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GBB pistol, extended barrel?


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Old December 3rd, 2010, 11:52   #1
Guerrilla's Avatar
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GBB pistol, extended barrel?

Hey everyone, I decided to put this question in the newbie tank to avoid being flamed, but I am looking for a new gbb pistol put I have some specific things I want from it and was hoping somebody could help me out.

I'm looking for a gbb pistol that has metal parts and shoots a decent fps (290-330) but that I can put a lengthened tightbore (6.03) barrel on to and a silencer to house the extended barrel. I would prefer not to have to do the fabrication work as I have had more than my fair share of that recently. Thanks as always
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 12:47   #2
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I think you should skip the blowback option and get a TM MK23.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 13:24   #3
Saberwing's Avatar
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M9 or a Glock? I'm not too sure, but I know KJW has threaded outer barrels for their models that you can attach a silencer to. Theoretically you can do it to any gun, but if it has a moving barrel it will cause tremendous amounts of wear on your gun due to the extra weight on the end when it cycles. What you need is a handgun with a fixed outer barrel.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 13:32   #4
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All TM's have metal parts just not externally, most if not all TM models have threaded barrels for purchase (the only one I'm pretty sure that doesn't is the desert eagle) and as for an extended barrel all the TM GBB pistols use the same style barrel just different lengths. You could always just grab a VSR10 barrel and cut it down to size (they too use the same barrel)
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 13:46   #5
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While I'm sure this could be done, unless you're using your GBB as your primary, good luck holstering it with a supressor on it. Remember, with the extended inner barrel and supressor, the extra length becomes permanent. The idea of a side arm is to be able to draw it rapidly in case you can't use your primary for whatever reason.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 15:51   #6
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TM 1911 + Madbull/SOCOM Gear drop in outer/inner/hopup kit....screw on suppressor and you're done.
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 16:13   #7
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I shoot with a sniper rifle and wear a gillie suit, my thinking is that i need it primarily for building entrance because a lot of fields i airsoft at have permanent buildings, since I don't want to lug around my mp5 any more i need something that still has a little range to it as a side arm but smaller

Does this set up make sense

this 1911(basically 1911)

with this barrel

and this silencer

Im selling my aeg mp5 to a buddy so ill have most of the money i need to do this set up
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