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Tips and Guidelines on renting Guns from players


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Old July 31st, 2011, 16:01   #1
KwGeek's Avatar
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Tips and Guidelines on renting Guns from players

Okay I was out today at the flag raiders airsoft game and I was talking with people here and there while they were off the field, (oh by the way thanks to all the advice from the few guys I talk too, it was very helpful)
an the one thing that stood out to me for the moment is, that as a Noob and right now a guy that's tight on funds, that I should think about renting guns from fellow player before buying.

One of the top reasons I got to rent , was it would enable me to try out different guns and brands so that I can get a feel for the guns and see what I would like to get for myself in the future.

Now the thing is, that I'm going to be renting from fellow players, as right now the field is not renting out airsoft guns.

So I just want to know, is there any guidelines that I should follow when it come's to renting.

One thing I know is that, I should treat the gun being rented to me with respect and treat it as if it were my own gun. basically I should return the gun in the same condition or a little worst for ware (the sort of condition that comes from after normal game play) to the rentier\original owner.

Now because I'm renting, what is the average going rate for a Gun? because I don't wanted to be cheated out of my cash and also I don't want to stiff a guy that being kind enough to let me use his own personal equipment.

looking forward to hearing what you all have to say
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Old July 31st, 2011, 16:09   #2
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depending on the player and your friendship with the group you may get away with buying beers at the local pub after game,
sometimes its as cheap and buying a bag of bb's for the guy
at other times you'll get it for free.

guidlines. the general rule is you break it you buy it, what I mean by that is if you break a part stock, mag, optics etc... you'll pay for replacements. most of the time internals do not fall under this because of the fact that they wear down overtime but who knows.

Cost of a rental falls under the suppliers discretion 1$-50$
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Old July 31st, 2011, 16:15   #3
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round here it's $30 to $50 depending on the gun your renting, if goggles included, mags or a hicap .. ammo included (rare) ... the flip side of that if you BREAK said gun the repair falls on your bill too.

most people don't rent out collector status, prestine, or full custom guns, they know they are going to get beat on a bit (not intentionally . just the way the game goes) .. wear and tear is covered in your rental ... however if you use the gun as a polevault or accidently fall on it.. broken is broken and your footing the repair costs
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Old August 1st, 2011, 00:43   #4
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Personally I like how you think things through KwGeek. But yeah 50 bucks is where id cap it at.
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Old August 1st, 2011, 02:36   #5
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The 'you break it you pay for repairs' rule is pretty much universal. I personally will rent out my loaners for the cost of said renter lugging my gear up the hill to our field and back down again. Other members of my group usually charge $10-15. A couple of them will loan for free. And that almost always includes a hicap full of ammo as well.

In reading the other posts in this thread I'm amazed at how much some people are charging. Do people charge $50 and actually get takers? Four games at that price will buy you an Aftermath gun, six will get you a JG. I'd rather sit out airsoft for a month and a half to own my gun then rent at that price.
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Old August 1st, 2011, 10:09   #6
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
The 'you break it you pay for repairs' rule is pretty much universal. I personally will rent out my loaners for the cost of said renter lugging my gear up the hill to our field and back down again. Other members of my group usually charge $10-15. A couple of them will loan for free. And that almost always includes a hicap full of ammo as well.

In reading the other posts in this thread I'm amazed at how much some people are charging. Do people charge $50 and actually get takers? Four games at that price will buy you an Aftermath gun, six will get you a JG. I'd rather sit out airsoft for a month and a half to own my gun then rent at that price.
The rental cost would vary, but the two major considerations to how much to rent for would be, in my opinion:

1) Make/Model/Condition of the rental - If I was renting an Aftermath, then $15-25 would likely be my range. If I was renting a VFC, then $50-60 easy. I think a reasonable rate would be between 8-10% of the new cost of the gun.

2) The reputation of the rentee - If I know personally know the renter and his/her attitude towards my equipment, I may slide it up or down the rental cost scale accordingly. Someone with a rep of taking care of equipment or paying for field-related repairs will slide down the scale, potentially to $free if the rep is solid. Conversely, an unknown player or known equipment abuser will slide the other direction, potentially to the point of not renting.

Some people just want to experience the hardware first-hand before dropping the cash. For example, M4's may all look the same externally (for the most part), but internally they may behave differently - saying an Aftermath will stand up to the same level of abuse as a VFC would, in my opinion, be a stretch.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old August 1st, 2011, 11:25   #7
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Step 1. Go to Canadian Tire

2. Buy a Game Face (Classic army sportline) M4

3. Use it

4. Return it the next day Lol

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Old August 1st, 2011, 11:29   #8
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Originally Posted by slink182 View Post

2) The reputation of the rentee - If I know personally know the renter and his/her attitude towards my equipment, I may slide it up or down the rental cost scale accordingly. Someone with a rep of taking care of equipment or paying for field-related repairs will slide down the scale, potentially to $free if the rep is solid. Conversely, an unknown player or known equipment abuser will slide the other direction, potentially to the point of not renting.
Okay I can see how reputation of a rentee is important and I can respect that.
But on the flip side of the coin, a Rentee reputation is not the only thing that is on the line.

Cause there has to a number of reputable Renter\Owner to the number of disreputable renters\Owners.

An as a Noob, I have yet to get to know the reputations of the player that I'm going to meet on the fields week in and week out. in effect making me an easy mark to be ripped off.

Cause how can I know that I'm not going to get scammed. being that I'm going to be put on the line for repairs if some thing happens to the gun.

Cause I can see a guy bring out a rental gun for me to use that is on it's last legs and the guy is just waiting for in to crap out. and since it was at the time being rented out, the guy could claim that it was the rentee fault that the gun crap out.

In effect he get the Rentee to pay for repairs, while the renter\Owner is Up $50 and he get's his crap gun repaired for free, because he set up the Mark to fail this way.

I know not every one is out to run a scam on me or the other Noob's, but there are those few people out there that are willing to pull a fast one over somebody, for a few fast bucks.
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Old August 1st, 2011, 11:47   #9
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
Step 1. Go to Canadian Tire

2. Buy a Game Face (Classic army sportline) M4

3. Use it

4. Return it the next day Lol
5. report people like you to all the stores in your area!
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Old August 1st, 2011, 13:38   #10
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Originally Posted by KwGeek View Post
Okay I can see how reputation of a rentee is important and I can respect that.
But on the flip side of the coin, a Rentee reputation is not the only thing that is on the line.

Cause there has to a number of reputable Renter\Owner to the number of disreputable renters\Owners.

An as a Noob, I have yet to get to know the reputations of the player that I'm going to meet on the fields week in and week out. in effect making me an easy mark to be ripped off.

Cause how can I know that I'm not going to get scammed. being that I'm going to be put on the line for repairs if some thing happens to the gun.

Cause I can see a guy bring out a rental gun for me to use that is on it's last legs and the guy is just waiting for in to crap out. and since it was at the time being rented out, the guy could claim that it was the rentee fault that the gun crap out.

In effect he get the Rentee to pay for repairs, while the renter\Owner is Up $50 and he get's his crap gun repaired for free, because he set up the Mark to fail this way.

I know not every one is out to run a scam on me or the other Noob's, but there are those few people out there that are willing to pull a fast one over somebody, for a few fast bucks.
Internal problems should never be the rentee's problem - parts wear out from use. This has already been covered above. A gun crapping out (for whatever reason) is not the same as snapping a rifle in two (for example).
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 19:03   #11
Troy T. Moore
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I have 3 CYMA AK74Us that I bought specifically for renting out. My goal is to get people hooked, not make money in rentals. I want people to buy their own guns and join the playing in our area.

I supply an AEG, battery, hi-cap, mask, camo jacket, and 1000 BBs for $30. I have spare batteries if the first one dies (included in rental price) and more BBs for sale.

I tell people to break the guns fall with their body. If internals go it is wear and tear. If externals is assessed on a case by case basis. So far a muzzle/flash hider has snapped off of one. Pot metal and poor design are the culprit, not abuse. Taped on and it still works fine, just not as pretty.

People will ALWAYS treat something they own better than something they rent... I hope to be an enabler for people to get hooked on the game and buy their own gun and gear...
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 08:39   #12
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Originally Posted by slink182 View Post
Internal problems should never be the rentee's problem - parts wear out from use. This has already been covered above. A gun crapping out (for whatever reason) is not the same as snapping a rifle in two (for example).

OP - Just to add, make sure to inspect the rifle all around and call out anything unusual so both of you have the same understanding.
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 09:35   #13
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Originally Posted by Troy T. Moore View Post
I have 3 CYMA AK74Us that I bought specifically for renting out. My goal is to get people hooked, not make money in rentals. I want people to buy their own guns and join the playing in our area.

I supply an AEG, battery, hi-cap, mask, camo jacket, and 1000 BBs for $30. I have spare batteries if the first one dies (included in rental price) and more BBs for sale.

I tell people to break the guns fall with their body. If internals go it is wear and tear. If externals is assessed on a case by case basis. So far a muzzle/flash hider has snapped off of one. Pot metal and poor design are the culprit, not abuse. Taped on and it still works fine, just not as pretty.

People will ALWAYS treat something they own better than something they rent... I hope to be an enabler for people to get hooked on the game and buy their own gun and gear...
That's a decent approach.

Personally...I don't think rentals should be more than the cost of the game (be it $20, 30, 35, etc...).

I do think rentals should include at a min a working AEG, sufficient batteries to shoot all that the renter wants, loader, enough mags to suit the game(s), and you should be able to sell the guy a full bag of BBs if there aren't any for sale at the game (OR better should just let him fill up from your BBs with your loader).

If you're paying more than that....someone's more interested in making a buck off your situation vs. helping someone out.

I disagree with the "IF you break it you pay for it" approach. Either charge more up front and eat the expenses if they come up...or assume the risk if something goes wrong. Or don't rent out your stuff if you can't stomach that.

If someone puts the "You break it you bought it" pitch to for the hills. And if they're offering you that deal with a beat up used Kraken...toss them a $20 and keep the gun.....'cause that's what a beat up Kraken is worth
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 10:23   #14
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
That's a decent approach.

Personally...I don't think rentals should be more than the cost of the game (be it $20, 30, 35, etc...).

I do think rentals should include at a min a working AEG, sufficient batteries to shoot all that the renter wants, loader, enough mags to suit the game(s), and you should be able to sell the guy a full bag of BBs if there aren't any for sale at the game (OR better should just let him fill up from your BBs with your loader).

If you're paying more than that....someone's more interested in making a buck off your situation vs. helping someone out.

I disagree with the "IF you break it you pay for it" approach. Either charge more up front and eat the expenses if they come up...or assume the risk if something goes wrong. Or don't rent out your stuff if you can't stomach that.

If someone puts the "You break it you bought it" pitch to for the hills. And if they're offering you that deal with a beat up used Kraken...toss them a $20 and keep the gun.....'cause that's what a beat up Kraken is worth
You Make a good Point, cause I did not take in account the field fees that I have to pay, and since it's $25+HST for a day at flag raiders and if I'm paying $50 for a AEG, I just dropped $75 that I could use to invest in a AEG of my own in 3 games time if I just wait it out.

that not taking into account the money I have to spend on safety gear and a good set of Boot's (don't want to roll an ankle or that sort of shit)
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 12:45   #15
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I think it has to be said too ... it may not make sense... but theres a difference in a rental, and a loaner. with the 2 groups I play with mainly ... a brand new person, it's like crack, first hits free lol (and that's gun, battery, hicap, ammo, goggles) ....

personally if all they need is the gun (battery and a hicap) I charge $10 (cover my field fee) if they need ammo for the day +$5 ...

now on the flip side of that if it's someone that wants to use one of "MY" guns either to try something new, or a experiment in a different role , etc ... I will charge up to $50 depending what it is (aka a tuned/tweaked M14 .. or a LMG) ... but if it's something specific for a serious sim again generally just cover my field fee

on the side of paying for repairs.... it's generally a case by case ... wear and tear to the insides... yeah rental fees should cover that. if you carelessly smash a mag in and bust a feeding nozzle, not paying attention and snap the barrel or stock off, or don't listen and use shit bb's and wreck something inside ... hear a grinding noise but continue to play without saying anything or caring.... 1. your footing the repair 2. if the repair is becuase of carelessness (ei not listening, not reporting, or using the gun to open a door or stop your slide down a hill like in a movie) your covering the repairs AND your never touching my guns again.

does the above make me an ass ... I guess, but well it's an extreme example and I've only ever seen it on the field once in like 3 years.
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