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Old November 20th, 2010, 17:00   #46
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i have yet to be age verified, havent had the chance or the time. ill get around to it. either way im 24, so im not worried about age limits and whatnot.

ive been using .24g in it thus far, and so far its been dead on accurate to about 50ft or so.

anyways all i was really wondering was where to find a full metal, top shelf hk416, or wether the one i posted was considered a top of the line model or not.

ill look into some of the brands you mentioned, vfc and jg, a friend of mine locally is a dealer, i just found out, and can probably get those. he may have even mentioned those brands once, but i have bad memory and stuff finds a way of not being forthright in my mind alot of the time.
- armor takes the fun out of airsoft. well, not for the person wearing it... -
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Old November 20th, 2010, 17:06   #47
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by bigsky View Post
again, this is less like asking about a fiero on a lambo forum, and alot more like asking about say, a 2.4 mustang on a modified mustang drag racing forum. its the same ballpark, its all meant to look and do the same thing, some are just better or more expensive than others, and its a gearhead crime to say this, but theyre all the same anyways except for the guts so why flame? either way if youre going to insult me, at least be somewhat reasonable about it.


the idea of fitment of new parts is something im not concerned with right now, but its something worth bringing up since i do end up modifying the hell out of everything i get my hands on. bad habbit. is there a better 416 out there? im not overly farmiliar with current brands as it seems like every site has their own, or about 50 variations...

and yes, i have the shitbox walmart m4. its crappy, the barrel isnt even straight with the reciever for god sake. but it came with a full metal high cap. mag, so did my crossman ak. also the crossman has a partially metal body, and apparently a metal gearbox. either way the thing shoots straight, and fast, hits pretty damned hard and seems pretty stout, so for half the price of a better gun id be hard pressed to say its less than half as much of a gun, in all honesty.

anyways thanks for the input.
nope I had it right the first time, that stuff they sell at walmart and CT is not airsoft, it really isnt. This is not modified airsoft we are talking about, we are talking about actual airsoft vs soft air crap

What exactly are you comparing this stuff to anyway? go to an ASC organized game, check out what people are using and then form an educated opinion.

Alot of people seem to think that that walmart stuff is the bomb, until they see and use actual airsoft equipment, and then their old stuff quickly finds itself in the garbage.
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Old November 20th, 2010, 17:23   #48
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lol. Pus is correct. the crap soft might appear to look, feel and shoot great until that first game you put it up against real airsoft, to find out you're under powered, out ranged and seriously fail in the accuracy department past 20-30 feet. sure, it might seem to shoot hard and straight but put it in a gaming environment and I know you'll change your opinions. try putting it up against a chrony and range it past 50 and 100 feet outdoors with a bit of wind or foliage.

a crap soft coming with a metal high cap? that's suppose to be an indicator of a superior clone of a clone? lol

your analogy of a mustang or a fiero is funny. your crap soft is more like a Plymouth K car but china made

Last edited by coach; November 20th, 2010 at 17:27..
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Old November 20th, 2010, 17:47   #49
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honestly, who gives a flying f***? i never said it was amazing and wonderful and i never said it stood up to better guns, lol mostly im fanning the flames, just laughing at your "attack the non beleiver" mentality, sure id love to get a better gun, this is what i got for right now so i gotta make it work. so sorry, next topic. lol youre like a gang of christians at a gwar concert or something.

if someone has something useful to contribute, id appreciate that. otherwise, youre making yourself look stupid. lets all kick the dead horse? lol how bout lets get on with our lives.

and as long as im fanning the flames, the best airsoft gun ever made wont help you shoot and react better in the feild, and it wont make you a better soldier or a better player, a gun is only as accurate as the person aiming it... haha so this really is all just eliteist bullshit, but thanks for trying to justify your self righteous attitudes. now since thats about settled, i think its time to go do something else, dont you?
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Old November 20th, 2010, 17:57   #50
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Originally Posted by bigsky View Post

if someone has something useful to contribute, id appreciate that.
They told you it wasn't really that great. At that point there was nothing else anyone could contribute. Everything had been said.

These people you're arguing with for the most part are players who are well aware that the gun does not make the player.

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Old November 20th, 2010, 18:08   #51
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Originally Posted by bigsky View Post
i seem to be in the wrong place anyways, i thought this was about airsoft, tactics and gaming, but as long as this is about elite-isms and "who spends more on airsoft" competitions then i dont think this is place for me.
I feel you on that one. However, I like playing either way : Crapsoft or "professional grade" soft :P
Infantryman, AKA: Chief

Last edited by Infantryman; November 20th, 2010 at 18:08.. Reason: Mispell
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Old November 20th, 2010, 18:27   #52
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apparently you can polish a turd...

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Old November 20th, 2010, 18:32   #53
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Originally Posted by bigsky View Post
the best airsoft gun ever made wont help you shoot and react better in the feild, and it wont make you a better soldier or a better player, a gun is only as accurate as the person aiming it...
As true as that is you should still aim to get something midrange but if you have what you have then you might as well use it until .

It's like a professional driver driving a stock Civic vs a regular driver driving a souped up GTR. The professional might be able to beat the GTR because the second driver is inexperienced but if evenly matched skill wise the GTR and it's driver will kick ass all over the place so the first driver has to be significantly better than the second one in order to not be outclassed. Note that having a car even if it's crappy isn't always better than walking/biking/transit. The crappy car could end up breaking (or blowing up in your face) and be a money pit (as well as the souped up GTR but hopefully it's tuned, driven with care and well taken care of/maintained).
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Old November 20th, 2010, 18:39   #54
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I lol everytime someone mentions the term prograde airsoft, there is no such thing, Ive never heard of a professional airsofter yet

and nobody is flaming either, just stating the facts, nobody is attacking anyone, just because you don't like or agree with our opinions doesn't mean we are flaming, just calling a spade a spade.
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Old November 20th, 2010, 18:58   #55
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
They told you it wasn't really that great. At that point there was nothing else anyone could contribute. Everything had been said.

These people you're arguing with for the most part are players who are well aware that the gun does not make the player.
if these "professional players" (chuckle) know this then why are they bothering to go on and on and on and on over this? lol. also, you may notice, if youre here for anything besides trolling, there were other posts, about other content, made on this thread.

anyways. shall we continue this pointless debate over whose the bigger moron or should we just call this one a day?
- armor takes the fun out of airsoft. well, not for the person wearing it... -
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Old November 20th, 2010, 19:18   #56
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Originally Posted by bigsky View Post
if these "professional players" (chuckle) know this then why are they bothering to go on and on and on and on over this? lol. also, you may notice, if youre here for anything besides trolling, there were other posts, about other content, made on this thread.

anyways. shall we continue this pointless debate over whose the bigger moron or should we just call this one a day?
I'm sorry, But with all your name calling and saying that because they tell you that your gun is soft air and not the same thing as airsoft they are elitists, i think you should reread the definition of "internet troll". Telling the truth to someone is not trolling...It's the right thing.

Stop plinking in your backyard, go to a game, play a little, interact with others in the comunity, try-out higher quality guns and THEN make yourself an opinion about your gun.

Rightnow all you want is to hear: "Yo gun iz haw som an wee aw want one!"

We just can't do that, because that would be lying.

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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old November 20th, 2010, 19:20   #57
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You're all stupid.

Everyone go to their rooms.

No body cares.

Youre all going to bed with no dinner.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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