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552 from AirsoftPark Question


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Old April 4th, 2011, 22:13   #1
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Unhappy 552 from AirsoftPark Question

Hi guys
Just received my order from AirsoftPark which included an Eotech 552 replica (link).

The unit seems to be good and all, finish is ok. First time I get my hands on something like this so I can't really compare it with anything else anyways.

But no matters the mode/intensity I put, I have a really hard time focusing on the reticule. I take it that the idea is not to focus on the dot but on the target, but still I see the target as "doubled" and is not very well defined. That is, unless I keep both eyes opened, in which cases it appears a bit clearer.

In all cases I can see some ghosting appearing above and left of the reticule.
The reticule also seems slightly rotated, maybe 1-2 degrees clockwise.

So I'd like to know if that is to be expected and I should live with it, or go through the hassle of trying to have it exchanged or something?

Any input will be appreciated


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Old April 4th, 2011, 22:17   #2
a.k.a. flamethis
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Never got one from Airsoft Park myself, but all of what you describe is pretty standard for a clone EoTech
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Old April 4th, 2011, 22:27   #3
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K, I must say I'm kind of disapointed a bit, but at the same time I think I was expecting this kind of "efficiency" (or, lack of) with that pricetag.

I haven't received my AEG yet so I'll get a better picture (no pun intedend) when I'll be able to try it for "real".

If anyone else as input in the meantime...

Thanks Rooster

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Old April 4th, 2011, 23:08   #4
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Ghosting is common with clones EoTechs.

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Old April 5th, 2011, 03:47   #5
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As mentioned, ghosting is a common problem: you really have to do your homework to find the ones that do not (I picked up a couple from Huang / AirsoftDepot; they're okay).

That is, unless I keep both eyes opened, in which cases it appears a bit clearer.
You should always keep both eyes opened when using a red dot/reflex type sight (without magnification, and even with low magnification some people will keep both eyes open)
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Old April 5th, 2011, 08:39   #6
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That's what I've figured about closing an eye or not

For those that are interested, here's a somewhat funny fact:

I accidentally left the unit on all night (oops! - or the cats turned it on? O_o) and took a quick look this morning and the image was appearing much clearer. Still not crisp but I could distinguish the elevation compensation dots clearly, which I hardly could yesterday

So it either got better by staying on for a long time, or my eyes were really really tired yesterday :P
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old April 5th, 2011, 09:03   #7
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Actually the batteries might have worn down some, and the reticule is now dimmer.

Dimming the ret (either with the controls or because the battery is weak) helps mask ghosting issues.
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Old April 5th, 2011, 10:10   #8
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Like Drake mentionned, keep both eyes opened. It's not a sniper scope and will help with quick target acquisition.

Watch out for elevation and windage screws on some clones. Some of them you can turn the screw forever until you notice that the adjusment is just a plastic block 1/2 an inch inside making it go up or down. So you can only make it move a little before nothing else happens. And if you move it too much it will come loose. Then the REAL fun starts (of fixing it).
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Old April 5th, 2011, 10:27   #9
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Actually the batteries might have worn down some, and the reticule is now dimmer.

Dimming the ret (either with the controls or because the battery is weak) helps mask ghosting issues.
Thats good to know.
What you want and what you can get are 2 different things...
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Old April 5th, 2011, 10:28   #10
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Originally Posted by Dohpaz View Post
Like Drake mentionned, keep both eyes opened. It's not a sniper scope and will help with quick target acquisition.

Watch out for elevation and windage screws on some clones. Some of them you can turn the screw forever until you notice that the adjusment is just a plastic block 1/2 an inch inside making it go up or down. So you can only make it move a little before nothing else happens. And if you move it too much it will come loose. Then the REAL fun starts (of fixing it).
I learned this quickly last week wth Gladius. My accuracy went from groupings to combat accurate when I used the CZ 858 with red dot (used it with one eye open) so I swapped rifles and used the steel sights.
What you want and what you can get are 2 different things...
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Old April 5th, 2011, 10:57   #11
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Clone optics and RDS are certainly the types of things where you really don't get what you pay for....

Most of them are utter shit. Occluded lenses, ghosting, flaring, poor adjustments, loose fitment, etc...

Basically they are for looks...and if you're lucky they'll be so-so/ok for "replicating" what the real ones do.

Either trial and error until you find one that works for you...or go somewhere where you can actually eye-ball different ones before you plunk down your money. Make to make, model to model, batch to batch....some are ok/so-so...others are a simple waste of money.

Keep in the time you blow through 3-4 clone ones (either not happy, trying something different, broken, etc...) you are into the price range of some of the real (perhaps consumer grade) RDS.

I've tried several of the clones...various aimpoints (M3, M4, micro T1), magnifiers, EOTECHs, ELCANs, ACOGs....magnified, RDS, Illuminated, etc... Balancing Functionality vs. Price vs. Ruggedness...the only ones I've found decently acceptable are the G&P/KA M3's and the Micro T1 (quite nice actually)

NOTE: Aside from the odd time I plunk on my M3 and 3x magnifier...I usually just shoot iron sights now.
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:20   #12
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The other thing with clones [of real optics] is there are clones and then there are cheaper clones of the clones.

I have a generic Guarder Aimpoint Comp M2 I got off Illusion like almost 10 years (whenever they first came out) and the thing is still going strong. It's built like a tank. It's been in the sun, in the rain, in the snow, in the sand... never a problem with it.

But it wasn't dirt cheap either.

Now I see some eBay copies, knobs flying off, dot stops working, difficulty adjusting etc. Those usually ARE dirt cheap, though. So you do get what you pay for, I think.

I got a cheap Micro T1 and got lucky, it works well. And have a few optics from Huang (EO 556, XPS, ACOG, another Aimpoint) and they're all pretty decent.
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:38   #13
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Just saying that airsoft optics (I'll lump all the good/so-so/bad clones into that term) is generally hit and miss. Although I'd wholehartedly agree that when you get into the "clones of the clone" you're getting down into some pretty sketchy stuff.

My G&P M4 has been going strong since 2008...I think the M3 that I bought in 2006 is still working too. The only wear on it is the o-ring seal for the battery cap is cracked and degraded. I cannot even remember how much that cost...but I think it was $60-80 bucks. Great bang for buck.

The uber leet $150+ EOTECH I bought more recently was uber shit. The adjustments were a joke and the wiring inside was lousy (repairable, but a PITA). Looked nice though and was the least ghosty out of what was available. To was a poor bang for buck. I actually felt ripped off by it.

The Micro T1 clone was a great buy...I think it was $120 when it first came out. Very happy with that although I don't use it often.

The last T1 clone I saw was $60 and just as nice. Was it twice the bang for buck as the one I have? I suppose technically. It certainly wasn't half as good as the other though. If mine did break or if I wanted another...I'd buy this one in a heatbeat.

$150+ ELCANs...$120-ish ACOGs...for me (IMHO, IMO, etc...) were a lousy bang for buck considering how poor the lenses were, or how how limited the adjustments/eye relief was/etc...

I've seen $60 aimpoint (M4) survive a fair bit of 22LR real steel and GBBR usage that has otherwise kacked a $200 EOTECH in quick order.

The above experiences is where I draw the point that you don't necessarily get what you pay for with airsoft optics.
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