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Old February 26th, 2012, 03:21   #1
Devious Sinner
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your optics

just curious what kind of optics you're all running on
how many of you are running with real deal optics like EoTech and how many are running with clones of some sort?

im just curious, i mean personally i'd love to buy real deal stuff...but to spend nearly $800 for a scope when i can buy another gun for the same amount just seems kinda...expensive.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 03:32   #2
a.k.a. HKpro
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It really depends how "deep" you are into airsoft. If you're someone like me who has a passing interest in this and finds the occasional skirmish to be pretty fun then clone optics is all you really need. They work perfectly fine enough to help a plastic ball hit where you want it to hit. My clone EoTech and 4x32 ACOG work great for what I got them for. If I shelled out the $3000 for the real optics the BB I'm shooting would still end up in the same place.

There's also hardcore players who appreciate realism and accurately replicating guns and gear, these guys have no problem buying the real optics simply because they want a "real" experience.

By all means real optics are expensive, but for toy pellet guns, they're not really worth it...

Last edited by Debrief; February 26th, 2012 at 03:38..
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Old February 26th, 2012, 03:52   #3
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As for airsoft, real optic is not really worth it but the problem is once you get used to those optic then you never look back to clone optic. Other reason, I run real optic is because probably in the future I can switch those to my real steel on some occasion.

Currently, I'm running :

-Eotech EXPS3-0 on my custom CQB PTW
-Millet DMS-1 Illumination with Larue 1.93 SPR mount, run that on my custom TROY upper PTW.
-Leupold Mark 4 3.5 x 10 x 40 on my custom PDI VSR-10
-Aimpoint Comp M2 with Wilcox mount, run on my custom MK18 mod 0 PTW upper

I still have a couple on my wanted list since still have a couple guns left without optic, I'm not the fan or iron sight though.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 06:34   #4
Devious Sinner
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masako, assuming you've played with clone optics, what are the differences between clones and non clones?
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Old February 26th, 2012, 07:30   #5
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Originally Posted by Devious Sinner View Post
masako, assuming you've played with clone optics, what are the differences between clones and non clones?
like driving one of those small electric cars for toddlers thats designed to look like a ferrari and actually driving a ferrari.

But seriously, not as much as some people say, they still have some ghosting, parallax is impossible to remove they just minimize it and even some of the real ones are too dim to see. Big differences are in battery life and crispness of magnified optics images.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 08:45   #6
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Originally Posted by Devious Sinner View Post
masako, assuming you've played with clone optics, what are the differences between clones and non clones?
clones of very expensive scopes are cheap (ACOG and EOTech for example), usually chinese, they fog under the rain, break when you drop them and they're made of pot metal, altough the quality has been going up in recent years.
If you don't want a replica, and just want a scope with a 2X or 3X zoom it's simply better and often cheaper to buy real optics like NCStar and such...
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Old February 26th, 2012, 09:25   #7
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Personnaly it's a tossup betwine real and clone optics. As I upgrade the optics on my RS gun the lower end optics get transfered to my airsoft. Example I had a bushnell holografic sight on my shotgun, when I got a good deal on a second hand eotech ( model 552 for 300$) the bushnell got transfered to my airsoft m4 cqb. Once I get the funds for a spector dr for my rs m4 the eotech and magnifier are going on my 7.5 rs ar and it's leupold mark4 cqb will be transfered on my aiisoft sig 552. I start with clones on the airsoft until the real stuff trickels down from the rs guns.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 10:01   #8
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For my long range rifle, I prefer Bushnell scopes. IMO the best quality lenses for the money.

For the rest, Aimpoint clone red-dots for P90, and clone eotech magnifier+Aimpoint red-dot for MK18 MOD0.

If I had a few 1000$ to spend, I'd get a Shmith&Bender scope or any nice scope with a Horus reticle.

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Old February 26th, 2012, 10:04   #9
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I have a fixed 4x30 RS scope on my SL8, a clone eotech on my G36, and a Canadian Tire TASCO RDS on my P90 (honestly one of the best budget RDS's out there. It doesn't look bad at all, works great, and costs $50).

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Old February 26th, 2012, 11:04   #10
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post

If I had a few 1000$ to spend, I'd get a Shmith&Bender scope or any nice scope with a Horus reticle.
For the money a S&B go for these days I personnaly spend 1k more and get a US optic... or spend 1k less and get a night force......

A friend of mine has a nice US optic SN-3 with all the trimmings for sale for the bargain price of 6000$

And when I say all the trimmings it's an understatement..... ex large turrets, DBC, horrus reticul with the ipod touch app, 35mm tube, 60 mm lense, extra magnification range, first focal plane, class 3 OD finish, us optic heavy duty rings ,etc, etc if US optic offers the option it's on it...... The downside is that it weights a ton..... but them a 2 pounds scope on a 28 pounds rifle.....

and moved thread to the correct location
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Old February 26th, 2012, 11:39   #11
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post

If I had a few 1000$ to spend, I'd get a Shmith&Bender scope or any nice scope with a Horus reticle.
You'd buy a Schmidt and bender for an airsoft? Iunno about that... Seems a little excessive...
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Old February 26th, 2012, 12:53   #12
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I was using clone sights, I'm finally feed up with the ghosting and bad sight pictures so I'm saving up right now to jump into real steel optics. I'm also doing this because I plan on getting into real steel shooting as well and I would just be able to swap them out when needed.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 13:03   #13
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I currently use a G&P Aimpoint CompM2 Replica.
Because I have never used an RS sight, I cannot compare them to my replica, but I can say that the G&P is quite good for what it is.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 14:51   #14
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I actually run a clone eotech
I just can't justify buying a real steel eotech when I could pay a new gun with that money.
Anyway.. optics are kind of useless in airsoft IMO since you mostly trace your bbs and correct the trajectory for the next shot.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 14:57   #15
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Replica all the time. I'd rather spend money elsewhere than on real steel optics.

I run either Aimpoints, ACOG's or Holosights in pair with my iron sights.

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