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Search: Posts Made By: the_griffinator
Forum: Gear Discussion August 30th, 2011, 13:41
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,776
Posted By the_griffinator
Got a new rig today. CP gear modular split front...

Got a new rig today. CP gear modular split front chest rig and and shoulder harness. Very similar to a 2 piece MAV from Tactical Tailor. Pouches are Pantac for now, I want this to be a lot lighter...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 24th, 2011, 01:39
Replies: 14
Views: 12,261
Posted By the_griffinator
Ugh... that is a good price. I ordered one lol....

Ugh... that is a good price. I ordered one lol. was gonna get a two piece MAV eventually, but this will serve the same purpose. Thanks for the link!!!
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications August 20th, 2011, 22:28
Replies: 4
Views: 5,504
Posted By the_griffinator
25mm is referring to the diameter of the mounting...

25mm is referring to the diameter of the mounting ring the light is in. 25-30mm is the standard diameter for most scope tubes as well as lights. It says the mount itself will fit on a standard...
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi July 28th, 2011, 22:33
Replies: 8
Views: 10,539
Posted By the_griffinator
Sigh... someday... maybe, hopefully. I need to...

Sigh... someday... maybe, hopefully. I need to play through the HL2 series again.
Forum: General July 9th, 2011, 22:58
Replies: 10
Views: 9,280
Posted By the_griffinator
I buy all my sharp pointy things here. ...

I buy all my sharp pointy things here.
Forum: General July 9th, 2011, 20:13
Replies: 10
Views: 9,280
Posted By the_griffinator
Badass. I want one.

Badass. I want one.
Forum: Airsoft Media July 3rd, 2011, 21:56
Replies: 110
Views: 142,104
Posted By the_griffinator
Just a basic QD sling swivel. ...

Just a basic QD sling swivel.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 24th, 2011, 11:59
Replies: 19
Views: 17,952
Posted By the_griffinator
If you're looking for something with little bit...

If you're looking for something with little bit more room or MOLLE space, I highly recommend picking up a surplus SDS fighting load carrier. You can get them at a great price. I'm pretty sure I saw...
Forum: Reviews June 14th, 2011, 17:38
Replies: 0
Views: 8,242
Posted By the_griffinator
REVIEW: Hi-Tec Black Jack Parka

I know what you're thinking when you read "Parka" in the title. a Little early for a cold weather gear review, I know, it won't be a full review until I can get out in the snow and cold with it, But...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 24th, 2011, 17:16
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,776
Posted By the_griffinator
My nearly done MBSS. I still need to get some...

My nearly done MBSS. I still need to get some frag and pistol mag pouches, and some dummy plates, and maybe an admin panel, but aside from those small touches it's pretty much done. Everything is...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 29th, 2011, 14:30
Replies: 9
Views: 10,273
Posted By the_griffinator
I've seen a lot of surplus ones in woodland and 3...

I've seen a lot of surplus ones in woodland and 3 colour desert for anywhere form $35-$45. I picked up a 3 colour desert one. It's great vest. More than enough MOLLE space and very well made. Mine...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 23rd, 2011, 19:12
Replies: 13
Views: 9,511
Posted By the_griffinator
You could always but the Puxing from a Canadian...

You could always but the Puxing from a Canadian retailer.
Forum: USA March 23rd, 2011, 17:42
Replies: 799
Views: 1,766,952
Posted By the_griffinator
That looks great Yannos. I really want the 12.5...

That looks great Yannos. I really want the 12.5 inch RIS II now. I lurk a lot in this thread... so much that I've decided to put together a MARSOC kit. I've got a plate carrier together, need to...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 15th, 2011, 11:48
Replies: 108
Sticky: Packs Gallery
Views: 476,450
Posted By the_griffinator
Canada post dropped this off this morning!...

Canada post dropped this off this morning! Tactical Tailor three day plus assault pack in ranger green. Really like it so far, I plan on doing a lot of hiking/camping this year, and it'll make a...
Forum: ASC News and Announcements February 8th, 2011, 18:20
Replies: 41
Views: 159,996
Posted By the_griffinator
I'm having the invalid URL problem as well, this...

I'm having the invalid URL problem as well, this is the URL that it won't take.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 2nd, 2011, 16:17
Replies: 21
Views: 16,943
Posted By the_griffinator
Sweet, thanks. Thats the only one I did not...

Sweet, thanks. Thats the only one I did not check, now that I think of it... and It makes the most sense to find it there...doh.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 2nd, 2011, 16:08
Replies: 21
Views: 16,943
Posted By the_griffinator
Anyone have a source for Krylon camo sprays? Last...

Anyone have a source for Krylon camo sprays? Last time I checked my local home improvement stores did not have them. I have a vest that needs to painted as well.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 26th, 2011, 18:40
Replies: 4
Views: 6,618
Posted By the_griffinator
3 in stock here and in country here.

If you wanna mod the current barrel, I'm sure you could get it...
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 20th, 2011, 16:15
Replies: 7
Views: 7,603
Posted By the_griffinator
How exactly are you planning to mod them for...

How exactly are you planning to mod them for airsoft purposes? Why not just get a PTS PMAG?
Forum: Gear Discussion January 4th, 2011, 19:55
Replies: 16
Views: 21,144
Posted By the_griffinator
Darn... I was gonna get a pair, but it doesn`t...

Darn... I was gonna get a pair, but it doesn`t look like they`ll fit. I may splurge and get the OPS direct action pants, a little more pricey, but worth it I think.
Forum: Airsoft Media November 30th, 2010, 17:53
Replies: 540
Views: 669,782
Posted By the_griffinator
This thread needs a bump and some new pics!!! I...

This thread needs a bump and some new pics!!! I got a new slide and comp set in the mail from today. I first saw this setup on the PROG4 website on their precision collection page. It...
Forum: General November 3rd, 2010, 10:41
Replies: 19
Views: 11,500
Posted By the_griffinator
lol, a friend of mine got this call, he talked to...

lol, a friend of mine got this call, he talked to the guy for 10 minutes telling this "bell" agent that his offers were bogus. The agent hung up on him lol. Good to know, I will be passing this info...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 17th, 2010, 11:57
Replies: 15
Views: 15,032
Posted By the_griffinator
Hmm... the hopup in my WA wilson combat is...

Hmm... the hopup in my WA wilson combat is missing one of those tiny ball bearings... this seems like a good solution. Interested in how well this work.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 14th, 2010, 11:14
Replies: 5
Views: 6,850
Posted By the_griffinator
I'm really interested in the M1873 Randall they...

I'm really interested in the M1873 Randall they have listed. It would be great for a Woody Harrelson Zombieland style loadout, and it's better than trying to find the Maurshin M1892 GBB.
Forum: Gear Discussion October 11th, 2010, 19:44
Replies: 8
Views: 9,145
Posted By the_griffinator
These aren't listed on Price?

These aren't listed on Price?
Forum: Gear Discussion September 9th, 2010, 13:01
Replies: 24
Views: 20,015
Posted By the_griffinator
I picked up a Coast V2 6 LED tac light, but mine...

I picked up a Coast V2 6 LED tac light, but mine is silver. An awesome dual colour light, I got it on sale at home depot for $35.
Forum: Vietnam September 9th, 2010, 10:40
Replies: 24
Views: 39,295
Posted By the_griffinator
for the M26 VFC makes an M26 gas charger. Really...

for the M26 VFC makes an M26 gas charger. Really cool way to keep your propane/duster on you without having to haul around a huge tank.
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand September 8th, 2010, 21:34
Replies: 54
Views: 72,480
Posted By the_griffinator
hmm... this thing is pretty awesome, I've been...

hmm... this thing is pretty awesome, I've been looking for for a PDW-ish type gun for a while. that barrel has silencer lugs, if someone produces a silencer for this I'm sold after watching those...
Forum: Doctor's Corner September 2nd, 2010, 10:32
Replies: 4
Views: 5,264
Posted By the_griffinator
PROG4 makes alot of parts for the older WA's,...

PROG4 makes alot of parts for the older WA's, here's one piece replacement barrel

all the 6" slides I'm finding are out of stock, but they do...
Forum: Doctor's Corner September 1st, 2010, 23:32
Replies: 4
Views: 5,264
Posted By the_griffinator
A new chamber would fix it, as to unscrewing the...

A new chamber would fix it, as to unscrewing the broken bit in your outer barrel... maybe try to cut two notches it in and turn it out with a flathead screwdriver? or maybe just a new slide and...
Forum: Airsoft Media June 7th, 2009, 16:22
Replies: 22
Views: 16,438
Posted By the_griffinator
Taken from Mr. Evolution's first post "Not a...

Taken from Mr. Evolution's first post

"Not a 100% match to the MGS3/4 1911, but CLOSE ENOUGH DAMNIT.
Yes Im going to change the grips."

regardles of how close it it to the gun from MSG, it is...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 11th, 2009, 21:13
Replies: 9
Views: 7,422
Posted By the_griffinator
A RS doctor sight alone will run around $400, and...

A RS doctor sight alone will run around $400, and RS acogs are all worth over $1000. the AS versions are much cheaper.
Forum: Newbie Tank February 19th, 2009, 07:05
Replies: 8
Views: 6,952
Posted By the_griffinator
I don't have a problem using my 5.1 Hi-Capa left...

I don't have a problem using my 5.1 Hi-Capa left handed.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 4th, 2009, 19:34
Replies: 81
Views: 80,114
Posted By the_griffinator
Sweet. reminds me of the WA Gigant pistol-rifle...

Sweet. reminds me of the WA Gigant pistol-rifle things.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 29th, 2008, 00:15
Replies: 1,174
Views: 6,920,369
Posted By the_griffinator

here ya go :)
Forum: Airsoft Media December 18th, 2008, 13:20
Replies: 37
Views: 23,563
Posted By the_griffinator
I love that Colt Constrictor. that is a sexy...

I love that Colt Constrictor. that is a sexy beast.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 13th, 2008, 02:41
Replies: 10
Views: 11,380
Posted By the_griffinator
That particular pistol works very differently...

That particular pistol works very differently from more common ones. Feld stripping and properly oiling a GBB is a simple process once you do it a few times.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 4th, 2008, 00:58
Replies: 81
Views: 80,114
Posted By the_griffinator
Hmm...I think I'll delay my 4.3 build until I can...

Hmm...I think I'll delay my 4.3 build until I can get one of these.
Forum: Reviews November 30th, 2008, 14:48
Replies: 36
Views: 48,985
Posted By the_griffinator
That looks really good. I need to start saving.

That looks really good. I need to start saving.
Forum: Airsoft Media November 19th, 2008, 22:58
Replies: 16
Views: 16,562
Posted By the_griffinator
I love JP Rifles. Would look better with a...

I love JP Rifles. Would look better with a fullstock though.
Forum: Airsoft Media November 15th, 2008, 22:53
Replies: 25
Views: 20,361
Posted By the_griffinator
Why exactly did you drill holes in the silencer?

Why exactly did you drill holes in the silencer?
Forum: Airsoft Media November 15th, 2008, 14:19
Replies: 53
Views: 26,785
Posted By the_griffinator
Sweet dude. I really can't wait until I have the...

Sweet dude. I really can't wait until I have the money for my AS frame.
Forum: Airsoft Media November 3rd, 2008, 13:03
Replies: 145
Views: 102,321
Posted By the_griffinator
Here snake ...

Here snake

A complete disassembly guide for the TM 1911, hope this helps.
Forum: Accessories Discussion October 31st, 2008, 12:00
Replies: 5
Views: 6,212
Posted By the_griffinator
That barrel has a taper to it. I have that barrel...

That barrel has a taper to it. I have that barrel on my hicapa, and it does have a bit of a taper.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 27th, 2008, 18:56
Replies: 16
Views: 17,203
Posted By the_griffinator
You need some white grips on that. and I agree on...

You need some white grips on that. and I agree on the silver controls, It would look so much better that nit does right now.
Forum: Airsoft Media October 23rd, 2008, 14:17
Replies: 9
Views: 12,232
Posted By the_griffinator
Taking good care of it :)

Taking good care of it :)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 22nd, 2008, 23:15
Replies: 9
Views: 7,617
Posted By the_griffinator
They are the same gun.

They are the same gun.
Forum: Airsoft Media October 21st, 2008, 11:15
Replies: 9
Views: 12,232
Posted By the_griffinator
That'll be the one I'm getting, once I get a new...

That'll be the one I'm getting, once I get a new job. I'll get an AS hammer kit once I can find the one I want (type 2) in stock.
Forum: Airsoft Media October 21st, 2008, 00:37
Replies: 9
Views: 12,232
Posted By the_griffinator
STI Custom Shop 5.1 Hi-Capa

I've wanted to build up a pistol for a while now. I went through a lot of different pistols in my head and what I'd do to them, and I finally settled on the Tokyo Marui 5.1 Hi-Capa. It's maybe 1/4 to...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 17th, 2008, 19:43
Replies: 38
Views: 25,973
Posted By the_griffinator
where can I get one?

where can I get one?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 117

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