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Airsoft at 400 FPS. Any risk?



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Old August 23rd, 2011, 10:04   #46
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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A friend of mine lost a teeth to a stock gun at 280fps.

The point is, accidents happen and waterver your fps, teeths won't hold if your mouth is open. So breath by your nose, shut your mouth and play wisely.

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Old August 23rd, 2011, 11:39   #47
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Don't smile lol. I had a lot of my rifles sitting in the 390 to 420 fps range, and I mostly stayed as far away from the action as possible. If I got too close I always left the mercy option open however if he was too dumb to accept the terms of his surrender he got it in the middle of the chest. I never aim for the head, and generally I'm aiming center of visable mass in the chest area, however sometimes head shots happens, but I'm pretty far way. I only had one instance where a buddy decided he wasn't going to mercy and I imbedded two bb's into his forehead since he and I were close and doing the pop up fire on each other trench warfare style. He knew the risks, though his rifle shoots as hard as mine, so I knew it would hurt as well. So long as everyone knows, and you respect the engagement distances I don't see a problem.

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Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 13:01   #48
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Accidents will happen in airsoft. It is inevitably the risk players take. Even the best players will at some point make one of these mistakes as well. General fps limits being 400 - 420, you can injure someone. However major injuries are unlikely due to projectiles. Chipped teeth don't really count as an injury, as there is no health threat. Proper eye protection is your best friend though. This being the most dangerous part of the sport. Proper ballistic or safety approved eyewear is a must. When worn properly, you shouldnt be able to touch your finger to tour eye. Depending on your bone structure, you may need to find another set of eyewear that suits you. I have seen a BB stuck into someones cheek. So obviously there is a risk of permanent nerve damage. Although I've never heard of it happening, make sure your offers at least a minor layer of something over your temples. You can wear a mask, goggles, neck and throat protection as well. Most players won't over encumber themselves with these things. But if you don't wear them, you don't have the right to complain when you get shot. As far as minimum safe distance, there usually isn't one. With the exception of snipers shooting 450 plus of course. The closer you are, the easier it is to hit someones gear and not their face. Making a lot of rules based on maybes and a few careless players is not the answer. If your concerned, wear protective gear or run the risk. All players must watch what they are shooting at. And of course blind fire is dangerous.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 14:50   #49
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I don't understand why people don't wear the guards for the bottom half of the face. I assume it does a pretty good job at protecting teeth.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 16:07   #50
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
I don't understand why people don't wear the guards for the bottom half of the face. I assume it does a pretty good job at protecting teeth.
My guess is that it's kind of uncomfortable, even with the ones made out of mesh.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 16:37   #51
The Hunter
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
I don't understand why people don't wear the guards for the bottom half of the face. I assume it does a pretty good job at protecting teeth.
Because they want to look like a real solider, lol.
My opinion is overall it is all about look, just like why teenagers don't wear helmets while riding there bikes, or why the don't wear knee, elbow and wrist protection while rollerblading.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 17:09   #52
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Originally Posted by Alceister View Post
My guess is that it's kind of uncomfortable, even with the ones made out of mesh.
I wear one all the time. If anything, the helmet and vests we sling around are more uncomfortable. The facemask is the only part of my gear I can honestly say I don't notice at all.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 17:24   #53
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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I own one, but don't wear it. I probably would for CQB. They can actually be made fairly comfortable with little or no mods. As long as you get a nicer one. My only suggestion with a face guard is to get mesh. Otherwise you'll fog up your eyewear from trapped breath. However, I have had two teeth chipped. My choice not to wear a mask is my own fault, and I lose the right to complain. That goes for everyone. The hotter the field's fps, the more protective gear you may want. Don't change your rules because someone doesn't want to wear their protective gear.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 18:55   #54
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were I play we use anything! my ak is shooting right around 400 fps on .25's. as long as you have trigger control it's all good. and 5 to ten feet for a "challenge" call. if your enemy twiches insead of calling mercy you shoot without even thinking about it.
mind you i do wear a full face mesh sheild.

Last edited by REAPER426; August 23rd, 2011 at 18:57..
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 19:07   #55
The Keiichione
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At my locals skirmishs, we dont have the mercy rule and the limit is 400 fps. It's shoot before the other guy shoot you. It's hurts but we always aim for the centermass. I sometimes play with old soviet webbing or M56 webbing and a very thin oversuit (KLMK) I dont have the protection guys in plates carrier have. Never had a bleeder, we know where to aim.

I've played a zombie game last saturday (different organisation). Admin team dude shot me point blank with a Co2 NBB. it did a nice spot but notting much.

Last edited by The Keiichione; August 23rd, 2011 at 19:13..
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 21:23   #56
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I went with a mesh mask this year. I can still drink, talk on the radio and I don't fog up.

It makes a proper check weld with a telescopic sight harder to get but with something that has a wire frame stock and iron sights or a red dot it's no problem.

I don't think the players out here are particularly blood thirsty but when that one BB comes floating through the bush with your name on it then it's worth having.
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