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Ics ak74m


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Old April 23rd, 2012, 13:25   #1
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Ics ak74m

So my echo1 VMG74 redstar suck ass and I'm sending it back for refund..I love AK's so I want to get something better in the same style as an AK74M model with a tactical stock.

So I opted for an ICS AK74M after I saw some review about it and I was wondering if it was really worth the price which is 2 times more expensive than the echo1 VMG74 redstar.

ICS Métal AK 74M
Semi / Full auto / Safe.
550 BBs mag
430Fps ( .20gr. )
Long. approx.: 28.5 - 38.4''.
Weight approx.: 7 lbs.
battery & Charger included

For 529$ ...I just need to know if its worth it I've seen the internal review and the external review and everything seems fine about this one.

Also don't tell me to get verified, I'm already waiting for approval.

Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS

Last edited by Al3xqc; April 23rd, 2012 at 13:47..
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 13:36   #2
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For $400 you can get Classic Army or TM and that will always be better. That website is overcharging if they are selling ICS for $529

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 13:36   #3
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Premièrement, edit ton post pour enlever le nom du magasin que tu as nommé. Il est interdit de nommer ou de pointer des gens dans la direction d'un magasin dans cette section du forum.

Et je vais te dire -d'attendre- d'être age verified avant d'acheter quoi que ce soit. Tu vas avoir accès Ã* plus de choix et tu pourras comparer avec ce que tu as déjÃ* "trouvé".

Pour finir, c'est dommage, mais tu sembles déjÃ* au courant de la politique qui entoure le processus d'AV; tu devrais déjÃ* savoir que personne ne va t'aider si tu n'as pas de tag AV.
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I don't need an excuse, I like doing it. Why do you like sex? Because it gives you babies? Doubtful.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 13:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Coresair View Post
Premièrement, edit ton post pour enlever le nom du magasin que tu as nommé. Il est interdit de nommer ou de pointer des gens dans la direction d'un magasin dans cette section du forum.

Et je vais te dire -d'attendre- d'être age verified avant d'acheter quoi que ce soit. Tu vas avoir accès Ã* plus de choix et tu pourras comparer avec ce que tu as déjÃ* "trouvé".

Pour finir, c'est dommage, mais tu sembles déjÃ* au courant de la politique qui entoure le processus d'AV; tu devrais déjÃ* savoir que personne ne va t'aider si tu n'as pas de tag AV.
Aucun problème j'ai edit mon post pour le nom du magasin et en aucun cas je voulais diminuer leur réputation, j'ai acheté plusieurs produit en ligne et je n'est jamais eu de problème jusqu'Ã* aujourd'hui et même que je préfère acheté sur des sites québecois pour les encouragés, pour ce qui est du AV ma demande Ã* déjÃ* été envoyé, juste que sa me tente pas d'attendre 2 semaines avant quelle sois approuver et ma demande Ã* déjÃ* été approuver sur d'autre site, merci quand même de ton information, Ã* ce que je sache j'ai simplement demandé l'avis sur un achat, y'a rien de mal Ã* s'informer avant d'acheter un produit.

Je comprend entièrement la politique sur la vente d'airsoft au mineur, je demande Ã* personne de me vendre un produit je veux tout simplement de l'information et de ce que j'ai vue dans les règles il n'y en a aucune qui empêche le libre échange d'information sur un lanceur. Pour ce qui est des gens qui veulent m'aider ou pas, sa reste Ã* leur incus et non la tienne.

Originally Posted by Slow View Post
For $400 you can get Classic Army or TM and that will always be better. That website is overcharging if they are selling ICS for $529
I went on many other websites and they seem to be the same prices as for classic army I have not found any AK74M model and TM seem to be really expensive as well and I can't seem to be able to find any model I want.

I'm mostly looking for an AK74M model no blowback with a tactical stock.

Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS

Last edited by Al3xqc; April 23rd, 2012 at 14:16..
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Old April 25th, 2012, 12:15   #5
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Alright, bump.

I'm still not able to decide if I should go for ICS AK74M, I've seen the internals and they seem to be much better than what I expected with the new motor turbo 3000 and everything seem to be stamped in steel and compatible with VFC which is always good.

As for LCT was my second choice and it seems very expensive as well but the internals don't seem to be amazing. The external work on the wood is amazing but beside that...

So I think I will go for the ICS AK74M to be honest. Anyone have an ICS AK74M and care to comment on the compatibility issues and the durability ?
I'm also wondering if the ICS AK74M is compatible with mid-cap cyma ak mag.

Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS
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Old April 25th, 2012, 12:44   #6
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I have an ics ak74 the fixed stock version. Now mine came with a broken stock but I ended up getting a woodktit anyway. The internals are quite decent and so are the externals. The only upgrade I've done is a tightbore barrel and I'm quite happy with it.

Mag brand mags work awesome in it btw. I would wait for your age verification too go thru before paying that though.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 12:45   #7
Rusty Lugnuts
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IN the past, everybody made AK's Now if we want to support canadian retailers and buy new the choices are very limited. IF anybody knows where to buy a new TM - AK please PM me. I have zero experience with ICS AK's but i do know of a ICS version 2 gearbox that is really, really durable out of the box. I certainly think it will be a good gun
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Old April 25th, 2012, 13:37   #8
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
I have an ics ak74 the fixed stock version. Now mine came with a broken stock but I ended up getting a woodktit anyway. The internals are quite decent and so are the externals. The only upgrade I've done is a tightbore barrel and I'm quite happy with it.

Mag brand mags work awesome in it btw. I would wait for your age verification too go thru before paying that though.
I'm already verified...

Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS
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Old April 25th, 2012, 14:48   #9
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my friend has an echo 1 red star ak ris at toronto airsoft here:

it shoots 440 fps which may be a little to hot for aegs on your field, but it is an amazing gun, comes with a 600 rds metal mag and the gun is all metal and nylon fiber. the internals are exquisite and have gone through 15-20 thousand rds without a hitch. for 250$, you need to spend 50 more dollars to qualify for free shippng, so buy some assecories or ammo or something. over all great gun with 0.25 bb bastards it hits at 150 feet easyily. great gun.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 14:49   #10
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Originally Posted by dmr View Post
my friend has an echo 1 red star ak ris at toronto airsoft here:

it shoots 440 fps which may be a little to hot for aegs on your field, but it is an amazing gun, comes with a 600 rds metal mag and the gun is all metal and nylon fiber. the internals are exquisite and have gone through 15-20 thousand rds without a hitch. for 250$, you need to spend 50 more dollars to qualify for free shippng, so buy some assecories or ammo or something. over all great gun with 0.25 bb bastards it hits at 150 feet easyily. great gun.
no, thx mate I hate ECHO1 and their rebranding crap now. I just sent back my ECHO1 back to the store from where I bought it from.

Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS

Last edited by Al3xqc; April 25th, 2012 at 14:54..
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Old April 25th, 2012, 16:20   #11
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First off, avoid "that shop you first posted"; while you may have never had problems with them... c'est de la marde. Now that you're AV'd you can easily compare with a lot of other shops and you'll see there are much better quality products for much better prices available to you.

That being said, Echo1's Red Star is a rebrand of the CYMA AK -- it's not awful, generally okay for an ACM gun (but not worth nearly as much as what you got charged for it), internals need a bit of upgrading etc. Not sure what aspects made you dislike it. (and whether you would have felt the same way if you'd paid about half as much for it, which is what the real price is).

RealSword makes really nice AKs, but they use a lot of proprietary parts unfortunately. If not you probably want to look at King Arms, LCT, VFC or G&P: all have some pros and cons. IMO, ICS is lower quality than these (and I don't feel they're worth what most people are selling them for). And TM is virtually unfindable in Canada and usually overpriced when they are.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 17:03   #12
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
First off, avoid "that shop you first posted"; while you may have never had problems with them... c'est de la marde. Now that you're AV'd you can easily compare with a lot of other shops and you'll see there are much better quality products for much better prices available to you.

That being said, Echo1's Red Star is a rebrand of the CYMA AK -- it's not awful, generally okay for an ACM gun (but not worth nearly as much as what you got charged for it), internals need a bit of upgrading etc. Not sure what aspects made you dislike it. (and whether you would have felt the same way if you'd paid about half as much for it, which is what the real price is).

RealSword makes really nice AKs, but they use a lot of proprietary parts unfortunately. If not you probably want to look at King Arms, LCT, VFC or G&P: all have some pros and cons. IMO, ICS is lower quality than these (and I don't feel they're worth what most people are selling them for). And TM is virtually unfindable in Canada and usually overpriced when they are.
Okay, thanks here is what I was thinking and I need you guys help to tell me if it would work.

McCrea has been helping me a lot trying to find a good AK and here is what I was thinking.

I found this one on a website near me.

LCT AK74 (real wood)- 575$


Loadout : AEG AKS-47 - 400 FPS

Last edited by Al3xqc; April 25th, 2012 at 18:23..
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Old April 25th, 2012, 19:34   #13
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if you can try and compare before buying. Wait to meet players, and take your gun after.
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