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Need help with first loadout please.....


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Old February 12th, 2011, 23:27   #1
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Need help with first loadout please.....

Hey guys,

So I'm trying to think of a very multi purpose load out that will help me not only when playing outdoors but indoors as well.

I've been thinking of an OD load out as I use an MP5 and have only found the pouches for them in Black, OD, Tan and ACU.

I have used my buddies CADPAT pants and shirt before with his OD vest and that seemed like a good combination as I was still able to use the bush to my advantage.

Right now I have an all black deal which is useless, very very useless, for outdoors so I need to expand. I've never been to one of the larger community games, I've only played with my buddies who all use British woodland and OD. I do know it's personal preference and I'll be sure to do so, but I don't want to be that guy who gets put on a team in the woods and sticks out really bad.

Any and all advice, tips and 'douche bag use this' will be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.
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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:03   #2
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Are you going for an Indoor/Outdoor loadout because of a cost issue? If you already have a full black loadout for indoors just stick with that for indoors. You want a good loadout with pretty good quality gear for outdoors as your more likley to put your gear to work so to speak. I prefer an outdoor only loadout for that reason. Outdoors is a different playing style for me, so i prefer to have one (or more) designated loadouts based on a specific color pattern and playing style that way at a game im not sitting their for 30 mins re-adjusting everything. If you have a designated loadout you will know where your stuff is every single time. Which in turn builds muscle memory with repition. Eventually youll be able to acces all of your gear/equipment without even looking at it.

For camo patterns, go out to a game and see what everyone else uses, and what works for that enviroment. Also, some games have specific camo colors/patterns for different teams so try to get something that isnt rare. If the area your gonna play in is mostly green then CADPAT will work fine. Blending in the goal. OD is okay, but it doesnt break up the shape of your body as well as a camo pattern will.

If you can only find MP5 mag pouches in those colors your not looking hard enough. Keep searching. You will find more.

Remember, you get what you pay for. Dont cheap out. If you can afford it get the good stuff. It will last longer under more abuse, and it will have a higher resale value and be easier to sell if you ever decide too. Nobody wants to buy used cheap knock off gear.
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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:26   #3
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As for the black load out for indoors I can just with that. Cost is a meh, I'm getting into the sport, so I want to keep costs at a decent level because whether I stay in it and buy better stuff later on or feel it isn't for me (hahaha yeah right) my stuff is going to my brother.

My big concern is finding an outdoor load out. I'll have to check out who uses what in my area. CADPAT is what I have been looking at for outdoors and I imagine I can use for indoors as well provided I don't want to use my black for a change.

As for the MP5 magazine pouches, I have looked hard. I mean really effin hard, and found no CADPAT MP5 pouches yet. I do look on a nightly basis but if the CADPAT is my goal I can see how well the OD would work with it just for the pouches. I mean have you ever seen CADPAT MP5 pouches before?

Now a buddy of mine was saying that if I don't have an issue with doing this, I can use M4/16 pouches for my MP5 mags and it'll fit two mags in each. Think this is a decent idea until I figure something out for the actual MP5 pouches?

I mean it's all trial and error, and no I'm not buying retarded expensive stuff just yet, because as previously stated I am new to the larger community and don't want to go overboard in case I decide I just want to keep it to just between me and the guys kind of deal.
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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:40   #4
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I find a lot of people jump into CADPAT because its what our military uses.

Thats fine, no worries, use what you like, but I find most of the places I play work better with camo patterns that have a little more brown in them.

Even in woodlands, theres less green then you might think. OD/Green patterns seem like a great idea on paper, but don't always work out as well as you might think in on the field.

Maybe this photo will help explain what I'm talking about

The pattern shown in that picture is Multicam, the pattern I use.

It really comes down to personal preference though, if you find a pattern you really like, by all means, use it! there are certainly lots of environments where CADPAT would be far superior to multicam.

Sorry if this post didn't really make sense, I've been up for like 20 hours
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Last edited by theguy; February 13th, 2011 at 00:44..
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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:50   #5
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That's a really good looking camo. You're from my area so I imagine we'd end up playing on the same fields at some point in time. While that looks really good, are there any others that could work like that?

My buddies British Woodland camo looks a tad.....out of place? The closer you get, but from a distance it works well. I'm going off of what you said about the browns and it does make sense.

My issue again would be finding the bloody pouches in that. Although my fiancee was saying that I could potentially get the OD pouches and use the (whatever camo/pattern) wrap on it to have it work with the rest of my stuff.

I'm going to look up some multicam gear though because that does look very useful for most places in our area and back home when I play with my brothers and friends there.

And yeah the post made sense lol don't worry, sleep deprivation and myself are good friends due to overnight at work lol
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Old February 13th, 2011, 01:01   #6
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Multicam is in my opinion the only effective "universal" camo.

One downside to multicam is that its expensive. the pattern is designed by a company called Crye Precision, and although they license the pattern to other manufactures, its usually more expensive then other patterns.

Many Chineese companies sell knock off version of multicam, generally they look pretty bad, but there are a few really good clones I have seen.

If you are worries about pouch support, don't be. You can find MOLLE pouches in pretty much any colour or pattern you could want.

Heres an example of a full multicam MOLLE set-up

Also, if you like Multicam, but want to save some money, I know a lot of guys that buy actual multicam BDUs (the clothing part) and then use either CB (Coyote Brown) or OD (Olive Drab) vests and accessories.

Another thing to consider if you are looking for something with a little more brown in it would be the woodland pattern used by the marines, MARPAT. In my opinion it is a little less universal then multicam, but is still a great camo. Works well with CB (Coyote Brown) over top.

Heres a sample

Again, please excuse any typos or parts that don't make sense, going on 21 hours up; almost done this stupid project...
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Last edited by theguy; February 13th, 2011 at 10:15..
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Old February 13th, 2011, 01:16   #7
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That's looks really good. I'm confused though as to how CB and OD vests and accessories would go well with that in the forests and such.
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Old February 13th, 2011, 01:41   #8
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To the op.

Don't get too hung up on which camo you eventually choose. While some camouflage uniforms are better than others, they will rarely be the reason you are concealed.

Stealthiness has existed much longer than multicam.

If you haven't already, bone up on some fieldcraft. Understand the difference between concealment and cover from fire, etc.

Here are some links that are worth a look.

from Arnies

CF Fieldcraft

Always a good idea to talk to other players on the field about this too.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; February 13th, 2011 at 01:48..
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Old February 13th, 2011, 02:54   #9
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Those were useful, lots of what my dad taught me. He showed me a lot of this for hunting, so it won't be hard for me to apply it to the game. The proper camo is needed to make these methods work though. Found some decent multicam but god damn if it isn't pricey. I found the MARPAT woodland stuff for a decent price.
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Old February 13th, 2011, 09:28   #10
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OD and CB will go with everything.

I just trew together a rig this month. I miss matched the colors because I put everything I had on it. It does not look too bad IMO.

Our team uniforme is OD, but we curently play with marpat most of the time.

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Old February 14th, 2011, 07:21   #11
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Sorry for the late responses guys, work has been a hassle.

theguy: I see how it can go together MARPAT and CB. Looks good but does seem a little too dark. I may build up a kit like that anyway for when I get my M16.

FOX_11: That OD and CB get up looks really good as well. I have loads of old stuff in OD that I bought off my buddy so I may throw something together there.

I just bought a CADPAT vest out of Gear Classifieds for a decent price so I'll probably just go over to KW Surplus and see how well that CADPAT goes with the vest. It seems a little too dark? Is that possible to have CADPAT that seems too dark? lol Sorry I'm dead tired, been a long night shift, I'm off to bed.

Anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated guys.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 09:25   #12
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Originally Posted by AJ457 View Post
I just bought a CADPAT vest out of Gear Classifieds for a decent price so I'll probably just go over to KW Surplus and see how well that CADPAT goes with the vest. It seems a little too dark? Is that possible to have CADPAT that seems too dark? lol Sorry I'm dead tired, been a long night shift, I'm off to bed.

Anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated guys.

Brand new Issued CADPAT is rather dark however as it is used and washed it fades to a much lighter colour.

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Old February 21st, 2011, 19:12   #13
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Very nice, well I actually got a damn good deal on CADPAT pants and shirt. Got myself an OD T-Shirt for summer time cause I sweat like a Frenchman (which I am lol)

Now hopefully someone still checks this thread out lol What kind of stuff would one carry in their vest? I have 6 M4 mag pouches which each hold 2 MP5 mags. I have what seems like a phone pouch on my left shoulder of the vest I have (stupid god awful idea since I imagine a BB would shatter my screen) then two more utility pouches on the chest.

What would be crucial to have while in the field? My dad found me an old Ruck from the states that's OD so my larger stuff for longer games will be in there.

Thanks for the help guys.
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Old February 21st, 2011, 19:23   #14
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Copied this from the local boards here in Saskatchewan which was originally posted by Chalcus of the PDW squad out of Regina. Gives you an idea of several different patterns in the field. In each of these photos we stood on an open trail, then the side picture we stepped back about 10' into the bush line for some slight cover.

The below pictures are from a skirmish game played June 7,2008. Please consider this was a rainy overcast day and the play time was mid day. The majority of the foliage is all fresh growth so you will find the trees to be more of a lime or bright green. I have taken these pictures in lush fresh greenery as a test. Also only a few of the camoflauge patterns available to us were represented and some not fully shown in these pictures due to other gear. Please consider that these pictures were taken before game play and were not in a wet condition. Once these camoflauge patterns get wet the majority of them change appearence considerably.

More pictures to be posted later from the same day in birch dead fall. Thanks to all that partisipated in this test. Hopefully more of these to follow.

Canadian Cadpat

Russian Berezka(Stair Step)

Russian Flora

German Flecktarn Gortex

Russian KLMK

US mulitcam

German WW2 Oakleaf A Spring side

Russian Partisan Gorka E

US woodland

British DPM Gortex
As for you mags on the MP5, I'm sure if you contact manufactuers like cpgear they can give you a price on custom pouches for them to match your gear, especially if you stick with the cadpat you already have.

Otherwise OD blends in pretty decently with cadpat as well in small sections.

Maybe look into a chest rig system, with a MP5 mag leg pouch.
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Last edited by BloodSport; February 21st, 2011 at 19:27..
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Old February 21st, 2011, 19:28   #15
Don't fill your rig up with shit just because you have empty pouches. Bring what you need, nothing more.

Bag of ammo / loader
More mags
Cloth the clean glasses / goggles
Radio / other comms equipment
Gun doodads

Anything else goes in a backpack if you really need it, based on the game.
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