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Old December 19th, 2011, 23:02   #31
Cobalt Caliber
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If pulled over by an officer and asked if he/she can search my car best thing to do is declare it. explain that it is only a 'toy' and you are going to a game with other people. Many will likely just tell you to be cautious with it and be safe and send you on your merry way. Do not hide this from the cops worst thing you can do.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 00:20   #32
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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First off, hope it's RCMP. They're usually pretty slack about airsoft.

I've been pulled over 4 times, once we even had simulated mortars in the back and still had our facepaint on....they didn't search the vehicle that time for whatever reason....

Anyway, each time I declared I was on my way/coming back from airsoft, and the location of the event (since RCMP should ALWAYS be notified where you're playing airsoft). Only twice they asked if they could see a gun, so obviously I pull out the most non-threating gun I have, my VSR-10!
So warn them that it LOOKS real. Open the case. WAIT FOR THEIR REACTION. Then prove to them it's not real.

Both times they actually saw airsoft guns, they were more interested in the rather advanced radio I had in my car to signal the guys at the event on the way there, and the chrono I had left in my cab on the way back lol

My advice is to be very simple and straight forward in your responses. Lying to a police officer IS an chargeable offense. And let's face it, if you lie and they find the guns, your gonna look a lot more conspicuous than if you just told them you had guns.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 00:33   #33
Mr. inked
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
First off, hope it's RCMP. They're usually pretty slack about airsoft.

I've been pulled over 4 times, once we even had simulated mortars in the back and still had our facepaint on....they didn't search the vehicle that time for whatever reason....

Anyway, each time I declared I was on my way/coming back from airsoft, and the location of the event (since RCMP should ALWAYS be notified where you're playing airsoft). Only twice they asked if they could see a gun, so obviously I pull out the most non-threating gun I have, my VSR-10!
So warn them that it LOOKS real. Open the case. WAIT FOR THEIR REACTION. Then prove to them it's not real.

Both times they actually saw airsoft guns, they were more interested in the rather advanced radio I had in my car to signal the guys at the event on the way there, and the chrono I had left in my cab on the way back lol

My advice is to be very simple and straight forward in your responses. Lying to a police officer IS an chargeable offense. And let's face it, if you lie and they find the guns, your gonna look a lot more conspicuous than if you just told them you had guns.
lol most non threating gun...i have a m4 and a m14 ebr >.>
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Old December 20th, 2011, 00:37   #34
Cobalt Caliber
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Doesn't matter talk respectfully and be friendly. Explain it just shoots 6mm plastic bb's and if they want to see, touch, or search it let them. If police believe your hiding something your just going to bring more trouble on yourself down the road.

and LE love honesty, they deal with enough lying in bullshit per day as it is.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 15:56   #35
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Originally Posted by Padkiller View Post
Well, it just seems easy for you, but where I live (the anti-gun province also known as Quebec), just saying to almost any cop that you have a "weapon", even if it's a blank gun or an airsoft, they would just kick you out of the car and arrest you. I don't know why I would tell them I have a weapon, as I'd be putting myself in a world of sh*t! If they ask questions, I just tell them no, or if I see they're suspicious, I avoid direct questions. Yes/No answers.
And where does that "information" comes from, if I may ask?
On the contrary, saying you have nothing "suspicious" in your car (an airsoft gun *is* suspicious as it could be easily taken for a real firearm), will put you in a world of sh*t if they do see them or whatever.

You're way better explaining what is it you have and get done with it. I'm sure they wouldn't arrest you for having airsoft guns if you did comply honestly to their demands, as opposed to what you seem to think.

I'm no specialist on the matter (as probably any of the people speculating/affirming anything in this thread I think, correct me if I'm wrong), so what I'm saying here is the same as everyone's, speculations.

But I know I'd rather be honest and be a little good boy in the presence of LE. IF they have reasons to take them in, then yes they'll just do it, but chances are it'd be much easier to have them back after that than if you'd have tried to hide them and lie about it.

My 2ยข
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old December 20th, 2011, 16:22   #36
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Don't speed maybe? Don't have smashed up lights etc. on your car maybe? If you have to speed then you might want to get a radar detector.

radar detectors are illegal in ontario and if they catch you with one, they will not only confiscate/destroy it on the spot, if they ask you if you have weapons in the car... that might get a bit hairy at that point.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 16:24   #37
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What an awful place to live.

You will note Option A was not to speed.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 18:35   #38
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If asked, simply reply with a yes. If the officer feels the need to search your vehicle and finds all your kit, you could possibly be fined and have all your stuff seized if he really wants to. All of which is bad news for you. Be informative of what you have, your intentions and never grab for something without telling him/her what you're reaching for. Sure, everything may look like legit firearms but if the officer see's that you're storing it properly, well educated in your sport and aren't a complete moron ie. going to take something out of the case and brandish it in the public to cause problems he may just write you a ticket for whatever traffic infraction you were stopped for and let you be on your way. Or like a previous member mentioned he might call in one of his superiors for advice before you're cleared to go. Being a dick and being difficult to the officer will only hurt you in the long run.

If the officer DOESN'T ask if you have weapons in the car, don't volunteer information. But don't deny anything either. Calm your nerves and try not to look agitated. He may think somethings wrong and hold you on suspicion. It also depends on the person who pulls you over. I've never been pulled over but if I ever was, this is the way I would handle it.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 18:44   #39
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
radar detectors are illegal in ontario and if they catch you with one, they will not only confiscate/destroy it on the spot, if they ask you if you have weapons in the car... that might get a bit hairy at that point.
Radar detectors are illegal everywhere, except Alberta I think?
Funny off topic story; My roomie bought one of those california radar detectors that police can't detect, and it looks like a GPS.
I said yeah that's great, what are you gonna do with that?
He said, well obviously it'll pick up police radar
I said yeah, it'll pick up speed traps, what about the squad cars that use lasers?
"'ll pick up speed traps!"
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Old December 20th, 2011, 18:53   #40
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Radar detectors are illegal everywhere, except Alberta I think?
You can plug in your freedom box at the Saskatchewan border and ride it all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Nova Scotia also loves & respects life, liberty and the pursuit of speed.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 19:36   #41
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Got stopped by a Ride program on my way back from a Picton game once with others in the car, I know we weren't the only car full of airsofters that got stopped either. After the officer saw that I hadn't been drinking he took a closer look at us (still in our BDU pants but no kit on) and asked if we were in the military. Just told him we were leaving from an all-day game at the nearby paintball field and off we went. No ask/mention of guns, airsoft, paintball or real.

I generally try and stick gun cases in the trunk. Out of sight, out of mind. If I was ever asked if there was anything they needed to know about in the car I wouldn't have a problem telling them.

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Old December 21st, 2011, 19:50   #42
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Just an add to this, when you store your stuff in the cases take the mags out and take the battery out. I tend to also leave the battery compartment open where possible.

Having been pulled over in a SUV type vehicle they can see the cases, if they ask I explain what airsoft is, they always want to see. When they see a battery and no mags everything is calm.

It has never been a problem.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 21:22   #43
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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trigger locks (especially on pistols) will also get your brownie points.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 21:35   #44
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Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
Just an add to this, when you store your stuff in the cases take the mags out and take the battery out.
this should be a +1000000000 anytime at all .. it's so much fun when a customer drops something off, you go to start checking it out and realize it's still loaded with a hooked up active battery (I check first... thankfully!)

hell for the first year I had to yell at people and remind them to bring a CASE period! ... so much fun to have your neighbors ask you why people are walking up to your house with Assault rifles casually at hand. even more to bang head on wall is the stupid eye head tilt look you get when you do yell at em for it "but it's just a toy.... "

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