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Tanio Koba TWIST Inner Barrels.


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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:11   #61
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How do these twist barrels perform with bore-up cylinders? are they better than with non bore-up ones?
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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:13   #62
Scotty aka harleyb
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With a bore-up setup, you'll probably be pushing BBs faster than the twist barrels are designed for.
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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:18   #63
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Originally Posted by Mantelope View Post
With a bore-up setup, you'll probably be pushing BBs faster than the twist barrels are designed for.
ah... I see
thanks for clearing that up for me
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Old May 26th, 2007, 01:38   #64
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any results on these barrel with 200mm+ barrels yet?
Think i might have to buy one for myself and see how it goes lol
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Old July 6th, 2007, 05:16   #65
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About a month late, but i was thinking a little bit, for around the past 5 minutes since i started reading this thread, for faster bb's i'm thinking, they should make a barrel where the rifling is more stretched out, so then the air around it would have less rotational force, and since the bb is moving faster, it'll have the same amount of spin? dunno its 4:00am and thats how it makes sense to me right now.
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Old July 6th, 2007, 09:55   #66
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
they should make a barrel where the rifling is more stretched out, so then the air around it would have less rotational force, and since the bb is moving faster, it'll have the same amount of spin? dunno its 4:00am and thats how it makes sense to me right now.
I seriously doubt "they" (meaning Tanio Koba) would do anything of the sort. The TK barrel's "rifling" is optimized for Japan velocity limits: 328 fps, or 1 Joule. Since, like most Japanese airsoft products, they are not intended for any market outside of Japan, suggesting "they" go into business making barrels for a higher velocity is irrelevent - the bulk of Mr. Kobayashi's customers are in Japan and could not use them anyways. Nice idea, but it ain't gonna happen.

There was a discussion on ACM Games in the Phillipines about making 500 FPS+ "twist" barrels, but I don't think it ever took off - the cost was too much, and most Filipino players were not willing to pay that much when they are already making their own 6.01 and 6.02 tightbores for dirt cheap (relative to the area of the world).....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old July 11th, 2007, 02:33   #67
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DB Customs are in the process of making higher FPS twist barrels. They also make 6.01mm for just about everything.
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Old August 6th, 2007, 19:45   #68
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sorry to bump this thread but I have a question.

What if the FPS of my gun is slightly higher than 1J? as in somewhere around 335FPS with 0.2g BBs?
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Old August 6th, 2007, 20:48   #69
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I'm guessing that the bb might become unstable, and might veer off somewhere.

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Old August 6th, 2007, 23:13   #70
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That's fine... a couple of my guns hit higher, one as high as 350fps and I still keep the Tanio Koba barrel in there. It's a CQB gun, so I rarely need maximum effective range with that gun anyways. But at the very end of the flight path, the spread is a bit wider, although it's not horrible.
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Old August 6th, 2007, 23:37   #71
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thanks for the info there.
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Old August 7th, 2007, 02:59   #72
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hmmm, I may be willing to contribute to this thread with testing. I've been curious for a long time as to how the maximum EFFECTIVE range of a high powered setup with a standard tightbore would compare to a 1J setup with a twist. Currently, I own a P90 with an airsoft surgen 1J spring and a twist, and have been very satisified with its performance. I may buy a 1.5J spring and load up my old Systema tightbore to do some comparisons. It may be a few weeks but I'll report on what I find.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango
If I was a bouncer I wouldn't stop you to inspect your 2 inch erection either.
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Old October 19th, 2007, 17:40   #73
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so as a future airsofter, i am now at a crossroads. Apparently, the TK barrel will increase accuracy, but range will be reduced. I might have missed it while reading, but by how much? That also being said, it seems, from what i have read, that this barrel would not be a good choice to use for say a Tanaka Kar98k or a heavily upped AEG that shoots over 1 joule. So, if i upgrade a TM M14, to become a harder hitting, farther shooting gun and as well put a 6.03 mm IB in it, would it be better if i just put a TK barrel in? I mean, if at close ranges, both barrels are comparable in accuracy, then it would seem to me that the regular barrel would be a better choice cause at least it shoots farther. In short, its great that it has a bit more accuracy, but if it cant hit targets out as far as a regular barrel, whats the point? Sorry if any of this doesn't make any sense, im exhausted today cause i worked for 12 hours. If i missed something in the thread that provides me with an answer to aquestion that i asked in this post, forgive me.
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Old October 21st, 2007, 23:57   #74
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The Twist inner barrels are great choices for guns that shoot within the limit of 1J (as Japanese guns are required, by law.)

Beyond that, they are not the product you're looking for.
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Old October 22nd, 2007, 03:33   #75
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Let me put a twist(pun) on this twist barrel, I am in the paintball industry of which I had apart in development of Rifle barrels for a company called Armson. Over the year we and many other companies tried different ideas and methods to control the ball . A round object is not aerodynamic , the PB or BB works the same as a old musket ball in a black power rifle , when the musket fires and the ball runs up the barrel and where it leaves the end tip of the barrel it will vear to so no control . The only way you can control the ball is putting a spin on to the ball , smooth bore barrels can be tight or large , the larger bore will let more gas escape around the ball when fired , while the tight ball while let lets air escape , thus the ball would travel further and need less power to move the ball.
If you over pressure any round object it will become unstable. Just the right amount of gas is need to get the a more accurate shot,sometime less is more. If you want to see the close thing to a bb shooting down a barrel Tom Kaye of Air Gun Designs shot some high speed footage usesing a clear barrel and you can see the ball shooting down the barrel. Look at hope the footage is still there. Here is what we found to work that best on our design at Armson . Due to the ball getting made small we made our bore size about the same as the most avg ball which was a .685 ,the balls were in the range of .684,5 tru 9 diam so we kept it as close to the ball size for sealing, 2nd the was the length of the barrel , we found and in general that the best length was between 6 and 8 inches for acceleration of the ball and the total barrel length was 13 to 14inchs.We also found by drilling holes from the 9inch to the front part of the barrel ,the ball would be come stable and the ball would fly as stable as we could get it to fly and lastly we made the barrel with a progressive turn which started with a slow turn from the back a tighter turn to the front.

Just my cents
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