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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old September 21st, 2011, 00:53   #1261
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
That picture isn't my actual gun. That's a photo of a WA Wilson Combat Super Grade. I just copied the colour scheme and some concepts off it, including a Wilson Combat Super Grade replica compensator. The actual fine details will be different.
What brand lower frame are you going to use for it? The only 1911 lower frame only I know with a rounded guard is the SD one.

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Last edited by Slono; September 21st, 2011 at 01:04..
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Old September 21st, 2011, 01:23   #1262
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
What brand lower frame are you going to use for it? The only 1911 lower frame only I know with a rounded guard is the SD one.
SD it is! Although... I've been contemplating the AS square trigger guard model... hmm....
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Old September 21st, 2011, 07:53   #1263
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Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
New question....AIP parts, how are they?

They seem to make hop-up chamber, BBU, a bunch of internal TM pistol parts.....I am thinking of scratch building a the current project now....
yes they are good, i've tried lots of their products, BBH, hop up chamber, rubber, loading nozzle, etc etc

none of them require any modifications, ***updated*** with their loading nozzle, only one round magazine and its broken..

go to seems their website carried lots of AIP products.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
SD it is! Although... I've been contemplating the AS square trigger guard model... hmm....
you should get one!!! haha.... still waiting for your light sear to put in it......

my single stack race....

Last edited by xl1; September 25th, 2011 at 21:03..
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Old September 21st, 2011, 09:24   #1264
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Dude, what frame did you use for your single stack race?

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Old September 21st, 2011, 15:25   #1265
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hey guys i need some help with the slide catch. for some reason when theirs no more bbs the slide doesn't catch.
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Old September 21st, 2011, 16:32   #1266
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Originally Posted by raiderZY View Post
hey guys i need some help with the slide catch. for some reason when theirs no more bbs the slide doesn't catch.
More Info > No Info.

Otherwise, the only help I can provide based on what you just stated is: "bring it to a gundoc"
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Old September 21st, 2011, 19:47   #1267
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Dude, what frame did you use for your single stack race?
its 2roy tactical:

its good to have holes without drill the frame. and it comes with aluminum magwell too.

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Old September 21st, 2011, 23:34   #1268
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Wow, and I thought the Airsoft Surgeon one was expensive... very nice, though.

Last edited by ILLusion; September 21st, 2011 at 23:39..
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Old October 1st, 2011, 12:53   #1269
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Hey Brian,

I recently got myself a Kimber SIS kit that Hurricane made when my MEU slide broke down (the screw hole for the metal piece that allows slide lock got striped and then snapped in two, damaged and bent my screw horribly) so I got the kit from UNCo when they had their autumn discount.

Well I fitted the kit (beautiful btw) and I ran into a problem. Almost everything is a drop in fit (unlike what you wrote for one of your Kimber Custom Covert II's on the forum...forgot which thread it was!) but the barrel that came with the kit is jamming up the slide when the gun shoots. I nailed the problem down to the barrel locking lugs on the slide being too deep so I suppose filing them would make the barrel work (funnily enough I ran a complete barrel assembly from a Bell 1911 pistol and the gun functioned flawlessly).

Since one of my upgrade plans is to use a non-tilting barrel, I was wondering whether I can just get the ProG4 steel non-tilt barrel as a drop in fit to the slide. I know its the barrel locking lugs being too deep and since the non-tilt barrel sits slightly lower than the stock barrels to underpass the locking lugs I'm guessing the non-tilt barrel will fit perfectly. However, I dunno if I will run into any other issues as well so if you have anything else you'll like to add please do!

One thing to note for those that are interested in getting the Hurricane kits is that the bar thingy that locks the slide catch and thumb safety in place does NOT need the spring that comes with the kit. I installed it and the spring is extremely weak; the thumb safety and slide catch does not positively click when I move them.

Last edited by intinerious; October 1st, 2011 at 12:58..
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Old October 4th, 2011, 07:40   #1270
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I find the Hurricane kits to be machined quite inconsistently. I had four of the Custom Covert II kits here, all purchased at the same time, and all four of them were inconsistent in the install. While one was mostly a drop-in fit (except for having to remove casting flash), another one had no casting flash but required extensive modification to the inside to clear material out to get the barrel to move. Another one had none of those problems but had to have extensive work done to it to remove material in the blowback unit area. And yet another one had none of the above problems but had severe moulding issues to the entire receiver, requiring a re-working of the entire part.

For what it's worth, I was able to successfully use an ILLusion Kinetics non-tilting barrel in two of these builds, but one of them required material to be removed from the inside of the slide to allow function (the same slide that would not work with the original barrel.) Turns out the chamber was rubbing heavily against the side of the slide.

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Old October 5th, 2011, 01:53   #1271
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Hello Brian, I've been looking into outer barrels for my TM Hi Capa 5.1 and am having a hard time trying to determine which ones are fixed and which aren't. Are there physical characteristics that allow you to tell them apart?

I'm looking specifically for a black fixed bull barrel. Does such a thing exist? If so do you make one or which one would you recommend. Ideally the markings would read simply ".45 ACP".

Last edited by Kozzie; October 5th, 2011 at 02:08..
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Old October 5th, 2011, 08:26   #1272
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I find the Hurricane kits to be machined quite inconsistently...[cut!]...YMMV
Hey thanks for the reply! :P

Yeah I think I have the same situation as the 4 Custom Covert II kits you had. I think I've nailed the problem down to the barrel lug closest to the ejection port on the slide (so the rear one). When the magazine is inserted the barrel assembly rubs against that part leading to jams when the gun is fired. Interestingly enough I got a Custom Covert II kit for my friend after he got mesmerised with my SIS one and the barrel included in that kit jammed worst than the one I had for my SIS. The Covert II barrel jammed as soon as I inserted a magazine; my SIS barrel still allowed me to cycle the slide manually with the magazine inserted.

As for more information about my experience with the Custom Covert II kit I tried helping my friend fit today (to those who are interested in getting one themselves); the lower internal frame assembly is a very tight fit into the lower tan frame. I had to practically place the frame upside down on a table and push the lower tan frame down onto it to get it to fit. Pulling the internal frame assembly out was a bitch to do but it's possible without tools.

The Kimber Custom Covert II kit includes a weaker spring for the slide lock and thumb safety pins; this was NOT required for my SIS kit as it made my thumb safety lose the positive 'click' when I push it to safe, but it is required for the Covert because the slide lock seem to be a tad bit longer; leading to too much pressure on the slide lock pin when I used the original marui spring.

The laser grip that comes with the Covert is NOT a Silverback one. I had a Silverback laser grip before and the grip was fat as hell and the build quality is not as good as the one that Hurricane made. The Covert one is much slimmer; even slimmer than my SIS grips (the SIS grips are like the marui grips interestingly, it comes with the internal weights and the grip is made of plastic, not wood) and the laser was quite strong. I can shoot the laser out a dirty-ish window and still aim all the way up some 5-7 floors from my room in my apartment. The batteries are placed on one side of the Silverback laser grip if I remember correctly and the Covert one is one both sides. The way the batteries lock into the grip is more secure (IMO) on the Covert than the Silverback laser grip.

My friend and I filed the blowback housing far more than what I had done for my SIS and it still got stuck when we placed it on the rails of the completed lower frame on the Covert. The lower frame can be described as a 'drop-in' fit but honestly it's more like a 'frustrated-push-everything-in-together-really-hard' fit. The slide assembly is very problematic and my friend is bringing it to a retail shop gun smith to fix when he's got the appropriate tools and experience to do so (I only had 1 metal file to work with today although that was sufficient for my SIS).

Lastly; the Covert comes with the half-piece of a thumb safety to turn the original MEU ambi-safety to a single sided safety. It locks into the frame by way of an o-ring, so it's friction fit. That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen as the o-ring is bigger than the hole the piece is meant to fit in; and if the o-ring size was not right or the hole where the thumb safety goes into is too big the imitation piece falls right out. I got too sick of trying to fit that stupid piece in so I left the Covert II with the ambi safety for my friend right now.

If possible, do you mind telling me whether I diagnose the problem correctly with the slide? If I (well I'm getting a gun smith to do it as I dont have the right tools) file down the rear barrel lug the included chrome Hurricane barrel should work fine, correct? Anyway Brian, thanks for the advice again!
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Old October 5th, 2011, 12:04   #1273
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
Hello Brian, I've been looking into outer barrels for my TM Hi Capa 5.1 and am having a hard time trying to determine which ones are fixed and which aren't. Are there physical characteristics that allow you to tell them apart?

I'm looking specifically for a black fixed bull barrel. Does such a thing exist? If so do you make one or which one would you recommend. Ideally the markings would read simply ".45 ACP".
ILLusion Kinetics = Fixed
Airsoft Surgeon = Fixed
*some* Nine Ball = Fixed

Everything else = Tilting

If it must be black, check out Nine Ball, but they look... well.... they just look ridiculous. They've been swiss cheesed to hell, and made of light weight aluminum, all with the single goal of keeping weight as low as possible. They advertise it as their "non recoil" line. Your inner barrel will clearly be visible through the sides of it.

The ILLusion Kinetics and Airsoft Surgeon ones are stainless steel, so they'll be silver. The ILLusion Kinetics ones are the only ones with realistic markings on the chamber. If you want it to say ".45 ACP" and don't mind it being silver, then get ILLusion Kinetics. Airsoft Surgeon ones say "AS .38 SUPER"
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Old October 5th, 2011, 12:22   #1274
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Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
If possible, do you mind telling me whether I diagnose the problem correctly with the slide? If I (well I'm getting a gun smith to do it as I dont have the right tools) file down the rear barrel lug the included chrome Hurricane barrel should work fine, correct? Anyway Brian, thanks for the advice again!
Part of the art of gunsmithing is being able to see what's wrong and what's out of place the moment it's looked at. It comes down to diagnosing and correcting the problem by sight, sound, and touch. I need to have the physical part in front of me to correctly figure it out for you. If I trust your diagnosis based on what you're telling me, I could say "sure... I can see how you came to that conclusion... sure... I guess your solution is right based on what YOU see." The problem with that, is that it's only "right" based on what YOU saw. When I have it in front of me, I'll be looking for other things that are "wrong" to create the final diagnosis, which could potentially be completely different from what you had seen and diagnosed.

Thus, I can't tell you if what you did was "right" nor "wrong." Also, each mechanic can approach a problem different way, and in some cases, there is no right nor wrong way.

When it comes to "e-diagnoses" like what you're asking me right now... first off, I hate it. I don't like it. I generally don't even want to do it. Coming from an auto mechanics family history, I relate it like this: An airsofter asking me whether he's diagnosing his gun properly or asking me to provide a solution for his described problem, is akin to the guy who calls his mechanic and says "my car is making a knocking sound. It must be a loose sway bar, right?"

The answer is "No... not necessarily." It could be any number of things. I can't trust a customer's diagnosis ever, because they typically don't know what to look for, or what areas to look at. Without experience, they also don't know what looks "out of place".

For example, you could lay out a pile of Hi-Capa parts, completely stripped down to every individual component, and within a minute, I can tell you if you're missing the tiniest screw, spring, or lever. Handling a blowback unit, I can tell you if it's not moulded correctly. Or looking at an aftermarket slide, I could tell you if THAT wasn't moulded correctly.

A perfect example is this old problem that I still get all the time: "I upgraded my Hi-Capa's slide and barrel with a metal one, but whenever I fire it, the slide gets stuck back. What's causing it?" The obvious solutions are to check the slide movement, see if the blowback unit is hanging on the hammer, check if the slide is catching on the catch lever, etc... but in many cases, it's something that's not so obvious at all and may have NOTHING to do with the slide at all: The slide is actually catching on the outer barrel because of tilting problems. Fortunately, this problem occurs so often, that it's easy to "e-diagnose", but for customized problems such as yours, it's extremely difficult to tell based on the vague descriptions you're giving. I'm not saying you're short on words. (In fact, you speak eloquently). I'm just saying you aren't looking for what I would look for, and I'm assuming this because you don't mention it.

As far as your solution goes: my line of thought is always as follows: I always assume that the conversion kit is designed off the original Marui part. So if anything is ever "wrong", it's never the Marui part that needs modification, but the third party part. In this case, it's the slide. While modifying the Marui part may be the easiest solution, it's not always the correct one, and in many cases, it may render the Marui part incompatible with any other component out there from other brands, models, or in some cases, even with the same brand/model due to manufacturing inconsistencies. I would be looking for things such as the moulding angle of the rear of the slide where it contacts the blowback unit. I'd look for excess material. A wall that's too thick. Moulding flash. Too much powdercoat. Etc.

Last edited by ILLusion; October 5th, 2011 at 12:27..
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Old October 5th, 2011, 15:13   #1275
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Marui Desert Warrior Guarder kit

Anyone has experience with the Guarder metal frame and slide for the TM Desert Warrior?
Fitting problems or somethieng else?
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