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Old January 29th, 2006, 12:31   #61
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Both my 3.8 and 5.1 were shooting over 350fps with CO2 when it was -1C. When it gets a bit warmer it might be hard on the gun so I'm switching to green gas in the 3.8. I had fired about half a dozen shots before I chrono'd the 3.8 so it would have been even higher for the first few shots.
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Old January 29th, 2006, 13:10   #62
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Oooohh.. 350+ @ -1C eh? A winter gbb Hell yeah, I'm getting a c02 mag for sure then.

Do you like the 3.8 so far? reliability? general comments?

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Old January 29th, 2006, 15:13   #63
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Any news on the WE (AE) Striker? im lusting for that gun.
Army Glock 17
KJW M700 - gone
ICS Ak74 - gone
WE hi-capa 5.1 striker - gone
TM Ak47 - gone
Western Arms Inifnity 3.9 - gone

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Old January 29th, 2006, 16:15   #64
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DEA, notice these guns are now in stock. Can you confirm that the pistols have been shipped or will be shortly for those of us that are in on the group buy?

Also I notice the price online is now $199, are we able to get in at a reduced / group buy price for those ASC'ers that procastinated? (Or someone like me that would want a second matching pistol, Equilibrium movie style, after we receive our first. My all dark dragon needs an all light dragon to keep it in check)
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Old January 29th, 2006, 16:26   #65
The Saint
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The guns'll probably ship tomorrow. I got an email notification last night, but it's not in the tracking system yet, which means the guns are boxed and stickered but not picked up by the courier yet.
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Old January 29th, 2006, 16:39   #66
formerly Swatt Five-Six
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I chonied my model K with propane and with .12 and .25 bb's. With the .12 the average on 10 shots was 389fps, with the highest shot being 402fps and with .25 it was 298fps with the highest shot being 305fps. I don't have any .20 so I can't tell you what the velocity was with them. This test was done in my basement at 23 C. Can't wait till my Dragon model comes in.
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Old January 29th, 2006, 16:59   #67
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Originally Posted by The Saint
The guns'll probably ship tomorrow. I got an email notification last night, but it's not in the tracking system yet, which means the guns are boxed and stickered but not picked up by the courier yet.

I never got a notification in my email altough I am in on the group buy too. I did notice that my visa was charged and I assume that the gun will be here shortly.

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Old January 29th, 2006, 17:12   #68
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Hey guys.. Yes, everyone of you that have already paid, your guns are packaged up, labled, and will be picked up tomorrow. MOST of you should have the e-mail notification, however, there are a couple of you I know I packed up, but did not have your e-mail in front of me when I filled out the shipping info. But it will be out for you too. I ended up just shipping the majority of them via puropack, so most of them will be going air, and will be at your door Tuesday or Wednesday. There are a couple of you that ordered 2 or 3 guns that would not fit in a puropack, so it went out standard, so you should have them thursday, or friday at the very latest.

As for the price, it will remain now at $199.00+ GST and shipping. For those of you that did get in on the pre-order, and have already bought one, and think you would want another, just e-mail or PM me.

Thansk Guys!
"Fully Retired Retailer" :salute:
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Old January 29th, 2006, 17:21   #69
The Saint
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Thanks DEA!
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Old January 31st, 2006, 18:25   #70
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Got my Dragon today, it chronies the same as my model K, thanks Randy for this get pre order.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 18:32   #71
The Saint
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Puralator called me this afternoon about my address being wrong. I get mine tomorrow.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 20:23   #72
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Originally Posted by DEA
As for the price, it will remain now at $199.00+ GST and shipping. For those of you that did get in on the pre-order, and have already bought one, and think you would want another, just e-mail or PM me.

Thansk Guys!

Just got my gun today, thanks for the pre-order.. So your saying that those of us who got in on the pre-order, like myself, can get another one for the same price if I want? :-? Haha

But regardless, thanks for the quick turn around.. Fastest pre-order i've ever been in I think.

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Old January 31st, 2006, 20:26   #73
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I got mine today. Hadn't had time to check email last night, so I got the Puralator notification this morning, and about 20 minutes later the guy was at my door. What a nice surprise!

I got one of the 3.8s... unfortunately mine's one of those with a dysfunctional grip safety (dunno if everyone's was like this or i was a victim of bad QC -- i'd be curious to hear, if anyone else wants to post on the subject). Anyway, I dug around the web this afternoon, apparently WE copied the flawed TM design right into their own offering.

Given that the 1911 grip safeties are brilliantly simple designs (airsoft and realsteel alike), I decided to just take out the pin from the hammer spring housing and see what's up with these Hi-Capas.

As a sidenote, while I was disassembling the gun I noticed how the quality of the parts and fitting was really nice. No shoddy fitting or roll pins wedged in so tight they need to be hammered out; everything fits together nicely, and is put together nicely. I was very impressed, especially for the price.

So after poking around for a few minutes, I realized that the grip safety did work when I was holding everything together with my finger. I finally tracked the problem down to the design of the hammer spring housing itself; the base of the grip safety has a small tab which fits into a groove/space in the hammer spring housing, and this groove appears to be about 1mm (offhand guestimation) too shallow. The effect is that the grip safety cannot properly return to its proper "safe" position, being effectivly depressed by the housing.

Ergo, the grip safety "doesn't work" (same idea as if you'd put Hogue Handalls on your 1911).

I wanna hear back from you guys and see if I'm the only one who got a lemon grip safety or not, but worst case I think a small modification to the spring housing would solve the problem (which is presumably the same on the TM Hi-Capa).
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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:12   #74
The Saint
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My jealousy is bottomless.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 21:20   #75
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I took mine apart too, haha haven't even fired it yet.. mainly coz I sold my propane adapter to a guy along with my glock.. on another note I noticed that the parts all fit very well and the general quality is actually very good. the only thing I found on mine, which caused me to take it apart in the first place, the right side saftey of the gun (if your looking down the sights) was loose and sloppy. I wanted to know how it connected to the main safety on the left side, turns out its a small triangular connection and thats it, and mine is just.. loose and sloppy.. QC? maybe? Are other peoples like this?

And my leaf spring and hammer spring were fine, my grip saftey appears to be working fine, even after reassembling the gun from a right strip down to look at it all. Hopefully tonight, I can borrow Quaff's propane adapter and try it out here in my basement (unfinished and into a dirt pile, before you chairsofters get all anal). Anyways, a couple boring pics, i needed to do something since I can't shoot it yet.


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