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JG M4A1 vs. Aftermath Kraken


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Old August 30th, 2009, 19:02   #16
scurvythepirate's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post

This what you guiys are talking about? (is it a decent drop0int (better than the kraken)?)
Hmmm, not sure what to think know, because of the Chinese Brands getting better.
But since Kalash is a Dboys company I wouldn't trust it.
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Old August 30th, 2009, 21:18   #17
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JG all the way!
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Old August 30th, 2009, 23:31   #18
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The next posts were originally seperate, but i figured triple posting would just be suicide

Ok thanks, but would a stock JG gun outlast the Kraken, even with a new gearbox?
Also, I would have no need for metal body and wood because it would just be a basement plinker, maybe it would evolve into a project gun (which I doubt)
And Long_Bong, seeing as I know that you have the Kraken and have worked on it, I guess you would know best

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Ok so from what I know, ordering guns from the US is a big no-no (so is double poting ) But from my undertainding it is ok if the gun is clearly a toy, as to not be seized at customs.

SO, this IS an American site, but it sells the same gun for nearly 100$ less than 007, buyairsoft and... velocityarms I believe. I know different custom officers have different opinions, but becuase this is clear, it should make it through (shouldn't it?)

Say, if you had no access to the classifeds, would you take your chance on it?

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Guess what just came into the picture

I have to say, I hate the looks on these things, and the size felt to small (I'm 6'2"), but it's JG, and it's cheap

Last edited by Sawstink; August 31st, 2009 at 01:04..
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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:38   #19
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LOOK WHAT I JUST CAME ACROSS! Urban Dictionary is the best.

Airsoft Canada 9 up, 118 down
A lost cause, An airsoft forum based in Canada. These forums will be the very death of airsoft because of there inability and refusal to band together and change the laws and importation regarding airsoft in Canada. And because of something called the "Age Verification" system, which requires you to meet up with an "Age Verifier" in real life and show them that you are 18 years of age in order to purchase airsoft guns, because of this many new people have been turned away from the sport because of this time consuming process. Airsoft Canada has went out of there way to make sure NO airsoft guns are readily available in Canada. When new people try to join the sport or use mid-range guns they are immediately turned away from the sport by the elitist people on the forums. Airsoft in Canada is strict Milsim only and a lot of the forum members stand by the "milsim first, Than fun" code. When non-verified members ask questions there flamed for not being verified and accused of being under 18 despite some are 20-30. Pusangani and Kalnaren are notorious for flaming and cause most new members to leave and not come back, thus killing airsoft farther. If you have earned the privilege of being "Age Verified" you have to be prepared to invest more than $300 on a gun such as Jing-Gong or Kjw. For a Tokyo Marui be prepared to spend $500, And for a Systema/Ptw $900-$1500. You are not allowed to game with anything lower than Jing-Gong or else you are turned down by ASC and not allowed to show up at games.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:41   #20
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lol ur a bit late
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Old August 31st, 2009, 02:03   #21
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DAMN IT! Just a few weeks too. And from what I have read from you, I can see how you scare the kids lol I just think you're hilarious

Last edited by Sawstink; August 31st, 2009 at 13:01..
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Old August 31st, 2009, 02:30   #22
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Well at least your scaring young, stupid kids away because im assuming thats who wrote that urbandictionary entry. But anyways yeah im wondering if clear airsoft guns will make it across the border too, because i know there legal to ship but would it be at the customs officers discretion?
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Old August 31st, 2009, 10:47   #23
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The thing though is that it *is* at the customs officers *discretion* as to whether or not to seize and destroy it. Pertaining to the laws currently and by CBSA's internal rules it seems like you will be totally in the clear but if someone decides to seize it and send you a letter of seizure the only move then is to appeal it and it can take anywhere from a day to a few years to get them to test, and review your case and all that. Personally for me it's not worth the headache (the hours, sleep lost, and stress just isn't worth it to me). As for you or others I don't know, you should consider it and ask yourself if it's worth it. If it is then go ahead but if it's not then just order from within Canada.

Man.... you should have seen this forum before when I joined. It was practically an internet version of the wild west. Where big guns, flame suits, and pre-emptive strikes were necessary (didn't help that I was like 15 at the time). These newbies these days think they have it *soooo* hard but in reality they wouldn't last more than a second back then.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 13:00   #24
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If I did order it from the US, and it did get seized, there would be an option to send it back to the manufacturer, would there not?
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Old August 31st, 2009, 13:03   #25
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There may be an option to return to the store you bought it from however I believe you must use "their" ("Special government approved") couriers and all that. Also that assumes that the manufacturer even lets you return the item (maybe minus a 15% restocking fee).

Appealing the seizure or sending it back are really your only options in the end then I guess.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 13:19   #26
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Nah.... I guess its not worth the $50. Plus now, I get to support velocityarms!

BUT, remember this is still assuming that the JG is completely superior to the Kraken, even if I spent the price difference between the two on upgrades on the Kraken
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Old August 31st, 2009, 13:24   #27
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Soo, im surprised that no one else has mentioned this,

Why not a G&G m4?

The rec versions are only $260 now, and are miles ahead of a JG or Aftermath.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 13:31   #28
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haha, It's funny you should say that. A few months ago a made a total noob thread, asking about JG M4's and differnt verisions and such. The question came up about JG, and everyone seemed to conform to the fact that G&G and JG are about at the same level of quality, (but in my mind the G&G wins the looks, love smoked lower)

So....ya... any more opinions on this? Thanks for bringing that up btw
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Old August 31st, 2009, 14:11   #29
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Whoever gets the refrence wins 1000 internetz
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Old August 31st, 2009, 17:23   #30
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Yu gi oh, and All black ftw.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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