26th, 2012, 20:41   #72
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I got me one of these and they are very gamable. Well for us it is anyways lol. At our larger feild we have pretty large areas of open ground to cross from one wooded area to the next . makes for the perfect place to make tha ants run! lol . the shells are really light and tend to float to the ground slowly enough for you to move if it's right on you. it's just water and a rubber seal. you fill it with a 12oz tube of co2 and about 350ml of water (water first then seal it ,then co2). Comes with the charger for the co2. it's a fun new element . I gotr mine from Shrike and it was totaly worth it!
a.k.a. 426hemi

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Old June 27th, 2012, 09:29   #73
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I had my first successful launch the other day and it was sweet!!!
I've got to paint my rockets orange to make them a little easier to find...

1st launch - not enough CO2/water...
2nd launch - too much water/not enough CO2
3rd launch - epic fail... too much water/too much CO2, rocket burst in hand...
4th launch - sweet success!!! she flew straight as an arrow for 120 meters easy...

I've found that 500mL and nearly an entire 12g CO2 cartridge to be perfect...
The maintenance on these is a bitch; at least where I play... There are lots of trees so the tail fins and the tail assembly have to be replaced regularly...
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