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Looking to improve range/accuracy


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Old August 23rd, 2010, 19:02   #1
MartyK2500's Avatar
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Looking to improve range/accuracy

Hey, i have a bone stock G&P m4 cqb. I have a hard time hitting people at range. Since i got a scope i noticed the BBs fall before reaching target, and if i turn hop slightly the BBs fly straight up in the air. I am shooting 360FPS with .20s btw .Getting a longer barrel would help, since i got cqb lenght i have read here that my piston is ported and not suited for.

So would getting a tightbore with a new hop-up help my case? I am also using .25s currently. Thanks for your help.
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Old August 23rd, 2010, 19:07   #2
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well if youve used your gun quite a bit a new hop up rubber+nub wouldnt be a bad start. also a tightbore will give you a bit more range that you want as well. as for getting a new hopup all together....well i couldnt tell you to be honest.
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Old August 23rd, 2010, 19:39   #3
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I suggest getting a Prometheus 6.03mm tightbore, a tightbore will improve your accuracy significantly and range a bit, you could get a longer barrel and extend it into a silencer.
For a new hopup, just get a bucking, not the whole hopup.

If you want more range, get a new spring and piston. You'll want to get a new piston because the compression on most stock AEG's are horrible.

Last edited by Eldin; August 23rd, 2010 at 19:42..
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Old August 23rd, 2010, 20:21   #4
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Switching your inner barrel, the bb's you use, your hop up... Things like that. Changing your spring and maybe some of your other internals will give you some stability and range....

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Old August 23rd, 2010, 20:31   #5
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Heavier BBs is always the best and cheapest upgrade to improve range and accuracy. Start there, use minimum 0.28g, then get back to us. Pointless for others to mention tightbore barrels and such when you are using the lightest ammo for outdoor use to start off with.
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Old August 23rd, 2010, 21:31   #6
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Doesnt seem like you've been playing all that long and I doubt you have a good idea how to properly dial your hopup and shoot your gun. Follow CDN_stalker's advice except I would add try different brands of BB's as well and shoot you gun more. Go plinking etc. Come back after 20,000 rounds but I doubt you will have to ask any questions by then.

The "best" weight for BB's is the absolute heaviest that your hopup can support and your wallet can pay for.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old August 24th, 2010, 07:42   #7
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Sounds good thanks, that is why i wanted to post before spending any money on a stock aeg. I currently passed through +/-7 bags of .25s and 1 bag of .28s.

I have only used BBBastards so far, if another brand gives more stability let me know. I will order 2-3 bags of .28s for plinking/next game.

Only issue i found with .28s the velocity went down quite a bit, it gave me the impression that they did not have the range.
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Old August 24th, 2010, 07:57   #8
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Originally Posted by MartyK2500 View Post

I have only used BBBastards so far, if another brand gives more stability let me know. I will order 2-3 bags of .28s for plinking/next game.

Only issue i found with .28s the velocity went down quite a bit, it gave me the impression that they did not have the range.
Bastards are what you want.

You are partially correct. A heavier round is going to slow down but it will maintain it's velocity longer and in some cases travel further in a straight line. A lighter round will initially travel faster but will be affected sooner by wind and brush.
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Old August 24th, 2010, 12:58   #9
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Please see here:

it is a VERY detailed page about BB's. Lighter BB's lose their velocity faster than Heavier BB's and are more affected by wind and other effects than their heavier counterparts.

I avoid BB Bastard like the plague. I have had nothing but absolutely terrible experience with them since I started playing in Canada. Scarecrow has acknowledged that he had some QC problems back in 07-08 but I won't touch his products aside from Silica.

BB's from any of the major international manufacturers are essentially identical. I prefer shooting KSC .30 ($12) and bioval .30 ($18) as it's a good price, quantity, for the quality. Don't let anyone tell you that their BB's came from Europe, or where made in some special factory. There are maybe 4-6 BB factories world wide and nearly all of the BB's that we shoot come from those factories. I know that Madbull and Bastards are made in the same factory in Taiwan.

BB marketing, and buying patterns are really interesting. If I was returning for a Masters in business or economics I would write a paper about buying habits, marketing strategies, and the amount of espionage, intellectual theft that goes on in the industry.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory
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Old August 24th, 2010, 13:11   #10
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BB Bastard is the main brand here in Winnipeg, I've never heard of anyone having any issues since we started using them, it was also once of the big names at mason relic II

And he DOES know how to properly adjust his hopup, there is actually a spot on G&P's (I have one on my M4) where you literally have to split the atom to get it shooting flat. It's a .75mm area to get it between shooting short and sailing up.

I'd recommend a 6.03 prometheus barrel, ARS hop bucking and SCS spacer.
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Old August 24th, 2010, 19:34   #11
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Bastards are great, at least from my past trials. They are no SGM, but there great for money .
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Old August 24th, 2010, 19:57   #12
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More than trying to improve every single element, even if a longer barrel would help, begin by learning basic balistic rules such as elevation, bore/scope distance and such.
Just having a .50 BMG won't suffice to hit a target at 2000 yards, same goes for airsoft.

Had a G36K ARES with no mod other than flat top rail and scope, still made some great shots at 50 meters (and at 350 fps).

If need be, convert your CQB into a full length with 16 or 20" barrel, bipod, prometheus barrel and close to 400 fps semi
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Last edited by Ninja_En_Short; August 24th, 2010 at 20:05..
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Old August 24th, 2010, 20:20   #13
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This being my 1st season i do not wish to upgrade the fps. 360 seems to be more than enough to get a BB far enough (within reason).Thundercactus is the one that described my situation, the bb falls short and i hopup very slightly and suddenly it goes sailling upwards.

My 3 bags of .28s bastards are ordered, i plan wasting one just on plinkin. Then if it doesn't get the bb stable enough i will buy parts refered in this thread. Thundercactus seem to have a G&P too, so i would oreder parts you advised knowing it works well in yours.

Thanks i will post up when i get shooting .28s!
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Old August 24th, 2010, 21:25   #14
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You shouldn't need more than 360fps anyways, is actually a sweet spot for airsoft as far as hop up goes. And yes, am talking about velocity using 0.20g. Isn't much of an fps drop between that and 0.28g, maybe 40fps, but I pointed out numerous times I had my M24 set at 340fps at one point (testing and also tried to get it under 350fps limit for an upcoming CQB/urban game), and while setting the hop up was stunned to see my 0.30g BBs flying (rather floating) out to 300ft easily. Mind you, was roughly a 6ft grouping at that range, but still, the BBs went straight out that far, maybe 230-250ft before starting to veer off a bit, all because of BB weight and hop up setting. I really only bring it up as proof lower velocities plus hop up, plus heavier BBs, is what truly equals increased range. Velocity really doesn't have much of an impact unless higher, then it tends to have a negative impact on effective range, because a faster BB has a faster backspin due to hop up, which makes it more unstable, reducing your effective range by a lot (due to flyers that veer off within the first hundred to one-fifty feet due to random air currents). At least from my studies and witnessing through my rifle scope.
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Old September 15th, 2010, 18:34   #15
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Situation update : i now get the BBs at that range i wished when created thread.
Thanks to CDNstalker and evryone who encouraged me to switch to .28s, and also thanks to Arnold who told me at my last game i should try guarder clear hop bucking.
Total cost : 1 bag .28s bbbastard 15$, 1 guarder clear hop bucking 8$ and my gun is now shooting good.
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