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Hong Kong Customs SWAT drama



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Old January 29th, 2011, 13:11   #31
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
You do realize you're admitting to smuggling on a public forum right?

Not so much admitting.... more gloating about it...
I dont think he smuggled
seeing as he claimed everything, and in his original post mentioned nothing about bringing a gun back, only parts
the 2 pistols on display could have been canadian bought
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Old January 29th, 2011, 15:00   #32
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
You do realize you're admitting to smuggling on a public forum right?

Not so much admitting.... more gloating about it...
Smuggling what? He declared everything, and nothing was prohibited.

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Old January 29th, 2011, 15:00   #33
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Smuggling what? He declared everything, and nothing was prohibited.
i think he saw the 2 pistols and assumed
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Old January 29th, 2011, 17:54   #34
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Just to clarify, the pistols have already been purchased in Canada. I DID NOT BRINg THOSE ACROSS THE BORDER
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Old January 30th, 2011, 03:10   #35
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I don't think it's really considered smuggling. They're all legal items.

One of my co-workers went through some issues a couple years ago when he went down to the states and bought a Boyd's rifle stock for a 10/22 Carbine. Both are completely legal. However Customs and security took him aside and asked him all the routine questions and inspected the stock. And then CBSA pulled out their "bible of contraband" to see if they could take it. In the end they let him go, stock in hand.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 10:06   #36
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Wow. What a drama. I think that bag of BBs saved you. Good to know all went well.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 13:40   #37
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I had a similar incident happen to me at HK airport when I got my first AEG in 2002.

It started in Tokyo Japan, where I made a day trip to Akihabara ("Toy City") to hunt for some parts for RC cars. I walked in to a shop that I saw had Tamiya car parts from the store front, so I picked out the stuff I was looking for, and as I was about to pay, I hear one of my buddy's quietly say "ho... ly... shit......" I look at him to see what's wrong, and I see him staring at the back wall behind me that I managed to completely miss. I turn around, and see a HUGE wall of Tokyo Marui AEG's lining the entire wall. First time seeing that many guns in one place, my eyes damn near popped out of my head.

I pointed to the P90-TR (which was just released around that time), and I told the shop keeper "I want that. Now."

As the transaction ended, they wrapped up the box nightly in discreet wrapping paper, packaging string, and a handle so that I could transport the large-ish box back to the ryokan I was staying at.

When we left Tokyo to go back to Hong Kong, I could not fit the box in to my luggage, so instead, I opted to carefully pack the complete AEG in to my suitcase and I would then hand carry the empty box on the plane. Being a total noob at the time, I figured this would be the safest route, and seeing as how Hong Kong has a pile of airsoft all over the place, I figured it wouldn't be an issue to import it in to Hong Kong.

When I got to Tokyo's airport and was told to check my luggage in with security, they had three amazingly cute Japanese girls manning the desk. Not knowing a lick of Japanese, I told them "I have an air gun in my suitcase" in plain English. They looked at me... had no idea what I said, and I just had a stupid grin on my face because these three cute girls wouldn't stop giggling. I tried telling them a couple more times that I had an air gun in my suitcase, and even made motions with my hands to simulate a gun, and they just kept giggling. So finally, I placed the suitcase on the conveyor, and they stopped it in the xray and asked me to point out what I was talking about. At first, they pointed to my electric razor. Surprisingly, you could barely make out anything identifiable that would make out a P90 AEG in the xray. So I pointed out the barely visible outline of the body, and they just kept giggling...

So they motion to open the luggage and show it to them. These three cute Japanese girls then proceed to pick up the gun, and kept saying "kawaii...!" and started pretending to shoot each other with the thing and making "pow pow" sounds. I was like "wtf...... I'll give you a big gun to play with......."

Anyways, they let me go eventually. Kawaii...

When I landed at HK airport, we collected our luggage and was on our way out through their security clearance area. I noticed a supervisor eyeing me carrying the empty AEG box, and at least two other officers watching me. As I passed through the gate, an officer stopped me, and asked me what was in the box and to open it. As I unpackaged it, I told them it was an empty box for an air gun, and that the gun was in my luggage. They started going through the manuals, opened up my suitcase and began handling the P90. The officer looks at me, not having held a P90 before, and said "wow, this is pretty cool." I told them I figured it would be okay to bring it in, since they sell airsoft all over Kwong Wah anyways. They said their concern was that it may be a real gun.

During this session, I saw two more security officers show up, each with MP5's and Glocks, decked out in tactical gear. My friends were standing off to the side, and I could see the look on their faces... "Brian's fucked."

They then took all my luggage (and the gun), and told me to follow them. At this point, I had two "regular" officers at my sides, the supervisor in front of me, and these two tactical officers flanking me. I wasn't going anywhere.

They took me in to a room with a bunch of shelves, and all on the shelves...... were boxes of latex gloves. *gulp.* The two tactical officers stationed themselves outside the door to the room, and then the supervisor began running me through the standard battery of questions. Where are you from, what are you doing in Hong Kong, what's your occupation. Why are you bringing this in to Hong Kong, how much did you pay for it, what are you going to do with it. etc. I answered all their questions, and they just kept flipping through the manual for the gun.

Finally, they let me go.

The scariest part was the wall of rubber gloves.
Lol Brian...

I was reading ur post half way thru I was like : "hey I'm pretty are this is how one of the J-AV I've see started... 3 cute girls in uniforms Kawaiiiiiiii... " :0 lol...

Too bad there was no part two where they strip search you to see if u were carrying any other "guns" on you and to safely "disarm" the guns...

Thanks for sharing man!
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Old January 30th, 2011, 13:44   #38
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
When I arrived at my gate for departure in HK, I heard my name being called on the overhead system. I approached the Air Canada counter and I was told that someone from the airfield will come and escort me down to the airfield since there are gun parts in my luggage. I stood at the side anxiously waiting as people are beginning to board the plane already.

After 15 minutes, a customs lady and an Air Canada personnel escorted me, and made me a wear a orange/yellow vest for safety. They told me to "walk in front of then" so that they can watch me. I was then escorted to a cargo bus next to my plane. When I walked on the bus, I saw a huge trolly labelled "DO NOT LOAD" with my suitcase on top. The customs lady informed me that the police will be arriving and she spoke in chinese on her walky talky.. I again, sat there, waiting anxiously, fearing that I would miss my flight. After 15 elapsed, I see a police truck pull up my bus, and two SDU/SWAT came out holding MP5's with aimpoints, and glocks holstered. The customs lady took my passport and the air canada personnel took my boarding ticket for the moment. The SDU's were given a picture, which was apparently an X-ray of my suitcase. Customs revealed some magazines I have purchased and feared that I had a full gun in my luggage. The SDU's commanded me to open my suitcase and take everything out and place it on the side. So I did it, and didn't make any sudden movements. They inspected all my parts, took measurements and wrote notes. I deliberately left bags of BB's in my luggage to show that my stuff is indeed airsoft. The SDU's were negotiating with the customs and just had some concerns with my magazines. Also, they asked me a bunch of questions (ie. occupation, arrival date, flight number, etc). At the end, they gave me back everything and I was discharged....

I was damn nervous and my heart was beating like crazy, but I kept my composure, and kept my cool. I spoke slowly and didn't make any sudden movements, then again, I didnt want to be shot with an MP5. I was very nice and polite to the people that interrogated me, I greeted them and thanked them....
Man way to go keeping ur cool. I would have freaked out when I saw the MP5s lol...

Btw did u see what brand were they carrying...? ICS? WE? Anyone with a tricked out glock...? Jk heheh...
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Old January 30th, 2011, 14:42   #39
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Originally Posted by teriases View Post
Man way to go keeping ur cool. I would have freaked out when I saw the MP5s lol...

Btw did u see what brand were they carrying...? ICS? WE? Anyone with a tricked out glock...? Jk heheh...
Uhm, I think it was RS MP5 with a RS aimpoint. The guns looked a bit warn out and they had a glock holstered on their side. When I was safe to leave, I wanted to ask if I can take a picture with them holding the MP5, but I thought that wouldnt be a good idea

There was one time when one of the SDU was exploring my items and I sat behind him. He originally had his MP5 hanging on his back from a sling, and then, I think he remembered I was behind him, he shifted his gun in front. I think he did that in case if I took the MP5 from him
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Old February 8th, 2011, 23:29   #40
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lol......thats nth...i had about a 1000rnds of real .223 rem ammuniton once in my luggage, i was cuffed, got kneel down facing a wall at the airport
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