I'm with you. I spread the word for the dumb 'noob' who's looking for the best deal.
I really don't give a shit about how reputable a company is. TM should be in the shitter already for charging an outragious amount for what you get. This M4 doesn't even have everything it SHOULD have and they think that's a worthy reason to jack the price up more. Ha! What a rip. From what I here TM's are just as likely to not work out of the box as CA or ICS now. But you know, whenever TM makes a piece of shit, it seems that it's just swept under the carpet and then all hail TM. Bahh! All the're coming out with now are lamer, more plasticy little electric pistols with a pathetic battery capacity, even more plastic, more problems and what's this I hear about a charger melt down?
Meh, why do I care if people want to throw their money in the shitter for what is alot more toy than a CA will ever be.